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The aim of this report is to discuss the individual learning experience that can be applied to teaching, learning, and assessment. In this report, the discussion is done on the Theories, principles, and models of learning and further, it will discuss the application of the theories and provide for teaching, learning,g and self-assessment. Moreover, the discussion is done on the model of learning preference and the identification of individual learning preference importance for teaching, learning, and assessment.
Abdulrahaman et al. (2020) define that teaching and learning are the solutions to the subject content that help the learner grow interested in their subject matter. Teaching is the engagement of the teachers with the learner to make the learner understand the concept of the study and make them understand the study topic which helps them for further application. However, learning is the acquisition of the concepts and processes of knowledge and skills the study, making experience in order to become professional in the future.
Behaviourism Learning Theory
The behaviorism learning theory helps the Lerner and teacher to get the mutual advantage of learning and teaching (Ezenwa-Ohaetoand Ugochukwu, 2021). The theory is concerned with the behavior do observable stimulus-responsive behavior which can be studied in a systematic manner. Oommen, (2020) opined that the behaviorism learning theory helps the teacher to learn the way to teach which helps the student to get the subject matter effectively. The positive feedback from the teacher and educational institute helps the learner to get the learning experience effectively. The behavior theory helps the teacher to transmit the correct behavior response to the student's mind and the response in the case becomes effective and can be easily absorbable by the learners too.
CognitivismLearning Theory
The cognitive theory helps the learner to rely on external factors like data information that are being gathered from the teacher and their internal experience through internal thought processes. A study by Shan,(2021) defines the behavioral learning theory id the stimulus-response theory that helps the teacher to teach the student effectively. The "International Bureau of Education" defines Cognitivism as the learning approach that helps the teacher to teach effectively and the learner absorbs the information provided and takes cognitive operation (Ibe.unesco.org, 2023). This theory facilitates the teacher to provide the learner with an environment that helps them to promote and discover the learning process. This helps a teacher to teach the learner very efficiently and helps them to manage the teacher-learner experience strongly.
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ConstructivismLearning Theory
As opined by Chuang, (2021) the constructivism learning theory is the application matrix for adult educators and professionals who are practicing learning and education. This theory helps the learner to make new understanding by using the previous learning experience and the understanding that is being taught by the teachers. This theory helps the teacher to fill the knowledge of the learners. Constructivism defines the active engagement of the teaching. Pande and Bharathi, (2020) describe that today's education system defines the learning dimension as mainly focusing on student-teacher engagement. The teacher needs to encourage group work in order to make a positive impact on the students related to the learning process. This thereby describes collaborative learning that is being facilitated by the teacher in the class.
Readiness is the measurement of the individual's eagerness and willingness to learn a new topic. The advent of the information education system helps the firm to meet its learning and teaching objectives effectively (Chung et al. 2020). The readiness helps the teacher to make the topic effective. The educator's responsibility is to meet the learner's experience and effectiveness which helps them to make the topic clear to the learners. Teaching is the active process that helps the learner to engage n in the class and gain knowledge in depth.
Exercise is the process that helps the teacher to make the topic practice on a regular basis which helps the learner to remember the topic effectively. The practice makes improvement when it is followed in a positive way. Proper learning and teaching experience help the teacher and learner to gain a positive experience (Byrdand Lipton, 2019). The exercise in learning helps the teacher to implement the practice to make meaningful practice and improvement in the teaching and learning process. Effective teaching helps the learner to learn the topic effectively and gain complete knowledge on the topic.
The regency states that the topics which are learned recently are being remembered well and the teacher needs to understand those things to teach the students effectively. Effective teaching and learning require the proper classroom environment and regular exercise of the topic (Tanis, 2020). The teacher needs to understand the idea and they need to make the learning experience very frequent in the classroom which helps the learner understand the topic effectively and memories for longer periods of time.
Figure 1: Principle of teaching and learning
Hand on Learning
Hands-on learning is the most effective model of learning that the teacher can adopt to teach in the class effectively. Hands-on learning helps the teacher to teach the topic very effectively and increases the learning engagement of the learners giving them, the opportunity to care for any innovation of their own. Boehmkeand Greenwell,(2019) opined that hands-on learning provides a practical and applied-to-learn approach that helps the learner to learn new things and become effective. The teacher can take the help of hands-on learning to the students which grows their teaching experience and effectiveness.
Collaborative projects
Collaborative learning provides a positive impact on the learning experience of the learning and the promotion of teamwork improves the educator's teaching experience also. The teacher sets a common goal and encourages the teamwork to complete the goal helping the learner to make an effective learning and teaching engagement experience in the classroom. Collaborative learning helps the learner to work in a team in their future organization and it helps the teacher to manage the class study in an effective manner.
