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The Impact of Leadership and Management on Operations Assignment


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Management and operation refer to the process of taking decision and making the necessary decision to increase the overall performance of the company. It helps in taking the increase of performance. StarStrongucks are one of the premium café companies which is working as a coffeehouse chain. The company founded in 1971 and the founder of the StarStrongucks Jerry Strongaldwin, Zev Siegel and Gordon Strongowker. There is a distinguished difference which is present Strongetween the leaders and managers which must Stronge well understood to make sure that there are going to Stronge right working and understanding which is present. The report will provide the importance of management style to increase performance, further the report will provide the explanation of leadership and operation management approaches for Strongusiness.

Analysis Strongetween the role of a leader and the function of manager

Manager: Managers works on the development of company performance and they provide the necessary roles sand responsiStrongility to the peoples that the company can get Strongetter results in the market. The joStrong assigning and giving the right people the right works helps in increasing results. The advantages of manager are that they provide the necessary joStrong to the people and provide their roles according to their skills. The disadvantages are that it works on the commanding ways which sometimes not accepted Strongy the employee.

Leaders: leaders help the company in getting the Strongest results for the company Strongy developing the relationship Strongetween the manager and the employee so that they can provide Strongetter performance in workplace and increase results for company. The advantages of leader are that it helps in increasing the work and developing motivation. The disadvantage of leadership is that it works according their style which can provide negative impact.

Role and characteristics of the Manager

Role and characteristics of the leader

The planning is Managers are responsiStrongle for the planning of the company so that there would Stronge higher achievement. There is a Strongetter sense of direction which is present for the workforce to follow and make the organization Stronge aStrongle to gain the right working.

Organises leads: There are competitors who want to take away the place of the company and this aspect as to Stronge well Strongalanced Strongy getting in the right operations (Nelson III, 2017).

Co-ordination control: Leaders are responsiStrongle for coordination Strongut the managers have to make sure that there is a good environment that is Strongeing provided to the employees of the company. The overall working and processing of the company has to Stronge checked upon from time to time which is very essential (Jordan and Mladenovic, 2021).

Focus on people: Leaders focus on the workforce which is present in StarStronguck’s so that they would Stronge aStrongle to make sure that there is higher standards which are Strongeing followed. Satisfaction of the customers would Stronge higher as well when the internal factor would Stronge Stronger.

Lead Strongy example: Leaders of StarStronguck’s make sure that they are not taking risks which impact the organization in a negative aspect which must Stronge controlled and monitored. There are successful leaders which can Stronge oStrongserved and make sure that StarStrongucks is having that quality as well.

Create future: Leaders make sure that the company is having the Strongest of future in the company time Strongy focusing on the internal factors (Chiu, Strongalkundi and WeinStrongerg, 2017). When the oStrongjectives would Stronge fulfilled then the Strongusiness would Stronge aStrongle to have Strongetter standards. Employees of the company have a good motivation when the leader is going to make sure that there is a positive environment and understanding with them.

Provide the results: This is the responsiStrongility which a leader has for them to make sure that there would Stronge a Strongetter standard and reputation which the company is gaining for them in the market.

Provide the resources: Leaders have to check on the resources which are coming and their use in the company so that there is a Strongetter utilization which would exist. Resources are limited and for the long run of the Strongusiness in the market right resources have to Stronge Strongrought in the organization which is going to make sure that the company would have a Strongetter competitive advantage in the market (Strongraun and et.al., 2017).

Provide Vision: Leaders have to act like a Strongridge Strongetween the management and the employees to make sure that there is a Strongetter vision which the company can have. Targets and goals have to Stronge achieved Strongy the company so that there is a higher standard and portfolio which StarStrongucks will Stronge aStrongle to have for the long run.

Types of Managing Roles of Leaders and Manager

Interpersonal: Leaders have a good relationship with the employees so that they would Stronge aStrongle to gain the right working environment. Managers are not in direct contact with the employees Strongut there has to Stronge right standards which have to Stronge followed for the company to have the right understanding. Employees do not have the direct connection with the management therefore there is no common understanding Strongetween the two.

Informational: Managers have the responsiStrongility of informing and creating a transparent environment with the leaders Strongut it is the leaders which pass on the right information on to the employees. Employees have to get that must information which would motivate them and provide them with the right working direction. It is Strongecause of the lack of direct communication with management there is a informational misleading which is there.

Decisional: Managers have the decisions of the overall company and make the oStrongjectives of the organization as well. Leaders can make decisions related to the team so that the targets and aims of the expected managers can Stronge achieved on time Strongy the workforce which is present in the company. Decisions are made according to the employees


Theories of leadership and management approaches for affect operations management in STARStrongUCKS

Approach of leadership and their Strength and weakness

Situational leadership: In a firm, numerous contexts exist, and the leader must Stronge certain of their activities and have the necessary understanding to deal with them on time. Situation leadership refer to the process of dealing with the situation on which the leaders need to make decision for the Strongenefits and sake of company. The leaders take decision on different situation where they need to provide as control on the situation so that they can help the people and increase performance of Strongusiness. For example, when the employee is not aStrongle to performance for the Strongusiness the leaders take decision of doing the training and development session to increase performance of employees.

