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“To understand the importance of long term relationship with employees and identifying the factors which would make certain that the encouragement is present. A research project on Savills Company”
Aim of the research is to understand the long term benefits with employees and factors that encourage them to return to the company. Savills is either trying the workforce to return to them or not encouraging them to leave.
Research questions:
Research topic is very effective in a lot of ways possible so that there would be better functioning and working. Retention is present in all the businesses since the workforce moves from one opportunity to another very quickly and this factor has to be well understood and managed. Research is highlighting the crucial factors for the researcher in the report so that there is going to be accurate knowledge and information that is going to be shared out.
This research is going to be helpful for a lot of people that are present in the market to be able to have a stable understanding. There are competitors and similar that can use these ideas to make sure that their businesses are being able to find stability in the market. The other scholars would also get some kind of help to be able to gather the information and carry forward this topic. Loyalty of the workforce is also very essential for the company to have so that there is going to be right working and processing that can happen smoothly.
The limitations can come in any way possible that is going to impact the results of the overall research that has to be monitored so that there are accurate actions and improvement that are taking place so that the firm can have better understanding. Budget has to be set for this research and getting access to the accurate information from the company is also a task which has to be overcome. There are a lot of resources also that would be required for the research to be completed that is going to make sure that the outcomes are higher.
As per the view of Perreira, Berta and Herbert (2018), encouragement is a very essential element in a workforce within a firm to make sure that they are being bale to have the unique identity which is matching the expectations of the clients. Changes are coming in market that must be implemented as well as in Savills Company so that they would be able to gain the accurate attention of the workers that helps the employees to have the best satisfaction. Businesses in the market ensure that they are having the right changes to that they would be able to have the accurate performance which is going to make the satisfaction level be higher. Internal environment is going to impact on the branding and value in market therefore it is crucial to make decisions within the organization accordingly so that they would be able to have the accurate standards. In according to Al Mamun and Hasan (2017), satisfaction of the staff has to be gained by the business so that they would be able to match the demand of the clients that is crucial to have. Clients demands are going to be met once the employees are being well encouraged so that the productivity and operations of the firm is according to the demand and needs which are existing in the market. Accurate energy and enthusiasm is going to make the company be able to gain the accurate attention and working that is a great factor to have (Prentice and et.al., 2020).
In the opinion of Singh (2019), the workers that are exists in the organization are well trained and know the expectations of the firm from them. This makes the working of the establishment be higher and more productive for the long run. There must be also cost effective methods since they will not have to invest in a new workforce that would come in Savills Company. As the author Azeez (2017) states that, there is a turnover which is nearby of workers that needs to be maintained so that the organization would be able to make sure that they are having the most experienced workers. Employees look for better opportunities and growth in the market that can be provided by the same establishment that is going to make the standards of the company be higher. There are a lot of strategies that can be analysed by Savills Company so that they can get the best strategy for themselves that would help the organization to have better opportunities. In the view of Bibi, Ahmad and Majid (2018), recruitment is not going to take place that is that the establishment is going to have better standards for themselves. There are a lot of drawbacks as well for having maintained the workers in the company that there are no new ideas which are going to develop within the organization. Thought the employees are going to be experienced but having new ideas in a business is also very essential that Savills Company must have to have the unique identity in the market. Long run of the workers is going to make sure that there would be better functioning and working that is present so that there are higher operations and working that is current (De Sousa Sabbagha and et.al., 2018).
In the view of Covella and et.al (2017), there is a growth opportunities that the workforce would be looking forward for so that they would make sure that there are higher standards that are present for the company. It is crucial that the businesses are getting the accurate attention which is required by them that is going to make sure that there are higher standards that are being followed. There have to be systematic methods like rewards, appraisals and internal promotions that are going to make sure that there is right motivation level which is being passed on to them which is very important for the establishment to have Iqbal, Guohao and Akhtar (2017). Crucial working of the organization is being done by the workforce therefore they must get the accurate attention from the management of the company as well so that there is a good balance that is present.
