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Teaching can produce stability in the student's life, which can affect their daily life, as well as in their daily life. Education can also provide major success in the future career of students' life as well as open major doors, which has full of opportunities (Grock et al. 2019). This education sector is run with help of a teacher who drives this programmed full of enthusiasm. In teaching, the sector is based on the learning materials, which are called the study resource. With help of this study resource students made their daily lessons as well as grew their interest in the study purpose. Learning styles are also attached to this resource distribution in the class as well as it also effecting on the thought process of the learners.
In business management studies, all of the study resources help to e establishment the study environment in the classroom (Gusenbauer and Haddaway, 2020). With help of a teacher, this educational process is getting more attractive in nature. In this business management study, the main educational resources are PowerPoint as well as the hangout software. These two software are used for the betterment of their learning outcomes in business management studies. These two tools provide the flexibility to access all study files within the syllabus, as well as these tools, create a virtual learning environment within the classroom (Lee et al. 2020). Not only the physical classroom have these two tools also provided major advantages in the online classroom. In learning, objectives are fully met by these two tools, which are majorly used in the teaching sector.
All of the study resources ensure teachers' training ability within the classroom. This also provides major motivation during the study season as well as can grow major happiness among the learning season. These resources also try to figure out the problem identification in the classroom. In business management resources, tools also enhanced the digital practices of the learners.
All of the teachers as well as a trainer need to put major strength in study resources, which should increase the efficiency of the student. Individual learners achieve their goals in the study area by using their resources. From the business studies, the major resources handouts as well as the power points also create emphasis on communication skills, research skills, as well as subject-specific skills, which, are needed for the betterment of the study (Connell et al. 2021). With help of the resources, learners can increase their knowledge of content as well as they can develop their study skills in the classroom. These resources also can match all abilities of learners as well as this also approves all levels of all challenges, which arise in the study session. With help of handouts, students can achieve to desires all their learning outcomes.
This individual learning is also based on the individual note-making process as well as the different class note sections. Teachers of management studies also care about the core skills as well as the knowledge of all of the learners (Miller et al. 2019). These curriculums are made with help of this feedback from the teachers. All of these learner resources can meet individual needs as well as it also increases the learning environment of the class. In this pandemic season, the study resources are put benefit on the technical skills.
This PowerPoint making presentation is also made a visual representation by using technological tools. Regarding the teaching resources, the teachers can coordinate various activities. Those resources can identify the learner's psychological conditions as well as the teachers coordinate the counseling process in the institution (Fung et al. 2020). Visual representation also stimulates the aesthetic sense of the learners by using presentations in classrooms. These two resources also concentrate on the value of the study area as well as it signifies the real objects in a classroom. This opportunity area is can be discovered by the lots of using smart devices in the classroom. This device also develops the resource as per the time as well as this development also makes more professionalism in the workspace of management students (Guo et al. 2021). These resources are converting valuable information to the students. With help of proper observation as well as guidance, all of the management students are achieving academic improvement through the proper use of resources.
The principle of resource designing mainly involves the concept of meeting learning, which is an essence for educational purposes. The principle of resource designing helps one understand a topic more vividly. The principle of resource design helps students to make a link with the respective topic. In this principle of resource, management mainly two types of resources are used like power pint and handouts (Al Abri, 2020). These two resources help learners to visualize that topic clearly. Students can have vivid knowledge of that topic. Better resources always help in convincing people more efficiently and they can relate to that topic more vividly.
Business management is a huge topic for any educational purpose and students need s to gain strong knowledge for doing better in future. Numerous types of variables are there in business management and keeping a clear idea on this topic can be a difficult task for learners (Rustamova, 2020). However, a good source design can make this task easy for learners. Teachers can think about resource designing like PowerPoint and handouts to make the task easy for students. In PowerPoint, teachers represent tough theories in a colorful manner; therefore, students can interact with the topic more efficiently.
Teachers can also use printed notes, Portable Document Format or other types of handouts for students. These types of resources will be helpful to students for deep study on that topic (Holland, 2019). The principle of resource design is very helpful when it comes to teaching. Resources like PowerPoint, which make students, visualize theme-related business management (Narayan et al. 2019). A well-designed resource makes it easy to understand a topic like stakeholder management, business management, and budget planning in business management. As a teacher, it is mandatory to do proper research on the principle of resource design and implement those resource designs in teaching which will be very beneficial to learners.
