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Safeguarding And Protecting Vulnerable Individuals

Introduction - Safeguarding And Protecting Vulnerable Individuals

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Task 1

The overall evaluation in task 1 is particularly based on the protection and safeguarding of the vulnerable individuation. The main aim of this study is to evaluate the safeguarding and protection which are the important aspects that enable the efficiency of the vulnerable individuals. Yet, some of the signs and symptoms again have been evaluated here.

Concept of protection and safeguarding

Nowadays, all the healthcare sectors have faced a lot of challenges that can affect the efficiency of healthcare workers. In that case, specifically, the healthcare managers have faced a lot of problems. Due to that reason, protection and safeguarding can make a significant impact on the development of the health factors of the health care managers (Bhuyan et al. 2020). Safeguarding is mainly directed at the protection of the health of the citizen, human rights, and well-being activities that permit enabling the life unrestricted from abuse, harm, and neglect. Based on that approach, it is one of the necessary things that help in providing healthcare services with the highest quality (Pierre-Francois and Guzman, 2020). The safeguarding and protection have been provided by supplying some of the influencing principles in the healthcare sectors to the healthcare manager. All of those have been evaluated below.

  • EmpowermentIn this principle, people are sustained and uplifted for informing consent and making their own kinds of decisions (Scie.org.uk, 2021).
  • PreventionPrevention is mainly approached by taking any kind of action before causing harm. 
  • ProportionalityIt is an important principle that is based on the intrusive response that is suitable for the presented risk factors.
  • ProtectionThe principle of protection helps in representing and supporting all of those in some greatest needs (Scie.org.uk, 2021).
  • PartnershipThe partnership is significantly based on some local solutions through working services with their communities. However, communities have the main part playing in the prevention, detection and reporting of negligence and abuse.
  • AccountabilityTransparency and accountability is the part of a safeguard practice.

Apart from the principles, some of the major examples also have been used the safeguard issues which include bullying, and allegations against the healthcare managers and staff. Due to that reason, the safeguard helps in recognizing vulnerable individuals who are included in healthcare managers.

Explanation of legislative framework for the safeguarding vulnerable individual in social and health care

In the UK, there has been presented a powerful legal framework mainly for safeguarding vulnerable healthcare managers. Working in the healthcare sector, there is a need for a better and clear understanding of the privileges of vulnerable healthcare managers and some of their obligations towards them (Cpd Online.co.uk, 2020). The overall idea behind vulnerable healthcare managers is to protect their life and keep them and prevent them from being intimidated by or experiencing abuse and neglect. In the healthcare sector, mainly the healthcare managers need some extra help that can make them able to take special care of them. When healthcare managers look vulnerable, then it can be more likely that someone can mistreat all of them and take advantage (Carey et al. 2018). Safeguarding healthcare managers is the easiest way to stop any kind of mistreatment where it becomes mental, financial, emotional, and physical. Safeguarding is one of the important steps that help in promoting the well-being activities of the vulnerable. However, it is not enough to approach that help in stopping them from being harmed. Through this approach, a vulnerable healthcare manager can be able to take an opportunity of learning, and develop, and can have some positive experiences. The need for safeguarding is mainly focused on some outcomes for the healthcare vulnerable individuals. There are some processes in the place which have some needs that are to be followed but can get something flattering out of it if destiny is as essential as the authorities being involved (Van Daele et al. 2020). Some of the major factors have been accessed in the vulnerable individual which mainly included mental illness, physical disability, short and long term illness, age, homeless, and substance abuse.

Evaluation of the impact of serious case reviews that influence the protection and safeguarding

