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Organizational Communication and Cross-Functional Teamwork
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Business management refers to a set of activities that an organization should follow to maintain all the performances within the workplace. It includes coordination among the employees with great communication skills, administration process as well as the management of different types of resources that are necessary for running a business successfully. The principal aim of this study is to discuss the two core components of the business management process communication and teamwork and the impact of these two factors on the development of the management process. Communication is one of the most important components that guide the improvement of the organization's operations as well as develop the productivity of the organization. Communication can be categorized into three different categories verbal, non-verbal as well as written which are used for different purposes.
Teamwork is another important theme that will be discussed in the study in detail. Teamwork is a process of management that mainly emphasizes collaborative working within a group or team to successfully achieve the business goal. Teamwork is fully dependent on the three main pillars: active listening, empowerment as well as trust ability. This management process is fully dependent on the skills and efficiency of the leaders and the leadership strategy of the organization. The organization always focuses on the efficient improvement of the business team so that it can reflect on the business productivity as well as on the annual revenue collection. The sustainability and the competitive advantages of a business organization mostly rely on teamwork efficiency. It is very effective to make innovation faster as it always looks into all the business performances as guides to create healthy competition for the improvement of the organizational culture as well as brand value.
Effective communication is very important for the organization to improve transparency, trust ability as well as awareness of the business initiatives so the organizations need to improve the communication system by implementing different theories or strategies. “Development Communication theory” and “Classical Theory of Communication” are some important theories that guide and improve the effectiveness of communication within the workplace. On the other hand, handling a team is another big task for business leaders which can also be improved with the implementation of different strategies or theories. “Tuckman's theory” is one of the most essential theories which tells about forming, storming as well as forming among team members. Apart from that, this theory also emphasizes performance as well as adjournment among the team members.
In the field of management communication is one of the most crucial tools which can be used as the key to enhancing productivity. The main aspect of communication is that it starts with interaction and the interchange of facts and viewpoints. It eventually affects the purpose and ideas which helps one organization to achieve a specific goal. In management, communication is also referred to as administrative communication. It is used as a tool to obtain production, productivity and efficiency and it is expressed in the form of planning, coordinating and controlling. Not only that but it is used to motivate the employees to increase the overall performance of the organization. The main things which make communication effective are recognition and verbal assurance. Poor communication skill is considered one of the most negative things that create a tense environment and as a result of it, there will be no motivation and inspiration to be productive and it will impact the overall performance of the team.
There are two crucial communication theories which can be applied in any organization to upgrade the whole system, “Development Communication theory” and “classical theory of communication” (Ali et al. 2021). The development theory is media used for the development of the people related to the work and in this communication is used as the tool of overall social development. This communication theory is dependent on 5 keys such as dialogue, stakeholders, sharing of knowledge and an environment of mutual understanding. On the other hand, the classic communication theory deals with the leader's command and through that overall control over the organization (BJ et al. 2021). The main idea of this theory is that believes there is a similarity between the organization and a machine and with communication it creates, changes and maintains the whole organization.
Verbal communication is the most significant tool in the whole communication process. It refers to the act where information is shared between two or more people through speech. In simple words, the interaction made with spoken words is referred to as verbal communication (cleverism.com, 2022). In the world of management or managing an organization verbal communication is the most important key, with that, the oral communication is done and it includes personal or group discussions, meetings, and formal or any somewhat informal conversations. The result of effective verbal communication between the employee and the authority or between the employees altogether increases the satisfaction level in the jobs. As an effect of verbal communication, people in the workplace feel safe and secure and receiving all the updated information makes them feel confident and increases productivity (Siddiqui and Sahar, 2019). There are some disadvantages of this kind of communication, as through verbal communication the emotions are visible it can create toxicity in the work environment and as a result creates stress which leads to group conflict.
On Each Order!
Figure 1: The skills of verbal communication
There are mainly three theories about verbal communication such as the model of verbal communication, situational factors and most importantly Goffman´s Theory of Communication Constraints (Rajhans, 2018). The model of verbal communication is based on some of the core components- information, the meaning of communication, the network of the communication and the activity of communication. Situational factors are those factors which are related to a particular situation where the speech or activity is going on. It includes the speaking, dimensions of the situation such as individuality, dialect, time, medium and the participation and the feature of the language. The situation factors include some theories about the subjective, objective, factors and functions. Goffman´s Theory of Communication Constraints deals with the major aspects of verbal communication. The main concept of the theory is that verbal communication is controlled by the communication system’s nature, they are language-universal, and they should be present in communication. The social dimension of communication regulates the overall behavior of the members participating in the communication. However, in the case of the organization, any kind of conflict arose can be solved with the help of small-group communication (Guo et al. 2021). The interaction between the group level helps to communicate and maintain transparency in the workplace. In the process of decision making the Small group communication model is the key. It helps to listen to the main context of everyone. With the help of effective communication, the conflict between the inputs of different employees was avoided.