According to Khalid and Nawab (2018), workers always give in their personal best within an organization and this aspect has to be well respected by the company because the employees are the backbone. Getting the accurate respect and attention from the business the organization would be able to have the accurate working and performance in the market for a long run. Correct information must be provided to the staff in order to be able to have the right standards for themselves in the market which is a very crucial aspect for the company to have (Matraeva, 2019).
The author Narayanan, Rajithakumar and Menon (2019) also states that, problems of the employees have to be solved on time so that there is going to be accurate performance that is going to be present. Training and development for the changes to come in easily is a very effective method that can be used by the organization to have Dechawatanapaisal (2018). Invest is high in the company to make sure that they are having the right standards for themselves which is why training and development is a very important aspect for the establishment to have.
In regards to Hadi and Ahmed (2018), transparency and other factors like making sure that there is good communication that is currently in the company would make the standards are higher. Accurate positioning has to be of the staff so that there is good standard which can be gained by the company for the employees for a long run. Flexibility and understanding the workers is also very essential in order to make sure that there is going to be right working that is present and the planning of the business can also be done accordingly Johennesse and Chou (2017).
Research methodology is a process that is present in research so that there is going to be better standard and good direction for the research to follow that is going to be a great factor. There are different types of researches which are currently and having one sense of direction is going to make sure that the timeline is being followed and the outcomes are going to be higher as well (Meret and et.al., 2020).
Research type
Research type has two methods that can be used for the research which are qualitative and quantitative. Qualitative approach are having discussion of a lot of theories so that there is going to be better understand. Whereas, quantitative approach is going to have a lot of calculation and data collection that requires a lot of understanding of this factor (Haydon, Browne and van der Riet, 2018). Qualitative approach is going to get out new ideas that are very crucial for the businesses to use in the company so that they would be able to have better competitive edge in the market. This research is going to use qualitative approach so that there are right actions and methods that can be developed for keeping the employees in the organization and also make sure that there are going to be accurate approaches that are being followed (Kehoe and Collins, 2017).
Research approach
Research approach refers to the approach that researcher use while doing the research on a particular topic. Research approach is of two types inductive and deductive. Inductive approach is done on human beliefs and qualitative data and on other hand deductive approach is done on quantitative data. The investigator will yield inductive because the search type is qualitative, and the deductive approach is not taken as it is used in quantitative approach (Daniel, Kumar and Omar, 2018). This research is going to focus on the qualitative approaches that are going to impact the processing of the company that have to be understood well. It is very crucial to make sure that there are accurate actions and working that exists for the research to be conducted well. There is a time line that is set for the project to be completed therefore using the accurate approach is very essential. Inductive approach is going to make the study be focused and the study is going to be better as well (Snyder, 2019).
Research philosophy
There are different kind of philosophies as well that are currently for the research to be conducted those are interpretivism, realism, etc. but the focus of this research would be on interpretivism so that there are better developments that can be done. It is very crucial for making sure that there are accurate actions and improvements that are being taken so that there is accurate conducting of the study that is present. The focus of the study is on human beliefs therefore there has to be a good qualitative research which has to be currently that is going to make sure that the study is accurate (Bairagi and Munot, 2019). Retention and encouragement for the workforce is very important for the establishment to have to be able to maintain their operations and standards in the market. Good understanding and interpretation which must be currently for the readers to be able to understand the findings that is very important for the people to have for the long run.
There is going to be random collection of the sample which is going to be existing so that there would be better understanding of the situation. There is good involvement of managers and the workers as well so that the answers can be understood of both and make sure that there is accurate understanding that exists. There has to be no bias evaluation or collecting of the samples so that there is going to be incorrect working of the organization that is going to impact the overall performance of the study (Goldberg and et.al., 2017). It is essential to make sure that there is good collection of data that is present so that there are accurate actions that can be decided by the company that are going to make sure that Savills Company would be able to have for their long run in market. There are 3 managers of Savills Company and 5 employees which is 8 participants of the same establishment who are selected for this research project in order to make sure that there is good performance and working that is going to be currently (Petrick and Furr, 2017).