Serious case reviews (SCRs) have a potential mechanism around which a healthcare organization can take the learning that is based on the protection of the healthcare staff, mainly the healthcare managers. The act of SCRs is mainly carried out in the year 2014 and is mainly raised for the abuse or results of safeguarding Adult review that is called SAR (Ssaspb.org.uk, 2018). SCRs are mainly focused on the identification of the overall learning that helps in changing the healthcare organization. Yet, the SCRs are helping in developing the environment in which both the practice and systems can be safely improved and challenged. SCRs are one of the additional aspects that help in causing some serious harm that helps in resulting in neglect and abuse. SCRs are one of the crucial aspects that help in examining all of the agencies which are involved and help in working together as they can (Mason-Jones and Loggie, 2020). However, for all of the professionals who are found mainly negligent in the overall procedure and involvement, the SCRs are significantly able to emphasize where all of the missteps had been made. The SCRs are acting as the forum that supports reviewing the cases regularly. Along with this, it can be stated that all of the consequences of SCRs are highly informed in the process of decision-making with some of the major inputs from all of the members of the healthcare sector. In the case of safeguard and protection, the SCRs are highly undertaken by the harm of the healthcare staff that has the main cause for working together. Due to that reason, a lot of benefits can be obtained by using these SCRs in influencing the safeguarding and protection development (Brandon et al. 2020). The implementation of SCRs helps in influencing the protection and safeguarding within the healthcare sector mainly the protection factors of staff.

Explanation of the activities that need to be taken in the event of actual abuse and suspected

Apart from this, it can be stated that some of the major activities or actions need to be taken if anywhere the abuse is suspected. In the healthcare sector, mainly the healthcare staff has faced many breakdowns if the suspicions have been achieved (Safeguarding Cambs Peterborough.org.uk, 2022). Due to that reason, a lot of major objectives have been faced that can make a lot of impact on the protection factors positively. All of those actions have been stated below.

Learn about the safety planning

Learning about the planning of safety is one of the most important steps that help in improving performance. However, it can be also stated that the safety plan is based on some personalized plan that helps in focusing on the safety guidelines of the victim. Along with this, all of those planning about learning furthermore help in avoiding the victims in some kinds of dangerous situations or make some planning of reaction if the overall situation is escalated (Shellady, 2018). Apart from this, the plan of safety mainly has been created for assisting the victim in leaving and staying safe in the working environment.

Self-care practice

Another kind of important thing to remember in the case of helping someone in the healthcare sector is taking care of him or her. Nonetheless, the kind of emotional toll that is mainly coming from the victim's support can be obtained from draining (Smith et al. 2019). Due to that reason, it can be stated that this is one of the main aspects that help in enabling the safeguard and protection against abuse in the health care sector. However, speaking with professionals and counsellors helps in improving the supporting system that also helps in reducing the stress factors of the victims.

Evaluation of the impact of service provision in supporting individuals for taking risks and making an informed choice

The provision of service also helps in providing the control for some of the individuals mainly for taking some of the actions that also help in making some of the authentic access to decision-making. On the other hand, it is also one of the important aspects that helps in involving the activities that help in improving the division-making process (Sweeney et al. 2018). However, it can be stated that service provision significantly helps in supporting the health care managers by making their abilities, strengths, and support networks that help in making their choices by taking some risks. The social and health care settings also help in demonstrating the assessment of risk processes that enables the brain to think about it. This can also help in allowing the people to make some major decisions that help in supporting the development and help in promoting the achievement sense and self-esteem (World Health Organization, 2020). The service provision factors potentially help in improving the outcomes of health and help in developing the professional networks that also help in increasing the personal network. However, it also helps in increasing the personal awareness of the discoveries and news that helps in giving motivation to the healthcare professionals. Through the implementation of service provision, the informed choice can be improved which helps in enhancing the autonomy. Along with this, the service provider helps in increasing motivation which also helps in reducing the risk factors among the healthcare workers. The systematic application of service provision is mainly taken for educating the professionals within this approach that assists the decision-making process that can make the effectiveness of the informed choice. Moreover, the policy changes in service provide help in improving the decision-making process.

6 Evaluation of symptoms and signs of abuse

In the healthcare sector, mainly the signs and symptoms are too important that are significantly included physical abuse, sexual abuse, domestic violence or abuse, and financial abuse. All of that abuse has different types of symptoms and signs which have been demonstrated below.

Signs and symptoms of physical abuse

  • Nothing can explain inconsistency and injury with the account of happening
  • Inconsistent injury with own lifestyle
  • A cut, bruising, burns, welts, and marks within the body and furthermore losing hair in clumps (FitzPatrick et al. 2022).
  • Frequent injuries
  • Falls which are unexplained
  • Changes and subdued behaviour are mainly the presence of some particular person
  • Signs of mainly the factor of malnutrition (Scie.org.uk, 2020)
  • Failure for seeking medical treatment or some of the frequent changes of GP.