The use of small group communication in my workplace gives me a clear idea about how the decision-making process can be shared in the presence of common resources and exposure to the diversity of perspectives. It encourages the group members to interact more and generate new ideas and solutions which help to achieve goals. According to me, this communication model establishes mutual respect and understanding. However, there are some major disadvantages of this model which can affect the work environment. The common problems of this model include sharing unnecessary information and coordination between the members. As a result, it shows difficulty in accountability.
Non-verbal communication is a process of interaction where the information is shared without using any kind of verbal language. This kind of communication is primarily used for making any kind of request and or for attention and information exchange and in other cases, it can be used as a motivator or for language development (Prakash et al. 2020). It includes many types of nonverbal platforms such as eye contact, facial expression, gesture and body language (indeed.com, 2022). In simple words, this kind of nonverbal communication helps to send cues to the other person using simple actions. In major cases, people use it as a tool of communication for expressing happiness, engagement concern and gratitude and it also reflects the confidence level of people. It is considered the most used and strong form of the communication method between coworkers in the workplace. It is mostly used during meetings or in the time of interviews or casual conversations.
Figure 2: Facial expression-one form of nonverbal communication
In a workplace, non-verbal communication creates an invisible bond between coworkers and creates a common ground of understanding. It can be either proper eye contact, a positive voice an approach or can be appearance, posture and touch and facial expressions (Turgunpulatovich, 2022). It is the unspoken form of communication which helps to convey effects and expression more effectively and on a personal level sometimes. In the workplace, in a time of crisis about a salary issue when the majority of the employee the most effective non-verbal communication method which worked like a magic was the facial expression of the HR team and the authority. It is the form of communication used the most and considered the most effective because it proves that a lot of information can be shared just with an effective and positive smile. The combination of body language and facial expressions towards others can solve a major amount of words without uttering a word (Darics, 2020). Along with body language, good gestures can provide the required confidence to the rest of the workers. In a crisis, the right attitude of assurance and genuine understanding of the situation can be expressed through facial expressions and body gestures.
As a part of the team, I have witnessed how a positive and supportive expression and understanding of the situation can provide confidence to coworkers and by using these two tools of communication I have provided assurance to the employees that the situation of crisis will be overcome soon. According to me, it was more effective than any other verbal communication. The situation came under control with the help of a positive outlook. However, there are some major disadvantages which can negatively affect the whole work ambience such as sometimes it can be vague and imprecise. Non-verbal communication tools can create obstacles in communicating the right and appropriate information. It eventually increases the chances of misinterpretation of information and creates a situation of uncertainty among the people in the workplace.
The basic thing in written communication is a vast knowledge of the language and proper word selection to communicate the right information. A written form of communication is one, where the interaction between two or more people including messages, orders or instructions can be conveyed with letters, circulars and manuals or in the form of reports or bulletins. However, this mode of communication is considered less flexible in comparison with the rest of the communication modes (Klimovaet al. 2022). On the other hand, it is more effective because the written form of communication becomes a permanent record, which can be used as a reference in the future. The most important thing about the written form is that communicating through it, requires a lot of skills only then the right information can be transferred. It requires basic knowledge and a degree. It has a major disadvantage in the workplace; the feedback from this type of communication is not immediate because it takes some time to convey.
For official purposes, written communication is used for organisations for the most effective results. It can be done in the form of emails, memos, notices, reports, letters and journals or with employee manuals. In the workplace, it is the most commonly used form of communication and is used to convey major information about each and every detail of the job (Al-Kumaimet al. 2020). As it comes in the written form it clears the concept and creates a better understanding of the situation. In the workplace, the division in the team structure and the new entry of team members created a moment of confusion among the team members and for authority; it was problematic because it needs proper structure to divide the work. The whole situation was clear with the help of proper notice and emails. The notice and emails help in the clarification of the situation and permanence.
In this situation of confusion, the most effective way is writing communication. It can clear any kind of confusion about the communicated information. The changed team structure and the new entry of the team members created a situation of confusion. To clear all kinds of confusion, I choose the notice and emails as mediums. The emails were sent to every employee of the group and the final notice was hung on the notice board. It provided all the required information to the team members, therefore the work division and transparency of the structure can be maintained. However, in this journey, I have witnessed some of the major disadvantages of the communication medium. It is a time-consuming method and it takes too much time to reach the target audience, therefore the feedback comes late.