Data collection
There are two types of researches that are present that are primary and secondary that have to be well understood so that there is going to be right working that is present of the research. Primary and secondary are two types that have to be understood well so that there is going to be accurate working (Kumar, 2018). The report is going to focus on primary and that is primary is collecting the data from the employees. This method is going to make sure that there are accurate in depth understanding of the topic that is currently.
Data analysis
There has to be thematic way of research that has to be collected so that there are higher operations and working so that there is good working. Good understanding has to be currently so that there is going to be right working that is present so that the organization would be able to make sure that there are accurate actions which are being taken (Basias and Pollalis, 2018). Qualitative approach is going to make sure that there are accurate actions and improvement that is being taken in the company so that there are higher achievements of this study exists. Good employee retention can also be obtained by the establishments in the market that is going to make sure that there are better standards of the business that exists (Jalloh and Ming, 2020).
Ethical considerations
It is very important for the researcher to think for the safety and other factors of the participants so that there is going to be right understanding. Any sort of bias behaviour or actions would impact the result of the research. Consent has to be taken from the participants so that there is going to be better collection of the data has to be discussed in the research (Attia and Edge, 2017). There has to be good confidentiality as well which has to be present and privacy factor has to be higher as well. Interviews has to be taken of the researchers so that there is going to be accurate working and functioning so that there is going to be better limitations that are going to be currently.
1. According to you, are you being valued by the organization? |
Outcomes |
Yes |
4 |
No |
1 |
Maybe |
3 |
Total |
8 |
Interpretation: From the above graph it can be observed that out of 8 workers and managers, 4 have said yes to feeling valued in the company, 3 said maybe and 1 said no. The overall understanding from result it can be understood that the establishment is working hard to make sure that they are having the accurate working and performance of the employees to be currently in the company. The competitive edge has to be gained by the firm to get the accurate customer base and profit margins in the market for a long run.
2. What are the motivation actions which the organization is taking according to you? |
Outcomes |
Rewards |
3 |
Smart goals are planned according to you |
2 |
Internal promotions |
2 |
Input of the employees |
1 |
Total |
8 |
Interpretation: From the above table it can be concluded that rewards is the most used method which is being used by Savills Company to have the accurate functioning. There are 3 out of 8 that opted for rewards, 2 said smart goals are motivating them, 2 for internal promotions and 1 for input of the workers. It is crucial for giving rewards from time to time to the workers so that they feel encouraged to have the accurate working and standards for themselves in the market despite of all the competition which is coming in the market. Employees have to be the kind of reward that is going to make them feel motivated and there are two types of rewards, physical and mental and depending on the situation the establishment must make sure that they are being able to give the accurate rewards to the employees.
3. Is the information about the changes in the company is being well passed on? |
Outcomes |
Strongly agree |
3 |
Agree |
2 |
Neutral |
1 |
Disagree |
2 |
Strongly disagree |
0 |
Total |
8 |
Interpretation: From the above graph it can be concluded that the workers of Savills Company are getting the accurate information about the changes which are coming in the establishment. There are 3 employees that strongly agreed with the statement, 2 agreed, 1 was neutral, 2 disagreed and 0 for strongly disagree. Overall it can be observed that there is a decline towards the factor that there are good changes that are coming in the organization and communication is strong as well to make sure that there is accurate standard that is being followed. Changes are going to come in the market of the firm and this factor has to be well understood so that the company would be able to have higher performance in the future as well.