On Each Order!
Sources are a very important issue when it is to teaching purposes. The utilization of resources in an efficient manner makes it easy for the teacher to convenience learners (Vasilieva et al. 2020). These resources can be formal or informal. The teacher will encourage students to take part in activities that increase their knowledge of their respective topics. Some terms or topics in a subject like business management can be boring therefore; some students prefer to skip that topic (Stachová et al. 2019). However, using visual effects on that topic help student understand that topic vividly and that will increase their knowledge on that topic. The visual effect on a topic using PowerPoint helps students interact with that topic. not only that, students no longer remember that term without knowing its meaning, which helps learners to apply to their real project.
In order to expand their knowledge in atopic teachers can use handouts. In handouts, the topic can be represented in a picture form, a picture can cover thousands of words for that topic and students can feel the topic (Tsalis et al. 2020). In hangouts, shapes or lines can also be used to demonstrate the subject in a unique way. Therefore, handouts are also very useful for a better understanding of a topic. PowerPoint and handouts are known to be the two most efficient resources to deliver teachers' thought processes in a colorful way. Teachers' thoughts can reach learners using PowerPoint, which visualizes the topic in the mind of students. Using images and shapes to represent a topic is a thousand times better than explaining it in a text (Ahmed et al. 2020). However, using these resources sometimes bring problems. Students get too much dependable upon these resources, which results in poor knowledge of this particular subject.
In a curriculum, design-teaching resources are very important. Resources are very helpful for both students and teachers. Using appropriate resources, the teacher can explain hard things in an easy way and that benefits students.
Figure 1: Bloom’s Taxonomy
Bloom’s taxonomy is very useful when it comes to teaching purposes. Bloom’s taxonomy is first introduced by Benjamin bloom. This design consists of a series of steps, which is a theoretical framework that helps in increasing critical thinking power in a particular subject. Bloom's taxonomy involves steps like understanding, remembering, applying, analyzing, creating and evaluating (Susan et al. 2020). This step helps in building proper knowledge on subjects like business management in a structural way. In the first step, learners recall all the facts and then understand the idea. In the last step Analyse and evaluate those ideas to create a new thing. This structural framework helps a learner had better understand a subject in a structural way (Atiullah et al. 2019). Bloom’s taxonomy mainly monitors the growth of students at the cognitive level and improves their learning experience.
Models are very useful in explaining any topic in teaching. Many types of business management models are there that help in providing depth knowledge to students on that subject. Therefore, the importance of models for educational purposes cannot be neglected.
Figure 2: Lewin’s Change Model
Lewin’s change management methods divided the management process into their category to keep proper control of management. These three steps change, unfreeze, and refreeze. In unfreezing, stage one monitor over operating process, which directly helps in getting beneficial results. In the second step of change, communication is a key factor in this stage and one implements change based on good communication (Bashori et al. 2020). In the last stage of refreezing one, make a strategy to avoid any kinds of mistakes and ensure to not repeating the same mistake. This model work help in understanding management system in business and students get proper knowledge on the subject.
The adoption of resources helps in aiding the problems or difficulties faced by students. Students face many difficulties to understand a topic clearly, which is why a good resource helps in tech that student efficiently (Muñoz et al. 2022). The teacher will provide student resources like ppt files for a better understanding of a topic. These types of resources help students to proper understanding the meaning of a topic. Using different transition and animation in PPT make difficult topic clear to students. A better understanding of a topic boosts their performance also.
Having proper knowledge of the language also helps in delivering a lecture in the most efficient way. Visual representation on an atopic is an effective way to a better understanding of a topic. Visual representation helps in the interaction between students and the subject. A better understanding of the subject helps in enhancing the confidence of students and boosts the learning procedure (Cleland et al. 2020). Therefore, teachers have to make timetables for visualizing that topic and make pictures according to its which will be more appealing to students. Teachers also have to be creative more in delivering the core concept of a topic in image form. At the same time, a teacher has to be cautious so that students should not get distracted from the topic.
