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The study focused on the scope of the case study, where evidence of the patient suffering from the disorder "Dementia" had been studied. The study consists of the decisions that were taken in concern of the health status of the patient. The study overall describes the clinical findings and the actions that were undertaken to cure the patient from the critical stage. The data that was taken or used in the case study maintained the regulations of the requirements mentioned in "GPDR and NMC". The patient's details are kept confidential under the regulations. However, the study further describes all the key elements under which the evaluation of the study will help in the understanding of the concept and the mitigation strategies.
The thesis statement of the study is to describe the different stages of the disorder in real-life evidence and the role of the clinical representative.
Case Study
John Jones is a 58 years old male who has had a history of repetitive memory loss for the last 3 years. In recent days, he has been suffering from executive function and memory loss. He is required to take proper treatment hence, he is referred to a “Memory Specialty Clinic”. After taking Magnetic Resonance, it has been revealed that “Mild Generalized Cortical Atrophy”. Progressive cognitive decline has been provided to him to improve his mental health status. The healthcare professional has recommended him to take part in the “Dementia Care Program” to overcome his critical health issues. He has also a medical history of suffering from Vitamin D deficiency and Hypercholesteromia. The examination score has been observed after the “Mini-Mental State Examination” is moderate. A registered nurse has been appointed in terms of providing proper care and treatment to him. The registered nurse has maintained all “standards of NMBA and ethics” while providing care and treatment. Therefore, John Jones has been recommended to take proper diet and care and the RN has decided to give “Holistic Care” to John to overcome his Repetitive Memory loss issue.
The case study of the patient had been done of the disorder he was suffering from that is “Dementia”. The disease or disorder is the cognitive loss that degrades the individual’s standard of living that includes remembering things, critically thinking or thinking as normal in daily practice or having problems in reasoning (Dookhy & Daly, 2021). The main problem that had been found in the disorder is the “problem in remembering”. The disorder within a person degrades the personality which results in the change, the individual becomes dependent on others for their daily needs (Garcia?Ptacek et al. 2019). The disorder ranges from the stage of severity to the stage of mildest. The disorder had been found in many people but most cases regarding the disorder are found in the age of 85 and above. The several forms of dementia include "Alzheimer's Disease" which is considered the most common and the others are "Frontotemporal dementia", "Lewy body dementia," and "Vascular Dementia" (Hoel et al. 2021).
The signs and symptoms of the disorder were found to affect one of the nerve cells in the brain that stops working; it deteriorates the connection of the cells to the brain, which also leads to death if the condition is severe (O’Malley et al., 2021). The disorder is mostly experienced when the individual is at the age of 85 and is affected by a greater loss. The symptoms that are mainly observed are:
The disorder is diagnosed firstly by the doctors and undergoes through the condition of the patient whether it is going through “potentially treatable” or “difficulties in cognitive” (Slater et al. 2019). But apart from this, some diagnoses are provided to the patient suffering from the tests that include "cognitive and neurological", and "brain scans" that include the CT, MRI, PET, etc.
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The patient is 58 years old and had a history of “repetitive memory loss” for the last three years. His name is “John Jones" and he is recently suffering from “memory loss” and “executive function”, He is also referred to as “Memory Speciality Clinic” (Farrington et al. 2023). He had gone through one of the diagnoses of the disorder ‘Dementia” which is “Magnetic Resonance”. But after performing the diagnosis, it was found that he had “Mild Generalized Cortical Atrophy” (Walsh, 2020). To improve his “mental health” condition, progressive cognitive decline had been provided to him. The recommendation that was received from the healthcare facility where John was under treatment was to take part in the “Program of care related to Dementia” that will help John overcome the critical problem of the disorder (Garcia?Ptacek et al. 2019). The examination that was given to him was the “Mini-Mental State Examination” which was observed to be moderate. The patient had a history of “Vitamin D deficiency and Hypercholesterolemia" through which he had suffered earlier. For further treatment, the patient had been recommended to appoint a nurse who will be responsible for providing him with proper care and related treatments (Hung et al. 2021). The condition of the patient was in the stage mild as the symptoms of abnormalities were observed that was because of the detection of the “Focal Signal abnormalities” (Smith et al. 2021).