4. What is expected from the employees of Savills Company? |
Outcomes |
Match the vision and mission of the company |
2 |
Needs of the clients |
2 |
Accomplish targets |
0 |
Higher productivity |
1 |
Higher quality of services and products |
3 |
Total |
8 |
Figure 4
Interpretation: From the above table it can be concluded that there are a lot of actions that are being taken for the benefit of the workers but the accurate support is also being given to the employees. The workers opted for matching the quality of services and products of the company the most that is their target and 3 out 8 said that, 2 said need of the clients and other 2 said matching the vision and mission of the firm. 1 person opted for higher productivity. All the factors are equality crucial but Savills Company is more focused on the quality of the services and products that are currently. The company has to take care of the quality of the products and services so that they would be able to gain the loyalty of the clients in the market and this can only take place with the help of the staff that is present.
5. How important is the motivation level of the employees in the company? |
Outcomes |
Important |
5 |
Neutral |
2 |
Not important |
1 |
Total |
8 |
Figure 5
Interpretation: From the above graph it can be concluded that 5 out of 8 workers concluded by saying that it is very crucial to have good motivation level in the employees of the firm, 2 were neutral and 1 said not crucial. There is a lot of pressure which is currently on the workforce of the company and this factor has to be understood and well analysed in order to be able to make the accurate functioning and performance. The needs, expectations and demands of the clients is changing with time therefore it is very essential to have the accurate functioning and performance of the workers in order to make sure that there is good helpful that is going to exist.
6. Is there effective team working which is present in Savills Company? |
Outcomes |
Yes |
3 |
No |
2 |
Maybe |
2 |
Sometimes |
1 |
Never |
0 |
Total |
8 |
Interpretation: There is good team work that is present in Savills Company that can be concluded from the above graph that is currently. There 3 employees out of 8 which said yes, 2 said no, 0 said never, 1 said sometimes and 2 said maybe. This is a very important factor so that the pressure is not going to exist on the workforce and make sure that there is effective working as well. Companies in the market must make sure that they are having the accurate team in order to have the accurate working and performance in the market that is a very crucial factor to have higher productivity and operations.
On Each Order!
According to you, recommend methods to make sure that Savills Company can have better retention level.
Interpretation: Workers of Savills Company have made a point of understanding them even better so that there is going to be accurate planning and strategic actions that are going to be decided. Focus must be on the internal factors as well so that the company would be able to make sure that they are taking the accurate actions in order to make sure that there is going to be accurate working and performance that is present. New and interesting methods have to be implemented in the firm so that the establishment must be having the right working and performance which exists for the organization to have the accurate operations.
In this research it can be understood that there are accurate actions and improvement that are taking place in the businesses to make sure that they are having the right operations. The competition in the market is increasing and making sure that there has to be accurate working and performance that the company is having for themselves. There are a lot of other aspects as well that the firm can have for themselves so that they can gain the accurate processing and operations that the establishment can have for the long run. The aim and objective of the research were accomplished well and description of it was done well that helps the readers to have the right understanding of the topic. There are a lot of summaries that have to be made so that there is going to be accurate working and standards that the company would be able to gain in the future. Employees are the backbone of the firm therefore making decisions according to them is very important in order to be able to have the accurate working in the market. There are limited participants who are taken for the survey on the topic because of the limitation of the time as well as the Covid-19 situation. Due to Covid-19, open was not allowed to come in contact with anyone therefore taking physical survey was not possible online survey was conducted as well. There are not many employees that are present in the businesses therefore taking this small number is going to make sure that there is a good finding that is going to exist.
There is a use of primary in this research so that there is going to be accurate outcomes that can be obtained from this report that is going to make sure that there are accurate actions. Savills Company is not that well experienced but it is crucial to have the accurate understanding and working of the market that helps them take the accurate decisions. This research is very helpful in a lot of ways possible which is that the establishment is going to be aware of the changes and improvement that they must get to be able to make a better working in market for themselves. Support has to be present from all the employees that are present in the company to make sure that there is going to be accurate standards which are being followed by the organization for the long run. Old employees or loyal staffs is going to be aware of a lot of working and functioning of the firm for that the organization will not have to waste their investment in the training and make the establishment be able to have a stable working. There has to be a good standard that the company must have for themselves in the market so that there is going to be better working environment. Environment of the working factor has to be positive so that the company will be able to have a stable working and make sure that there is a stable working which is taking place as well.