Effective teamwork within the organization is the core component of the success of the business organization that guides to improve the sustainability as well as the brand value. Teamwork refers to collaborative work on different business crises with great problem-solving skills that provide a better outcome (Veza and Maghfiroh, 2020). Effective teamwork is very essential for the development of individual efficiency, and career growth, enhancing job satisfaction levels among employees as well as reducing the work stress of the employees. The organization can implement different models, strategies as well as theories into the business process as per the business structure, capabilities as well as limitations (Colvin et al. 2020). Therefore, effective teamwork is mostly dependent on the business leaders as well so that it can improve the efficiency as well as the productivity of an organization.
This model is very important for the development of teamwork and the goal of this model is to create a well-defined objective as well as desired outcomes according to the organization. This model mainly focuses on the communication priority and expectations of the employees (Grab et al. 2020). The roles and responsibilities of each team member should be clear in accordance with this model and the acceptance of the leaders would be improved so that business can be improved with the following process. The process of improvement mainly proceeded with a clear decision-making process that is helpful in working with each business process. This theory also focuses on interpersonal employee relationship improvement (Zhao, 2020). On the other hand, inadequate teamwork can have a negative impact on the leadership theory that guides to decrease overall organization process and reduce productivity.
Active listening is an important component that guides the improvement of the communication process as well as team collaboration. Active listening is very essential not only for the employees but the business leaders as well as owners of the organization. This component guides to improve empathy and the employees feel values that reflect on their performances to enhance the business productivity (Cristófolet al. 2020). Active listening guides to improve the work process of the business leaders in terms of organizing the workloads of the employees, coaching the staff and delegating tasks among the employees. It is a great skill to master and to accomplish this one should have great patience in an aspiring and professional capacity.
“Carl Rogers Theory” is one of the most important theories for active listening that can be applied within the business process to improve this skill among the staff. This theory mainly focuses on paying attention to others during talking, not just commenting, involving in the conversation and using open body language to properly convey one's own point of view (Fila et al. 2018). Apart from that, according to this theory, the judgment of other statements is very necessary as thinking about what others are trying to say.
Another important model for active listening skills is “Egan's SOLER model” which proposes a different perspective on active listening skills. As per this particular model, active listening is completed with some necessary stage that is fully based on the individual personality as well as capability.
Inattentiveness in the training programme is another important issue that can create a great issue within the organisation. Active listening skills guide to improving the trust not only from the employees but also the customers (Jones et al. 2019). It guides the building of strong relationships among the staff. Apart from that, this skill is to help in resolving conflict within the workplace and prevents the use of important information to successfully meet organizational objectives. This skill enables the business personality to identify as well as anticipate different business problems. On the other hand, there are some disadvantages too like it takes more time and energy that delays the work process (Rodríguez et al. 2018). Apart from that, active listening sometimes causes misunderstanding when one does not fully understand another point of view.
Inattentiveness is one of my shortcomings that create some issues in terms of performance improvement as well as these shortcomings can have a great impact on organisational productivity. “Egan's SOLER model” is very helpful for me as this model guides me to improve my conversational skills and how I can proceed with the conversation with comfort from both sides. Apart from that, this model guides me to improve my body language and active listening skill that has a great impact on my professional efficiency that guides me to improve the team's performance as well. This model also guides me to be relaxed in different risk situations. Apart from that, “Carl Rogers's Theory” is another important theory that guides me to improve the skill that guides me in different situations. Apart from that, I have also learned my seniors are more efficient and experienced help in the improvement of my efficiency.
Empowerment refers to the stage when the employees have the power to control their responsibilities within the workplace. Apart from that, it also refers to an equal mentality within the workplace that proposes inclusiveness in organizational performances. The empowerment of an organization is observed when each staff of the organization engages in the decision-making process, selection of business strategies as well as the setting of the organization’s goals or objectives (Khanna, 2020). Apart from that, the empowerment of the employees is improved when the organization arranges some training programs to improve the engagement of employees in the business process and create awareness among them in terms of newly appointed business strategy as well as technology for future aspects.
This is one of the most important theories in the improvement of the empowerment of individuals as well as from the organisational aspects (Kourmousiet al. 2018). This theory guides the improvement process of individual morale, self-image, as well as growth in self or organisational productivity. Apart from that, this theory mainly focuses on individual learning and the power of controlling oneself which has a great impact on accessibility, positive-thinking attitude as well as other development options for complete guidance.