Teachers should be considerate about selecting colors and images so that students can get most of the benefits from it. In that way, visual effects will not be hindered when using a better color in the background of PowerPoint. Delivering hangouts is also beneficial to make a great impact on their study (Alam, 2023). Handouts that consist of pictures, lines and shapes are a thousand times better than any written text. Image can deliver knowledge more efficient way than written text and students will get benefit from it. The adaptation of resources helps in boosting the performance of students and increases their confidence.
Resources are essential in teaching a student in an efficient manner. A teacher can teach a student better way using good resources. Teachers should structure a learning procedure in order to provide better knowledge to a student. There are many types of resources are available that a teacher can use to teach learners (Otterborn et al. 2019). PowerPoint and handouts are the most used resources that benefit students. Teachers can use these resources to provide a better leer learning platform to students and provide them with in-depth knowledge about the subject.
Every teacher presents his or her thoughts in a colorful way using PowerPoint. Ppt files are a common term in every industry. Many students use ppt for their presentations. Ppt file are those files that state the thought of a person or about a project in a concise and accurate manner. PowerPoint gives us benefits to represent all the thoughts of teachers in a more appealing way to students (Bernacki et al. 2020). Concise and to-the-point descriptions attract the mind of students and their different types of transition effects help in a better understanding of that subject. Students can understand the meaning of the tough topic in a very easy way.
Handouts are also very useful resources that give in-depth knowledge of the subject. The handout includes a note that is where the teacher uses images and different types of shapes and lines to represent a topic in an easy way (Oke and Fernandes, 2020). Handouts that use images are most effective for a student to understand that topic as images can talk a lot more than words. Students can easily understand the tough terms in a very easy manner. The education sector should focus on implementing new technologies to deliver the thoughts of teachers in a more efficient way to students.
Everyone knows the importance of technology in fields like education. Resources play a crucial role in every field for better management in that field. Therefore, an increase in using of that resource makes the task easy for that respective field. In the educational sector, students find them self in a difficult situation when it comes to understanding the difficult topic. Therefore using resources like PowerPoint and handouts makes the task easy for both teacher and student (Borup et al. 2020). A teacher needs to be very cautious when delivering a lecture on a particular topic. Using proper resources to deliver lectures on a particular topic will be beneficial for students. Therefore, engaging students and teacher using more resources help in providing better knowledge to a student.
Teachers and the higher authority of an educational sector have to take initiative to implement a project to use these resources more. Resources add great value to in educational sector for expanding the idea of a student. The education sector should implement projection machines in every school, college and university. In that way, the teacher can represent their thought using a ppt file. In university, teachers can utilize the projection machine to deliver their thought in a unique way (Peters and Romero, 2019). Students can grab that topic more efficient way by using projection machines in every university.
Due to the outbreak of covid-19, most people come to an online platform. This creates a new era of online education. Many online teaching platforms provide new features to teachers to educate their students in a unique way. Zoom meeting is getting more popular nowadays and teacher can provide ppt file and hangouts using this platform (Fredricks et al. 2019). These types of online platforms engage people. Using videos and other learning material help add value to the educational system. A positive approach towards implementing this new technology and adopting new features boost the performance of students.
In business management, study major study resources are PowerPoint presentations as well as stage handouts. With help of this, all of the learners are achieving major benefits from offline as well as online study systems. For academic purposes, the ownership classification is a major classification of the study resources. The PowerPoint representations as well as the handouts are majorly considered as an individual ownership resource for a learner (Wang et al. 2020). All of the individual learners have their own handout resources for their classroom. Apart from this for a major purpose, some of the resources are considered community resources.
The entire group project is considered major example of community resources, which has the potential for growing study. PowerPoint presentations are classified into several steps; these are mainly category, name wise and size-wise (Budiyanto, and Pratama, 2020). As per the categorical classification all of the basic objectives of resources are can be understood. According to the scientific management theory, it can be said that all management can be mitigated by the scientific implementation. In power point representation, these scientific approaches help for classifying all of these resources filed to the owner. Technological advancement can also monitor all of the file classification processes as well as show the work efficiency in class. The PowerPoint category helps to find out the need of the learners as well as provides the basic solution to the. Apart from this, the namely calcification also provides a major organization process for the study resources. Finding out the process of the Power point representation can be done easily. This size-wise PowerPoint process helps to identify the volume of resources, which can help the learners.