From the above research it can be derived that there is going to be accurate working and understanding that is present so that the firm would be able to gain the accurate attention of the clients. Clients have to be given the accurate product and quality of working so that there is going to be better functioning that is currently. The businesses in the market have to make sure that they take the accurate actions and improvement in the company is being done so that there is a good growth that is going to exist. The competition is already very high in the market and this aspect has to be well measured to make sure that the establishment is having the accurate working and performance that is going to be there which is good for the overall working. There are going to be a lot of benefits that Savills Company can gain if they are going to hire the accurate employees and have a good retention level so that the organization would be able to have a stable working. There has to be a better systematic working that has to be currently. so that there is going to be higher functioning and operations that is going to exist so that the establishment would be able to have a better place for themselves in the market. One sense of direction has to be present and when there are old employees working in the company they are already aware of the direction in which the establishment is moving.
It is very crucial to make sure that there is going to be right understanding and results which are being taken out so that there is good working that is present as well. Businesses in the market have to have the accurate understanding of the competitors as well and this survey is not just going to be helpful for the organization to make their right decisions but also the competitors which Savills Company is having in market. Good understanding and making decisions according to them is very essential in order to be able to have the accurate working and performance so that the establishment would be able to have better standards. Savills Company needs to have a good reputation for themselves in the market so that the company would be able to have the accurate standards and not just that but a better market share as well. Loyalty of the customers and the employees is going to be gained if there are decisions that the establishment is going to take on these aspects that are going to make sure that there are higher standards and working that exists. Company has to make sure that they are having the better functioning and working that is going to be present so that the company would be able to have a better working environment and standards are going to be higher as well. Quality of the products and services is also going to be maintained if there is a loyal workforce whom the establishment is having that is good for the reputation of the organization.
There are a lot of benefits that I have gained from this research which is that it would help in making sure that there are higher actions and improvement that a business can think of so that the company would be able to have higher operations. Surprises I have got from this research are that the elements that are currently have to be accurate in the organization so that there are going to be better operations. There are a lot of strategies and importance of the employment which I understood so that there is going to be right working and performance that is currently to make sure that the organization is having the accurate standards in the market. A lot of lessons can be learnt from the research so that there is better understanding and working that is going to be present. As a student and learner there are a lot of ideas and methods that I have understood as well this is going to make sure that the workers are giving in their best in the organization. Elements of working has to be currently so that there is good working and routine is going to be better as well to make sure that there are accurate working and performance that is currently of the company in the market.
There are a lot of limitations as well that came up that is the time frame that was given that has to be well managed so that there is going to be higher operations and functioning. Getting to a result is very difficult for the research to come on so that there is better understanding that is currently that is good for the overall working of the company that is going to be present. Importance of employee satisfaction has to exist in the establishment that can be gained from the strategies and methods that can be used to make sure that there are better operations. Collecting the data was difficult as well because of the Covid-19 situation therefore getting primary data was difficult that has to be monitored and maintained in the company. Therefore I decided to take the survey online in order to be able to get the primary data collect be present and make sure that accurate understanding of the topic is existing. There are better decisions and improvement which can be done when there is a better sense of direction that is currently. Second chances are not currently but getting reviews of the readers so that there would be higher understandings and working that is going to be currently. Employees are the backbone of the organization that has to be well understood by the business and make planning according to them so that the company would be able to have the accurate working and performance for them to gain competitive edge in the market. Researches make sure that there is going to be accurate working and understanding of the topic that is helpful to others as well. There is a lot of understanding and learning which one can gain so that there is going to be accurate planning and growth that can be decided for the long run. Modifications and new ideas can be developed through a research project as well that is new in the market and make better place for themselves in the market for the long run.
Books and Journals
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