Signs and symptoms of domestic violence

  • Low kind of self-esteem
  • Feeling that is the part of abuse is the fault
  • Violence in physical abuse as cuts, bruising, and broken bones
  • Some kinds of verbal abuse and mainly the humiliation in the front of others
  • Outside intervention fear
  • Damage to property and home (Whaling et al. 2020).
  • The isolation that is not seeing family and friends
  • Limited access to the value of money

Signs and symptoms of sexual abuse

  • Bruising mainly to the buttocks, thighs, and upper arms, and some marks of injury on the neck
  • Pain, bleeding and itching in the same general area (Scie.org.uk, 2020)
  • Unusual activity on sitting and walking
  • Self-harming
  • Poor concentration, excessive fear
  • Fear of receiving the help of personal care

Signs and symptoms of emotional abuse

  • Insomnia
  • Lower kind of self-esteem
  • Aggressive and uncooperative behaviour
  • Signs of tearfulness, distress, and anger
  • Changing in the psychological state of the individual

Signs and symptoms of financial abuse

  • Changes in personal possessions
  • Unexplained withdrawal of the major funds from accounts
  • Failure for registering the LPA
  • Signs of the hardship in some financial cases

Measurements that need to be taken for avoiding abuse

From the above evaluation, it can be stated that a number of abuses have been faced by healthcare workers and managers. Due to that reason, several kinds of measurements need to be adopted that help in avoiding the abuse factors. Mainly within the healthcare sector, this kind of abuse needs to be taken that can make a lot of impact on the development of the working environment. Some kinds of measurements have been evaluated below that in reducing the abuse in the health and social care centres. All of those measurements have been demonstrated below.

By creating policies for harassment prevention

Harassment is one of the main repeated persecution and troubling behaviour that can intimidate others. All of those policies help in creating an offensive working environment and some kind of behavior as a warning for the violence (Berger et al. 2020). This policy can include the procedure sets which help in addressing the complaints in an environment that is private and efficient.

By creating effective communication

Effective communication is mainly acting as the key factor that helps in preventing violence in the workplace. The network of effective communication in a healthcare centre helps in recognizing, understanding, and reporting the potential signs that help in getting some favors from back to work (Volkow et al. 2019). Effective communication is one of the important factors that help in maintaining a positive environment that helps in addressing safeguarding and protection. 

Evaluation of the practices that helps in maintaining the protection and safety of the vulnerable individual

After the above evaluation, it can be stated that it is one of the main important things that also help in maintaining the safeguard and protection in the case of the vulnerable individual. For protecting the vulnerable individual, mainly ensure the persons belonging to the vulnerable individual that has one of the equal kinds of footing with others in a vulnerable individual (Alhayani et al. 2021). Along with this, it can be stated that within the healthcare the effective access helps in including some of the available belongings. Nonetheless, the practices like promoting justice,health equity and some effective policies also help in ensuring and addressing a healthier community that is highly significant for giving protection to the vulnerable individual (Raskar et al. 2020). Along with this some effective approaches also have been evaluated that help in improving the safeguarding of the healthcare vulnerable individual. All of those are included:

  • Improving social determinants for promoting healthy living.
  • Utilization of the global budgeting for the system of national healthcare.
  • Providing the virtual healthcare assessments.
  • Matching the need for hospitalization to some surrounding communities.
  • Supporting communities in the access to appropriate healthcare.
  • Motivation for personal care.

All of those aspects help in protecting the healthcare protection too high. Based on that reason, all of those practices of the protection and the safeguarding activities in the healthcare sector help in maintaining the satisfaction of the healthcare workers in which they can make them safe that helps in improving their working efficiencies.


From the above evaluation, it can be conclusively stated that safeguarding and protection is one of the main aspects of the development of the working efficiencies. In the UK, it can be stated that some of the legislation also has been evaluated that helps in promoting the safeguarding and protection factors. Due to that reason, the protection and safeguarding factors need to be improving which helps in proving support and influence to the vulnerable individual.