In handouts, resources majorly affected all of the learners to grow their depth from the study. All of the PDFs as well as class notes are circulated for the betterment of the study area of the learners (De La Hoz et al. 2021). The handout resources are also considered individual resources for the learners as well as in timers it also consider community resources for the class learners. If all of these handouts are in digital format, they can be classified by category-wise, name-wise as well as size-wise.
Figure 3: Effectiveness of PowerPoint
All of these resources can be stored in various ways. The PowerPoint presentation can be stored as a file object on a personal computer. Besides this way, PowerPoint resources are can be stored on compact disks, pen drives and mobile dives. It can be made printed out for distribution to all of the learners. Apart from these handouts, objects also follow this same procedure as Power points are following. If these files are in digital format, they can be stored as word files, or PDF files as well as it can be made hard copies by using the printout of all of these files. Printout resources are also distributed easily among the class as well as which also makes attention to the students.
Within a study area, all of the resources are can be shared with all of the learning professionals who are holding several positions in education. With help of sharing the study resources, learning effectiveness is also increasing (Ahn et al. 2019). At this current time, there are major sharing objects done by several attributes those are mainly online devices, publishing houses as well as smart devices. With help of this attribute, more knowledge transactions are been done with these tools.
The major role of online media: In the way of sharing, social media plays a major role in this time. At this current time, anyone can share the study resources via Google Drive as well as and one can send the resources from other professionals via Google Mail (Adams et al. 2019). Not just the individual distribution, it can be happened by the particular group which also increase the resource effectiveness majorly. Different professional people also can be benefited from this resource material, which is used for management studies.
The help of publishing houses: In this current time, academic publishing houses are using other resources for their own journals. Many of the publishers are also showing their interest in other resource publications. These resources also share the subject goals from other professions, which also share the subject goals from another field. This publishing house also ensures the authenticity of the resources as well as it provides major advantages for all personal research
Using smart devices:
In this current time, there are smart cables, pen drives and compact disks usages are major attributes for sharing resources (Winterstetter et al. 2021). These tools are used in small regional access as well as portray major effectiveness in sharing the research resources.
With help of resources and the transaction is conducted with the legal requirements as well as their responsibilities. As per the development of this study resources, there are several attributes are attached to this. This legal requirement is also attached to major copyright legislation of the authority (Latapí Agudelo et al. 2019). The most university has their own legalization policy from their handout resource. As well as this copyright legalization is attached to the plagiarism process, which is highly, affected the research paper of the university. There are different plagiarisms processes are also attached with several universities, which have a specific range from five to 7% (Sh et al. 2020). There are several plagiarism software are used for identification of the plagiarism file. If any resources are conducted with more plagiarism files, then they should not consider a resource in general.
Most publishing houses are working on the copyright procedure as well as they enroll their papers under a specific ISBN number (Yong et al. 2020). The government of the UK applied specific laws on these copyright issues. In 1998 Data Protection Act, also consider all of the protection policies of all of the resources. Those laws work on the authorships as well as protect the originality of the work. In business management studies, most of the handouts are conducted by the low plagiarism test. Photocopy as well as personal liability issues restrict all of the PowerPoint presentations. They are also aware of the available internet fake material, which is also conducted by the health as well as safety of the consumers. As per scientific management theory, this process also helps with help of scientific process. According to Federick W. Taylor's theory, this organization's procedure divided the workload in between management as well as the workers.
In Turn tin system also protect low plagiarism file for the betterment of the study area (Amrutha, and Geetha, 2020). There has a certain aim for promoting critical thinking in the classroom. Business management resources also provide academic integrity as well as it also improves the learner's writing process. Proper data citations are used for understanding the authentic data locations of the work. In 2010, the Equality Act also worked for protecting the study resources legal protections (Geng et al. 2019). Photocopy protection also works for maintaining the authenticity of the resources. All of the study resources are under IT technology for protecting their authenticity as well as abolishing open internet access globally (Wang et al. 2019). For those reasons, betterment of resource materials are can be done with help of this technological advancement.