Visual Learners are the foremost learning model that ensures teachers must teach students through visuals and pictures to get better notions about their subject topics. Moreover Wang et al. (2019) state, this teaching mode only directs learners to teach the pronunciation of specific terminology which they learn. This can only help the students get an overall idea about the way specific words are spelled while teaching the students in the vocational training course. Furthermore, visual learners only direct teachers to make students be attentive in the classrooms by using better animations and keywords that help the students understand topics in a clear manner. Visual learning only directs teachers to use readable content to make students attentive to the classrooms. Mesalina (2020) states this model only ensures teachers use polite peach and clear sentences to gain the attention of the students.
The major agenda behind this is to ensure every student who attends classes gets all their concepts clear on a specific topic. Furthermore, Xusniddinovna (2022) opines, that the visual learner model only ensures teachers use moderate contrast visuals that are both easy to interpret and do not have a significant impact on eye health. This model moreover focused on teaching the learner applicability of the specific learning in real-life scenarios. Further, it also teaches the student manners to behave in problem situations while dealing with applications of specific subject ideas. In this type of learning mode of teacher helps the student apply their learning in the best manner from starting days only (Alenizi, 2019). Hence from this, an idea is derived that this type of learning is very effective for students in developing their abstract knowledge of the subject.
The auditory learner style of the teacher ensures learning through voices either by producing itself or through listening. This type of learning seems best feasible when the teacher teaches wide population groups. Moreover, Ross et al. (2019) state, that this type of learner mode of teacher helps in developing relationship-building skills by paying attention to details of other parties in discussions. This form of learner model of the teacher is best for making one student flexible in speaking and coming forward with their opinions. Furthermore, this type of learning model only directs learners to develop better memorizing skills by interpreting and rehearsing the terms on a continuous basis. As stated by Al-Tahan and Mohsenzadeh (2021), the learning mode moreover ensures teacher makes the students read the text in their classrooms to develop an interactive learning atmosphere. Moreover, this learning style of trainer makes learner performs self-practice terms and improves their voices which helps them in their career growth.
Auditory learners direct teachers to help students develop their vocabulary and expression skills for higher growth in their careers. Moreover, Kachlicka et al. (2019) specify, that this type of skill makes teachers guide the students in such a manner that they are able to identify any peach and vocal tones. These can only make one drive the attention of more users while employed in higher training roles. This type of learning can help student aspirants in teaching careers understand the wording of candidates sitting at distant locations. This is the reason the above skills are in higher demand in present business days and vocational courses focus on the auditory learner approach. Furthermore, Munna and Kalam (2021) state, that this type of learning skill helps teachers detect any wrong wording that seems used by the students while they are teaching specific subjects. This can help take suitable actions for giant those students to build a positive study ambiance in classrooms. Furthermore,r this type of learning skill can help the teachers understand students’ reactions by focusing on their tones and peaches.
Reading & Writing Leaner mode is the next major approach that seems applicable to teachers. This type of learning approach only ensures that the teachers ensure students are actively involved in reading, memorizing, and then writing to remember topics for longer periods of time. Further Onishchuk et al. (2020) state this mode ensures teacher involves students in classroom reading and takes part in class assessments. Moreover, this mode ensures students are aware of their own level of expertise in subjects basis of their scores in assessment. This type of learning mode further ensures student should readdress their weakness and study thoroughly. This mode ensures teachers must direct students towards a pattern that involves tests, taking the help of teachers, and reading frequently to clear their doubts (Suminto and Arinatussadiyah, 2020). The major aim of this approach is to develop students’ communication skills and make students' expertise in topic areas the teachers.
Kinesthetic learners use the movement of the body and make integration with the environment in the process of learning. In this type of learning the teacher has to become very effective toward the learner as they can understand anything by feeling or touching the object and therefore the teacher has to give practical information to make them understand the topic. This helps the teacher to grow their patience level and improve their teaching process in order to make positive learning expertise for the learner.
Figure 2: Models of learning preference
As per the above evaluations, it can be recommended that the teachers with Kinaesthetic Learners can grow as the best educators and give positive individual learning pReferences.
Teaching is the engagement of the teachers with the learner to make the learner experience the best learning platform. The above study describes theories, principles, and models of learning in the context of leeching and learning experiences. It is found that cognitive theory helps the learner to rely on external and internal factors that increase the learner and teacher's experience. It is also found from the above study that Kinaesthetic Learners are the best evaluation for teaching, learning, and self-assessment. This study focuses on the principles and models of training that seem applicable in vocational education and teaching. Further study focuses on the different forms of learning theories that seem applicable in teaching. Analysis of the effectiveness of those learning pedagogy and ways they can help teachers also seeks discussion. The role of learners’ individual learning preferences in inclusive teaching, comprehension,g, and assessments is also emphasized.
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