Task 2

The study is based on the development of safeguarding and providing possible protection to every individual in the UK. Therefore safeguarding is the concept that is based on assuring the lives of the public by encouraging them in the process of decision making regarding their lives and the health care through the formation of a bias-free environment. The healthcare organization that has been chosen for describing the issues is GlaxoSmithKline. This is a multinational pharmaceutical and healthcare company that is based in the UK and this company deals with the health care of the population of the UK. Therefore the study is going to focus on the protocol for working in partnership, and the importance of working in partnership. The study will also focus on the system review and the process of the service procedure.

Explanation of agreed protocol for working in partnership

The healthcare and pharmaceutical company GSK has been chosen to proceed with the study. This is a company that first originated in the UK and, therefore, progressing its business all over the world. The study will focus on the partnership approaches of the company. Therefore the study suggests that the main motto for the development of partnership by the GSK is based on the development of the knowledge, research facilities, and research experience for a better understanding of the needs of the population and therefore for the betterment of the business strategy (Saïd et al. 2018). Therefore GSK is also preferred to create partnerships with the NHS of the UK and other organizations based on the non-profit and the educational organization for the accumulation of the research data. The key aim of the business strategy of the GSK is based on the innovation and modification of the medicine and the health care products for the development of the treatment and the health of the patient and the fundamental protection of the health of the people in the UK.

The study suggests that the taken protocol for the development of the partnership is based on the following aspects;

Development of the working Knowledge by the process of partnership

Therefore the study suggests that the main purpose of the development of the partnership by GSK is based on the development of laboratory knowledge as well as the understanding of the needs of the population (Douthwaite et al. 2022). Therefore it is associated with the development of the process of innovation and the modification of medicine, vaccines, and health care products for the betterment of the health of the population of the UK.

Development of the products for the health care

The study suggests that the company is looking forward to productive collaboration. Therefore GSK is believed in the process of bringing forward the idea of the partner for the development of the products.

Improvement of the safeguarding

The other aim of the development of the partnership is based on the development of safeguarding (Woolf et al. 2021). The process of the development of a safe environment for the population is to ensure their capability in decision making. The safeguarding will be maintained by securing the health and the healthy practice of the population.

Protection of the information

The other aim of a good partnership is based on the protection of the information between partners. The information protection comes under the codes of ethics of GSK. The process of maintaining authentication and the justification of the business information is the main approach to partnership. Therefore the partnership is based on respecting individual laws and the thick of its business. Therefore another important part of the development of the relationship is based on the development of the working relationship between the two companies (Engelkes et al. 2020). Therefore GSK has consecutive rules for the protection of the data and the assessment of the personal information during collaboration with the other companies.

Evaluation of the importance of working in partnership with others in the relation to safeguarding

The importance of the working in partnership with others in the relation to safeguarding is as follows;

Development of the individual integrity

Therefore the study suggests that the development of the practice of safeguarding among the employee who is working in the health care is a mandatory process. Therefore the health care staffs in the health sector needs to deal with the vulnerable section of the society for daily purposes. The national policies for the development of safeguarding protection are included the adults and the children who are at risk in the population. Therefore GSK is focused on the development of the individual responsibilities of the employee (Wong et al. 2021). The study suggests that the development of individual integrity is based on ethics and honesty and courage.

Promotion of health of the employee

The SA considers safeguarding as beneficial for the employees in the health sector for utilizing every opportunity that is available for the development of the health as well as providing support to the health. The GSK provides some healthy living interventions for the development of the health of their employees. Therefore the company deals with the various groups of the vulnerable section of the society.

Preparation for the empowerment and management of crisis

According to the study the processes of Empowerment are based on the reduction of fear, and free to speak in the workplace (Geerligs et al.  2018). the process of empowerment is based on the aim of the worker in the GSK. Therefore empowerment is beneficial for regulating the trauma, the challenges, and the critical situation in the working palace. Therefore the company is determined to protect its employees and the consumer from any kind of natural disaster and man-made disaster.

Development of a safe workplace

The other aspect of safeguarding is based on the development of a bias-free workplace for the employees. Therefore employees can work according to their reflections as per the3 study it will result in the overall business of the company. The GSK in the UK believed in the practice of safe working places. Therefore the company focuses on taking up the responsibilities of every employee to follow the practice for a safe environment and the practice of the rules that save lives (May et al. 2018). On the other hand, the rules of the GSK are simple and easy to carry out in the workplace. The company makes it mandatory for the all-employee to maintain the safeguard rules to save their owner and others' lives.