The diagnosis was recommended to identify the damaged cells in the brain. The effect of the “Mild Generalized Cortical Atrophy” is addressed as a disease which had resulted in a shrinking brain where the cells are highly effective (O’Malley et al. 2021). The condition of the patient was critical where they can obtain strokes that can cause him “traumatic brain injury”, “multiple sclerosis”, or “infections”. This decreases the functioning of the brain cells and distracts the transmission of information from the brain to the cells. He was undergoing severe memory loss problems which were caused due to the damage observed in the brain cells (Tam et al. 2021). He is undergoing traumas that need to be monitored and controlled by giving him proper care. The stages of memory loss in dementia had also suffered John include "Episodic memory, working memory, semantic memory, procedural memory" which he observed, and "Episodic memory" (Gwernan?Jones et al. 2020). He was finding difficulties in expressing the feelings he was going through and forgets in between the conservation he was talking with.
The patient d John Jones is a 58 years old man, suffering from repetitive memory loss for the last three years. He has to consult with qualified doctors to recover his health condition quickly. He mainly refers to a “Memory Specialty Clinic” to consult with the doctors. It is necessary to encourage and support the suffering patient with "memory loss" and share their views on decision-making aspects where possible. The patient's past, present, and also future condition must be evaluated by the doctors of the clinic. It must be helpful for the clinical purposes of his treatment process (Ansari, 2022). They also have to focus on the patient’s view according to his career and also on family members and friends respectively. The guardian and also the conservator is usually appointed to make the proper decision for the suffering patients properly. In that case study, the person has to consult with the doctors of the clinic and the healthcare professional recommends him to participate in the “Dementia Care Program”. It will help him to overcome his health-related issues in moderate conditions. It can provide essential treatment to the suffering patient very carefully (Mahbengi et al, 2023). Sustainable factors have to be overcome by clinical doctors as much as possible.
When the patient is suffering from dementia then he must inform the clinical aspects which will be very helpful for the treatment process of the suffering patient. They must behave with the patient very friendly and also familiar so that the patient easily trusts the clinical authority. They have to make a “best interest decision” which can be helpful, especially for the big decision-making process. The superior action must be evaluated by the clinical decision-maker properly (Rashid et al, 2022). In that process, John Jones must recommend taking proper healthcare prospects and also a proper healthy diet. It will be very helpful for the care plan of the patient. He has also been recommended to take “Holistic Care” to overcome his “repetitive memory loss” issue. The ethical decision-making possibility has been made for the clinical decision-making process and it could evaluate the health-related factors coordinately (Purti et al, 2020). He also considers residential care for effective health-related issues. In the case of a dementia patient, the decision-making aspects can be evaluated by the ability to remember things properly and also to make the proper decision for the everyday activities of the patients. As the patient is 58 years old, so he is affected by the disease very easily.
In the proper decision-making aspects the patient, the patient has to overcome his health-related condition with the help of the clinical aspects of the “Memory Specialty Clinic”. The communication process may be longer to able the decision-making aspects of the patient. In that case, the effective care plan must be evaluated by the clinical authority respectively. He recommended taking part in the “Dementia Care Program” which can be effective for the essential decision-making capability of the patient. The sustainable factors must be evaluated by the clinical development of the dementia-affected patient (Yates et al, 2021). The decision-making capability must be evaluated by the clinical consideration of the reputed clinic and also the qualified doctors. The essential outcomes must be affected by the vulnerable aspects of the dementia-affected patient. It must be beneficial for the proper decision-making aspects of the critical care unit of the patient. The lack of capacity of decision-making aspects has to evaluate the sustainable factors of the mental health condition of the patient (Dookhy & Daly, 2021). The outcome must be evaluated by providing reassurance to the patient that can make the right decision and also effective care to the treatment process of the patient.