Intellectual property rights are legal protections for original creations, such as patents for inventions, trademarks for brands, and copyrights for artistic and literary works. For the betterment of the resources all of the preventions are can be applied to this. Intellectual property right as well as copyrights preventions are trying to help the organizational activity. With help of this intellectual property, right all of the organizational employees are fully aware of the contract, which has major revelations with the academic resources (Baas et al. 2019). Not all of the staff within an organization should disclose the organizational personal data, which is highly protected by the laws. Apart from this as per the Data Protection principles organizations are monitoring all of the internal activity on the CCTV cameras.
This property right also considers employees contracted hours as well as this process attached to the technological advancement for protecting all of the resources. The usage of VLE, as well as the Model platforms, is used for the betterment of resource development. The copy restriction policy also helps to maintain the authenticity of the resources (Habib et al. 2019). Enforcement of government law as well as plagiarism in the education resource tries to enhance the proper acknowledgement of authorship. Apart from these applying different referencing styles also, make all of these resources an authentic process. This property right also provides authentic ideas within resources (Huang et al. 2020). This IP protection also tries to enhance this human creative mind as well as encourage for development of study resources.
In business management, studies the major resources are PowerPoint presentations and handouts, which are majorly, used enhancement of the class activity. With help of the copyright programme, the authorships are easy can be identified as well as it considered public record ownership for the research purpose. By the help of identifying the authorship authenticity of the data are can be identified (Abbott et al. 2019). These attribute the help of modification of resources, proper distribution of the resources as well as increased data productivity and encourage other for conducting their own research.
Within a study, resource effectiveness is also used for the betterment of resources purpose. All of the resources are used for a better understanding of the subject to the learner. In this study, I also try to attach my own design for a better understanding of the resource. All of the handouts are used for study purposes has a suitable level for a different class. In business management study, PowerPoint also produces a major visual impact on all of the learners (Hamadamin and Atan, 2019). With help of this presentation, learners are majorly attached to a major understanding of the impact on the study area. The legibility of all printed resources has a major impact on the learner's psychology as well as this medium affected majorly on the learner's output. Not only this, all of the printed materials is majorly engaged with the all of class learners (Tompsett and Knoester, 2021). I also acknowledge several limitations are can be attached to the academic resources. It also identifies the major flexibility of all of the learners as well as this also creates a major opportunity in this study area. Major technological advancement also encourages all of the students to achieve their own goal as well as these two selected resources have major cost-effectiveness advantages.
In this study area, all of the major two resources have major advantage points to run their productivity. In these two resource tools, a variety of opportunities is aligned. In this current time, the data transmission process is increasing due to the advancement of technology. With help of smart devices, all of the data transmission processes are getting fast. Google mail services and Drive services have major fact services for transmitting all of their data (Mukhtar et al. 2020). Apart from this, all teachers are also aware of the social impact of the false data circulation process. They are also aware of the copyright issues as well as the IP rights of the U.K. All of those resources are protected by the legal rights, which are used for maintaining the authenticity of the work. The resources also evaluate the core skills of learners by which they can achieve their professional goals. These resources also consider cost-effectiveness, which is highly related to the class module (Prahladh et al. 2022). Resources are also exploring different opportunity fields for all of the learners. This resource also concentrates on the major observations of the education consultant.
According to author Eysenck’s Personality Theory, it can be said that in psychotics process is attached to the major extroverts as well as the introvert mentality. Business management studies use the humanistic as well as the behavioral goal of the human mind. This also focuses all of the strengths of individuality.
Within the resource are major opportunities attached to the improved teaching skills of a teacher. As a teacher of business management, with help of these resources, I identify the prime objective of regarding the study area. As per these identifications, I can determine the student's needs, as well as all academic needs; resources (Perdana and Prasojo, 2020) can plan it. Student practices are also essential for making the growth of the study. The evaluation process is can be conducted with help of study resources (Goksu et al. 2020). All of the general objectives are can be fulfilled with help of these resources in business management. These kinds of resources are very essential to improve teaching techniques in the educational sector. A well-designed resource can help in improving the performance of learners and their confidence.
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