Commitment to the health of the population

The study based on the evidence suggests that the health of the population is the main concern in the partnership between the health care companies. Therefore GSK is committed to the development of quality of life. The responsibilities of the company are based on the innovation of the working practices of the employees, and the improvement of the health of the patient and the consumers. 

Assessment of the importance of the individual involved in the system reviews and service procedure

  • The major benefit of systematic review is the improvement of the relationship between the employees of the GSK and the consumers of the GSK in the UK (Heath-Kelly et al. 2019).
  • The system review helps in the process of accumulation of the data regarding the perspective of the consumer to develop the medicines for curing the health issues.
  • The system review also results in the development of the skill of communication between the employees of GSK. Therefore it will result in the collection of the competitive intellects.
  • Therefore the systematic review results in the addition to the value of the achievement of the company.
  • The GSK focused on the development of respect toward all employees in the workplace. Therefore the company is playing a strict role in the regulation of the violence, cases of harassment, and offensive behaviour. Therefore the GSK is determined by the maintenance of the dignity of all individuals in the workplace.
  • The systematic review results in the development of a safe workplace by encouraging the employee to have honest conversations guided by the values of the organization.
  • The study suggests that the systematic review results in the generation of evidence for the development of the strategy of the GSK for the improvement of the health of the population (Arulrajah et al. 2018).
  • Therefore study also suggests that any kind of systematic review is essential for the development of a product and the innovation of the product of the company. The involvement of the systematic review results in the innovation of the Cvid vaccines by GSK.
  • The systematic review is responsible for the development of the responsibilities of the individual. As per their study, GSK follows the path of systematic review for the development of nature among the employees to maintain the rules and the regulations of the company ethics.
  • The systematic review can result in the achievement of consumer satisfaction in the UK (Levine et al. 2020). The GSK potentially believes in the process of regular follow-up of the requirement of the consumers of health care products.
  • The other aspect of the systemic review is beneficial for safeguarding. Therefore it is established on the outcome of a bias-free workplace for the workers. Therefore workers can perform according to their considerations as per the study which will result in a comprehensive business.
  • The GSK in the UK is considered the procedure of safe working places. Therefore the company concentrates on carrying the accountability of every worker to observe the procedure for a safe environment and the course of the rules that protect lives.
  • On the other hand, the regulations of the GSK are straightforward and easy to bring out in the workplace (Anka et al. 2020). The company makes it compulsory for the all-employee to preserve the safeguard management to protect their owner and others' lives.

Review of the procedure of work setting and practice against current policy and legislation in the relation to safeguarding and protecting vulnerable individuals

Practice against current legislation of safeguarding

The preventive measures of the GSK are the main key steps that can help in deal8ng with the problem in the healthcare systems. The analysis of the required criteria of the patients is the main step for dealing with the sustentation. The main policy of the safeguarding system is to give protection to all the employees and the stakeholders that are associated with the healthcare system. The application of all the protection acts and the legislation helps in the reduction of the risk factors while maintaining the protective measures.

Practice against current legislation against vulnerable individuals

  • Protection of the workers: The prevention of injuries and disease is considered the primary and fundamental practice of the GSK. Therefore the company encourages every individual the development of their health through their responsibilities.
  • Preventive Healthcare: The GSK provides health care packages for the development of the health of each employee.
  • Development of Resilience: The study is based on the evidence that suggests that the GSK focuses on the protection of the energy of the individual resilience of the workers (Kirya et al. 2020). Therefore GSK highlights the process of the training, development of the workshop, and innovation in the process of the coaching.


The study can conclude that the GST, the health care organization of the UK is highlighting the development of the safeguard for the employee and the consumers. Therefore the study can conclude the importance of the safeguards based on the development of a healthy and secure workplace. The study can conclude that the safeguard rules of GSK are beneficial for the development of employee equality in the workplace, respect for the vulnerability among the employee, and development of the trusting among the employee. The study also concludes on the importance of the systematic review based on the individual. The study also concludes the practice against current legislation of safeguarding to reduce the risk factors of the safeguard and the development of the business.



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