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Black Caribbean Migration Dynamics by Native Assignment Help
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It has been seen that from the very start of the human race, there is a lack of quality opportunities that need to be managed with equality. Every human being has the right to live peacefully with the needed support from society which needs to be managed in the best possible ways. Here the document has focused on a case study that has been taken for the elaboration of the facts related to the mentioned groups of people. The case study of “Migrant Work & Employment” has shared insights related to the issues and the problems faced by workers in terms of job opportunities. The case study has been aligned and elaborated with the attached other information related to the same issues.
It has been seen that for a very long time, there are such people who are avoided and neglected on their needs and equal opportunities that need to be addressed to bring the developments. There is a need to serve “Black Caribbean migrant workers” with equal opportunities so that they can live with fulfill their needs. It has been seen that they are often neglected and avoided. In modern society, there is a need the serve equality for every personality and human being that can ensure a better future. In the below section, the discussions have been elaborated with the best possible information that supports the contextual facts of the topic.
It has been seen that different reasons have led the above-mentioned group of people to choose migration from other countries to another country. Here the reasons are clear and ancient that need to be solved by the governments of each country (Tesfai and Thomas, 2020). The more there is be humanistic sense personalities can control politics the more there will be decreased percentages of migration. It has been seen that most of the time the mentioned group of workers has left their original countries as there is a lack of jobs and peaceful living that needed to be fulfilled to develop a standard of living.
Research and data collection have shared that there are a few reasons that are p[rominent and the main reason behind the scenario of migration (Byrne et al. 2020). Here the chosen case study that has been attached has demonstrated some of the issues that need to be treated for black people on the level of migration. The reasons that have been located in the case study have been elaborated shortly in the below section.
The lack of job opportunities: it has been seen that the Black Caribbean migrant workers” have the ability to work more than the other workers or the white-skinned workers. Here also issues with equal opportunities have been observed. The more such people will be neglected the more the migrations will be increasing both nationally and internationally.
On Each Order!
Cases and reports have demonstrated that many eligible groups of people can handle their jobs very well (Abba et al. 2022). However, due to politics and issues, such people are often neglected it need to be recovered to bring developments.
Lack of recognizing the talents: it has been seen that sometimes the minority group of workers has developed talents based on doing any kind of task. In this context, there are no chances left for them to prove their capabilities that need to be managed to recognize the talents that they have (John, 2019). The ancient negligence has developed the walls of not recognizing them that has fueled the fire of the lack of opportunities that needed to be managed to bring the developments. The case study that has been taken has demonstrated that white people are dominant everywhere, especially in the country of UK has affected such people on the level of having equal opportunity and has caused the “Black Caribbean migrant workers” to get migrated from one place to another that has affected their lifestyle also (Giovannetti, 2018).
Push and pull factors: on the other hand, the push and pull factors are another dominant factor that has caused such people to migrated. Every human being has the right to live a non-affecting life that is affected by the mentioned group of migrant workers (Albuquerque and McElroy, 2021). It has been seen that such people are often bullied by others and isolated from society which needs to be recovered for them so that they can live a full-fledged life.
In society, there is a need to recognize the talents and capabilities that can create an ethnic identity for a group of people. Here issues such as political and psychological factors have affected the background of the migrant workers. In this context also there is the question of managing equal opportunity that needs to be maintained well (Dee, 2020). In the above discussion, the patterns or the reasons for migration have been analyzed with insights. Here the same reasons are also applicable to the level of finding the reason behind the failure to develop the ethnic identity of such migrant people. However, other limitations have been faced by the group of people or the “Black Caribbean migrant workers” that need to be maintained and recovered so that the developments can be accelerated (Taylor et al. 2022). The reasons behind the failure to develop this identity have been mentioned in the below section with the analyzed insights.
The socioeconomic class of the workers in the society: it has been mentioned before that, food the utter negligence migrant people have faced the lack of financial support which is one of the most affecting issues. The respected case study has demonstrated that black Caribbean migrant workers have approached to have jobs in the construction industries of the UK (Hickman and Ryan, 2020). here the same competition has been noticed, the chosen case stuffy has elaborated the scenario based on the aspects of a specific job scenario. However, there is a lack of other opportunities that have also affected their life and have pushed their habitat toward suicidal attempts. Due to the pressures of such unethical competition, it has been seen that the migration of black Caribbean migrant workers (BCMW) has increased as they are still looking for opportunities.
Figure 1: Migration data from thievery starting
In the attached image, there is a demonstration of the data that has been collected from past decades. Here the data collectivity has shared information about BMW that came interpreted to create the ideas over the aspects. The data has demonstrated that over 63% of people from the background of “Black American immigrants” arrived in the UK. On the other hand, 42% of the BMW has also arrived in the country UK. However, 901% of the black immigrants who have arrived in the country have English speaking background.
However, the isolating nature of society has affected the BCMW to create their ethical identity (Hackett, 2019). It can be said that they are not responsible for the failures of creating their identity. They have their identity; however, the identity is corrupted by the assumptions of negativism that have been developed by society.
It has been seen that many social issues have been faced by such people that have affected their youth with negative impacts.