The lack of decision-making aspects in the clinical care unit has to evaluate the future condition of the dementia-affected patient very carefully. The decision-making capability has to evaluate the effectiveness of the critical care aspects of the patient (Ansari, 2022). In that case, guardianship may consider the critical aspects of the dementia-affected patient carefully. The familiar condition may also evaluate the effectiveness of the family of the affected patient critically. In the evolutionary aspects, the suffering patient may have to overcome his mental health-related factors coordinately. The patient is usually affected by memory loss which can be evaluated by the clinical decision-making process of the “Memory Specialty Clinic”. The considering aspects can be evaluated by the conversion of the related aspects of the related outcomes of the disease properly (Purti et al, 2020). As per the guideline of the clinical doctors, the patient must have to take rest and also communicate with his family members and also nearest friends as much as possible. This can be a helpful aspect to regulate dementia disease from the old man. Affective tests can be performed by the clinical authority respectively. It can be very helpful for the health-related condition of the patient.
The friendly nature of his surrounding people may overcome the related health issues of the patient very carefully. The realistic expectation can be harmful or beneficial for the patient according to his health condition (Mahbengi et al. 2023). The clinical aspects may be considered as the related helpful opinion of the suffering patient very carefully. Dignity can be evaluated by the clinical consideration aspects of the suffering people respectively. In that case, the patient should evaluate the clinical rules and also regulations for his health-related issues. The clinical consideration must be evaluated by the affecting aspects of the clinical criteria.
The better action plan for dementia disease has to evaluate the lifestyle choice of the suffering patient. The specific symptoms of the disease have to evaluate the sustainable factors of the related affected symptoms of the disease coordinately (Kollisch et al, 2021). The symptoms of the disease may appear almost 20 years after the brain damage begin. So in the case of John Jones, he has been taking a walk in his daily life. It could be very helpful for his mental health condition. He also uses to go to the park for his mind's freshness. He must allow himself to have his familiar objectives and the person to whom he is very close in his life. Interventions have been used providing treatment and care for supporting patients by giving both nonpharmacological and pharmacological ways. Moreover, drug interventions have been considered as major intervention plans for reducing the negative impacts of dementia. In addition, it is helpful to John to overcome his critical health issue and leading a normal lifestyle. According to the statement of LaHue et al. (2020), it has been observed that “Cognitive Stimulation Therapy or CST” is an effective non-pharmacological intervention which has been used for supporting people by giving mild to moderate care and treatment related to dementia. Henceforth, it has been stated that the implementation of dementia interventions is helpful for improving both mental and physical health for leading healthy lifestyle in te upcoming days.
Making decisions while giving care and treatment to a patient is effective in order to understand the thoughts, feelings, and emotions of the patient. In addition, it is helping all healthcare professionals in determining the drugs which are suitable and accurate for patients (Livingston et al. 2020). According to the case scenario, it has been observed that John has taken treatment from a healthcare professional who is also a registered nurse. During the treatment, the appointed registered nurse is taking some crucial decisions which are health effective for John. Moreover, the registered nurse has recommended to take part in the “Dementia Care Program” to improve mental health and lead a normal lifestyle. According to the “NMBA standard 1.6”, it has been observed that the registered nurse is maintaining comprehensive, timely, and accurate documentation of planning, actions, evaluations, decision-making, and assessments (Nursingmidwiferyboard, 2023). Based on the case scenario, the RN has provided accurate and effective nursing care by maintaining the guidelines of holistic care and treatment procedure for assisting John to combat the negative consequences of Dementia.
Based on the case scenario, the Registered Nurse is providing proper care and treatment to assist John in overcoming his health issue. According to the statement of Brainin et al. (2020), it has been observed that a patient who is suffering from Dementia or repetitive memory loss then the patient needs special care and treatment. Additionally, RN has recommended John for some activities which are helpful for improving his mental health. As a result, he has not undergone depression. Since he is also suffering from “Vitamin D deficiency” and “Hypercholesteremia” hence, it is obvious that he needs to maintain a proper and healthy diet. Thus, it is helpful for John to overcome his mental health issue and lead a normal and healthy lifestyle. As opined by LaHue et al. (2020), registered nurses are allowing their patients for taking time for thinking or making decisions with experts or healthcare professionals. As a result, it is helpful for John to overcome his critical health issues and combat the negative consequences of Dementia. On the other hand, as opined by D'Cruz & Banerjee, (2020), the healthcare professional is required to take proper decisions regarding the treatment provision for Dementia. As a result, John is able to overcome his critical health issue and lead a normal and healthy lifestyle.