Lack of communication skills, as well as shyness, are some of the shortcomings that create a barrier to building relationships with the employees within the workplace. Empowerment is another significant skill that guides to improve the performances of the employees, innovativeness as well as work quality of the employees as reflected in organisational productivity (Kourmousiet al. 2018). Therefore, it can negatively affect the communication skill that guides to decreased productivity of the communication skills. Apart from that, it has a great impact on the individual-efficiency, performance motivation, as well as organisational identification. It is a very important skill that guides the improvement of the work engagement process that guides to mitigate all the situational risk factors that guide the improvement of the workplace culture (Merritt, 2021). On the contrary, inadequate empowerment can have a negative impact on the employee's performance.
The shortcomings of my communication skill can create some unexpected issues within the organisation that not only hamper my self-efficiency and productivity but it also affects my reputation with others within the workplace. Apart from that, my organisational aspects of me have also changed due to my shortcomings. I have tried several things to overcome the business issues that guide me a lot to improve my communication skills both verbal and non-verbal. Apart from that, I also focus on my performance development issues and make a routine to improve my productivity that reflects on my confidence level. It is also very effective to overcome my shyness and helps in building strong relationships with other employees for great collaborative performances.
Trust is the most significant component of building up a successful organisation with efficient employees. Trust not only should grow among the employees to build up a collaborative business team that increases the business productivity but a level of trust should be created among the customers to create great customer value (Merritt, 2021). Apart from that, trust is a very crucial component that guides to improve job transparency among the employees, and dependence as well as helps in reducing employee turnover process. Trustworthiness among employees is one of the most important aspects that should be fulfilled and it can be achieved through active listening skills, solicitation of the framework, displaying appreciation as well as encouraging or motivating those (Subiyaktoet al. 2022). Apart from that, by practising consistency, improving nonverbal communication or soft skills as well as implementing an inclusive culture that guides to improve the trustworthiness among the employees as well as the customers.
“Trust theory” is a crucial theory that can be applied to the business process to improve organisational performance as well as self-efficiency. Apart from that, this theory is fundamental for maintaining all the functions of an employee to operate all the systems accordingly. “The concept of Lincoln and Guba” is also very significant and guides to improve the organisation's performance as it focuses on self-efficiency (Al-Omari et al. 2020). This concept mainly proposes a great sense of credibility, transferability, dependability as well as conformability of an individual that guides to improve the self-efficient and values of work.
Covey company secrets to others or discussing the confidentiality of the organisation outside are against the trustworthiness improvement. This can hamper the business culture and team collaboration in the organisation (Subiyaktoet al. 2022). The improvement of trustworthiness among the employees can be increased by increasing operational transparency between the business executives and the subordinates. Apart from that, honesty in performance and behaviour is another important aspect that enhances trustworthiness among the organisation’s staff as well as it also improves the brand value which attracts customers greatly. The leakage of the company's confidentiality is a very crucial offence that has a great impact on the reputation of the employees along with the organisation (Al-Omari et al. 2020). On the other hand, this guides to improve the.
I made a serious mistake to talk about confidential incidents among other employees within the organisation that can have serious consequences on my reputation as well as the brand value of the organisation. I have improved my skills by focusing on my honesty with organisational policy. Apart from that, I have increased my performance transparency and support the inclusive culture within the workplace. Besides this, I have also focused on my nonverbal communication as well as soft skills to improve my confidence level reflected in my performance. Apart from that, I strictly follow all the purposes of “The concept of Lincoln and Guba” which help me a lot in my character development that reflects over other employees in terms of getting a good position in the organisation as well as other important aspects of my self-efficiency.
Taking into consideration the above text it can be conceded that communication and effective teamwork is very important to business management. The active response is one of the most necessary components of this skill that guides the improvement of the conversion process as well as the understanding of others. This theory also proposes stages of active listening that are proper body language, asking relevant questions to the opposite person, understanding the meaning and showing empathy as well.
The final stage of this skill is the action which is based on all these stages. Some significant stages are sitting comfortably with eye contact during listening to others so that speakers feel valued and the next stage is open body language which guides the improvement of the conversion process as the speaker feels encouraged. Apart from that, the showing internet in listening and attentive listening is also important for active listening and effective eye contact is also significant. The last stage of this skill is related to relaxation which also improves these skills.
The feedback system is very important for the employees to improve the organizational overall empowerment that guides to improve the organizational practices. application of the award-giving process within the workplace among each employee in terms of good performance the empowerment can be improved greatly. The organisation can allow autonomy in the decision-making process very important for the development of empowerment of employees. The principal purpose of empowerment is to apply the lives, communities as well as society. There are 5 different types of empowerment that can be categorized economic, cultural, social, national as well as political and all these types of empowerment are very significant for the development of the business process that guides improvement the of organisational performance.
In the better growth of any organisation or in the case of personal growth two of the major components are proper communication and teamwork (Augustine et al. 2018). However, they both need to be improved to achieve more success in the field. Overall growth in these two components can increase the organizational productivity.
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