Poverty: the Caribbean has faced the issues of poverty that have contributed to the heaps of negativity food their life. Here the victims are not responsible for their current situation that needs to be solved so that they can at least live a standard life. The migrants who travel to the UK need accommodation and support from societies that can change their lives in the best possible ways. Analysing the case study it can be seen that there is a lack of attention to the Caribbean in terms of serving any kind of opportunity to them. Here such causes have affected their life with the strict and painful situations of poverty (Kempadoo, 2018).
Human Trafficking
It has been seen that such people who migrated to the country of the UK aiming to find jobs to survive are often the victims of Human Trafficking which has contributed to the habitat towards more negativity that cannot be recovered. Here the black people or the Caribbean workers have faced job-related fraud and deception. It can be said that the migrants are facing more issues and threats from the corporate society that need to be solved to bring developments in their lives (Zwysen and Demireva, 2020).
Figure 2: Human Trafficking cases in different regions
The more developed countries and societies can take the steps for them to bring development the more there will be the chances of getting recovered from such critical situations. In the country of the UK, the government is strong and has enough power that bring changes. According to Figure 2, 21,347 cases of human trafficking were observed in Europe most of which are from the UK (Statista.com, 2022). It can be said that society has used such a group of isolated people in their needs and treated them as worms in society that need to be stopped.
Lack of knowledge: the respected group of people has faced issues with the lack of information and education that has contributed to more difficulties in their community. It has been seen that in the country of the UK and other regions, black people are not taken care of so that they can have proper education at schools (Peach, 2018). After adolescence, most young youth of black people look for jobs. In this context again the same isolation is also faced by such people that have devastated their lives.
Lower payments and larger work pressure
It has also been noticed that such people or black Caribbean workers have been paid a very low amount. In this context, they are used to their full potential as they are physically more competent than others. Here the culture has developed of not paying accordingly with their labor (Sheehan, 2022).
Figure 3: Ethnicity pay gap in hourly wages of people in the UK
This scenario has affected them with financial issues. As most of the workers of the black Caribbean are not well educated or even not educated, They are deliberately misconstrued which makes their lives more complicated. As per Figure 3, it is obvious that the hourly pay gap for different ethnic groups is very high which has severely impacted youth development.
Not accepted in corporate societies
It is a common fact, in case some personalities or groups of people who are not developed with the cultures of the corporate world are not accepted in corporate societies (Ginsburg, 2020). Here the same perspective is maintained on the black Caribbean migrants. In this context, the responsibility goes over the corporate people as they have developed the culture of eliminating darker-skinned people from society (Crawford, 2018). Corporate societies are known for their education, creativity, and way of thinking that changes society towards more development. However, corporate societies are blind when it's a matter of considering such groups of people who are falling behind.
It has been seen that in modern days the new ages of the workers or the Caribbean people are observed with a developed attitude of getting developed. In the above-discussed section, the discussions over the issues have been mentioned that have affected the societies of Caribbean black workers (Román and Román, 2022). It has been seen that they have developed the tendency to shape themselves to fit in society.
They are also observed to tolerate all kinds of misbehaves and the discomforts that are aimed at them. On the other hand, modern societies are also observed to show sympathy for the community of people that have affected their lifestyle a little bit (Joseph, 2020). As such groups of people are neglected for a long time, a little sympathy for them is capable of bringing changes in their mentality.
The financial crisis is not yet managed and that is continuously affecting their life that is needs to be treated well to bring the developments. The country UK has several business companies that have their manufacturing departments, here the working opportunities are accessed by the workers. Here the same thing to financial aspects is applicable. In this context, the workers are still humiliated by the salaries. It has been seen that this social situation that is developed has affected the mental states of the workers which needed to be developed (Lacey et al. 2021). Modern societies can bring changes and contribute a little positivity for such people that can change thievery flow of their lives. In modern society, there are so many struggling situations that are hard to manage for normal people of the society.
In this context, the black Caribbean migrant workers and their families are facing the issues more than others. Normally the workers or the migrants are neglected which has affected their lives long before the current situation, on the other hand, the current strict situation of the societies is getting more murderous for the migrant workers. The financial issues are not managed yet for the workers and they are working in multiple sectors such as the construction sites and the lower levels of society (Tsuda, 2022). It has been seen that the Caribbean workers and their dedication have changed the hard-working flows for the companies in a different way.
However, still, there are issues with the payments that need to be managed and solved. The worker's families are in the most difficult situations while raising children. The more the financial crisis will affect their life the more their families will also face the same struggle that is too much of a negative lifestyle (Binford, 2019). It can be said that the way the migrant workers are facing issues and struggle is simply out of imagination for the normal UK people with at least a standard.
From the above discussion, it can be said that migrant workers have tried their best to create a better lifestyle. However, both modern society and the past have determined their life in a way that has affected their life in the most possible negative impacts that cannot be avoided. The above discussion has demonstrated the race of the culture that has affected the most the migrants in terms of working and other social opportunities. The country of the UK can bring changes for the migrants that can help them to achieve a better lifestyle. Equal opportunities are needed to be managed so that humanity can be maintained for the migrants. It has been seen that the amount of labor that the migrants observed during their work is not comparable with the other people in the same stream of jobs. However, the data collection and analysis have shared insights that have proven that migrants are quite hard-working and they are dedicated to their work. Here in this context, the country of the UK has so many migrants, and the Caribbean migrants are one of them in the race fighting for their lives. However, the government of financially strong countries can create opportunities for the migrants as they are dedicated it is all about the political and social perspectives that are already developed.
Reference list
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