Dementia has been considered as widespread progressive health disorder and it is affecting every individual’s normal lifestyle. In addition, it is considered as cognitive ability and affects daily normal functions. According to the statement of Lee et al. (2019), it has been stated that a patient who is suffering from dementia is required to take proper treatment and take part in a program. As a result, it will be helpful for the patient to overcome the negative consequences of dementia or repetitive memory loss. According to the case scenario, John has taken part in the “Dementia Care Program” in which all healthcare professionals are providing proper care such as Holistic Care. As opined by Maust et al. (2020), Holistic Care is essential and effective for a healthcare professional in terms of promoting well-being and improving the lifestyle of all those individuals who are living with memory loss. As per the guideline of the clinical doctors, the patient must have to take rest and also communicate with his family members and also nearest friends as much as possible. This can be a helpful aspect to regulate dementia disease from the old man. Henceforth, it can be stated that the healthcare professional is required to take decisions based on the treatment of John and help him to overcome his critical health issue.
The clinical aspects may be considered as the related helpful opinion of the suffering patient very carefully. Dignity can be evaluated by the clinical consideration aspects of the suffering people respectively. Based on the case scenario, the patient should evaluate the clinical rules and also regulations for his health-related issues. The clinical consideration must be evaluated by the affecting aspects of the clinical criteria (Müllers et al. 2019). Therefore, it can be stated that the selection of holistic care is accurate and beneficial for John to lead a normal and healthy lifestyle.
The treatment costs in the global world are around “817 billion dollars” and also have been expected to increase in the future days. The lack of decision-making aspects in the clinical care unit has to evaluate the future condition of the dementia-affected patient very carefully. As per the words of Smith et al. (2022), it has been observed that the decision-making capability has to evaluate the effectiveness of the critical care aspects of the patient. The clinical aspects may be considered as the related helpful opinion of the suffering patient very carefully. Dignity can be evaluated by the clinical consideration aspects of the suffering people respectively. In that case, the patient should evaluate the clinical rules and also regulations for his health-related issues. Based on the case scenario, it can be stated that the registered nurse is required to provide proper treatment and care for assisting John in overcoming health issues. Moreover, John is also required to take treatment and part in a Dementia care program for maintaining the guidelines of healthcare treatment and patient care. On the other hand, as opined by Montero-Odasso et al. (2020), a healthcare professional is required to provide a proper intervention plan such as “Cognitive Stimulation Therapy” and “Cognitive Behavioural Therapy”. In addition, those kinds of behavioural therapies are helpful for changing behaviour and improving health status.
Based on the case scenario, in order to improve the mental health status of John, the registered nurse must be provided cognitive behavioural therapy. As opined by Montero-Odasso et al. (2020), “Cognitive Behavioural Therapy” is accurate and effective in terms of improving both the mental and physical health of an individual. In addition, it is helpful for John to change his behaviour and overcome the consequences of repetitive memory loss. Henceforth, it can be stated that the provision of CBT and CST are effective and accurate for John to overcome his critical health issue and lead a normal lifestyle in the upcoming days. On the other hand, based on the NMBA nursing guidelines, the registered ahs maintain all kinds of guidelines and principles which are helpful for John to maintain a healthy lifestyle and overcome his critical health issues. Henceforth, it can be concluded that the acquisition of proper initiatives for Dementia care is accurate and crucial for John to improve his mental and physical health, which assists him to lead a normal and healthy lifestyle in the upcoming days.
The entire study has summarized that taking care of a patient who is suffering from Dementia is required to get proper treatment and care to overcome their mental state. John is suffering from repetitive memory loss for the last two years and he is not able to remember anything properly. The appointed registered nurse has recommended him to take part in a dementia care program through which John is able to practice good habits and improve both his mental as well as physical health. The study concluded with an overview of the real-life case study of an individual who is suffering from “Dementia” disorder which had resulted in a critical stage. The patient had been asked to perform certain requirements to cure himself of the disorder he is suffering from. He had also been appointed a nurse who will take of him. The study had gone through a brief description of the disorder and the background of the disease. The ultimate discussion for which the study aimed is the patient’s condition which was broadly discussed in the context of the study.
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