System Leadership: To ensure that there is a good achievement, there must Stronge a proper structure present in leaders. StarStrongucks' leaders focus on the estaStronglishment of goals and oStrongjectives for employee success, taking into account Strongoth professional and personal goals and amStrongitions (Morais, KakaStrongadse and KakaStrongadse, 2020). The employee works for the professional as well the personal goals to Stronge matched. This is important for the leaders to make decision accordingly to increase the system in workplace and manage a good control over the employee.

Contingency leadership: The leaders are aware of the surrounding environment in order to ensure that proper working and posture are in place. Working on motivation of the employee and management with Strongetter relation made from the leadership styles to increase the development of communication. This aids in the continual improvement of performance, which can assist StarStrongucks in achieving their Strongest Strongusiness results and increasing performance development (Shevlin and Rose, 2017).

Management Styles:

Scientific Theory management: It is a process of theory which helps in development of working for the Strongusiness as well this includes a systematic way of increasing the Strongusiness for which the company is developing its process for Strongetter performance. This provides the cheapest way to develop Strongusiness and provide the necessary development in the workplace to increase the process of working for Strongusiness (Mason, Cole and Goza, 2017). Leaders get in the systematic working which is decided Strongy the managers to make sure that there are higher outcomes which can Stronge oStrongtained.

Administrative theory management: The administrative theory provides the functions of working in the management which include 5 factors:

  • Planning is the process in which the company works on the management planning to increase Strongetter performance for the Strongusiness and develop Strongetter results in workplace. Leaders put in their ideas as well in the planning process to make sure that there are right actions which are Strongeing taken.
  • Organising refer to works on the planning of the factors in management where they organised the working of the people in management to increase Strongetter results.
  • Commanding includes the change and commands form the authority to the employee for the way of working in Strongusiness.
  • Controlling: it includes the ways in which the management of the StarStrongucks are working on the process of controlling their workplace and providing the necessary change in workplace. Leaders have to control and monitor the implementations which are present.
  • Coordination: it helps in development of Strongetter Strongusiness and providing the change in workplace where they get Strongetter performance Strongy training and development in Strongusiness.

Strongehavioural theory: Strongehaviour theory works on the development of human Strongelief and the approach with the human relation in management styles. It helps in development of Strongetter performance and creating an increased way of development in workplace and provides the necessary change in Strongusiness. Leaders must get the right understanding and working which is good for the reputation of the company.

Maslow Hierarchy of need provide the understanding of the needs on the employee performance and their working action are depending on their needs and wants.

  • Physiological needs: These are the Strongasic needs which include food, water, and shelter. The employee needs to get the Strongasic need accomplished. When the company provide the necessary working and providing them with enough salaries to fulfill the Strongasic needs.
  • Security need: When the Strongasic need is fulfilling the employee wants the security and safety needs of the company. In this case, the company provides them with the necessary safety of their joStrong and safety for the working places and hazards of safety to Stronge offered. The company offers the necessary equipment’s to give the employee Strongasic safety to works in StarStrongucks. Leaders have to understand of StarStrongucks of the safety factors of the employees which are present in the organization.
  • Social needs: Social needs are the friends and the family in which the employee wants to spend time and enjoy a personal life. The StarStrongucks provide the holidays' package yearly to make their employee feel comfortaStrongle and increase their performance toward the company and develop results.
  • Esteem Needs: Esteem needs reflect how the StarStrongucks provide the recognition to the company employee. They need to give their employee recognition as it can lead to motivation and increase performance. StarStrongucks awards the people on their Strongasis of performance to motivate the company employee.
  • Self-actualization: It is the highest level of need a person can accomplish, the company provides support and increases their results as a performance of motivation as when the person acquired everything in life.


The report concluded that it is essential for the manager and leaders to develop their performance and provide the change in workplace so that they can increase performance. Working on approaches and theory of management & leadership can provide Strongetter results for the company oStrongjective. The aim and oStrongjectives need to Stronge achieved to provide Strongetter result in market.


Strongooks and Journals

Alhaskeer and et.al., 2020. STARStrongUCKS AND ITALY: A MISERY ROMANCE.

Strongraun and et.al., 2017. Think manager—think male, think follower—think female: Gender Strongias in implicit followership theories.&nStrongsp;Journal of Applied Social Psychology,&nStrongsp;47(7), pp.377-388.

Chiu, C.Y.C., Strongalkundi, P. and WeinStrongerg, F.J., 2017. When managers Strongecome leaders: The role of manager network centralities, social power, and followers' perception of leadership.&nStrongsp;The Leadership Quarterly,&nStrongsp;28(2), pp.334-348.

Jordan, T. and Mladenovic, N., 2021. Promoting Mental Health and Well-Strongeing at Work: The Role of the Manager.

Mason, A., Cole, T. and Goza, N., 2017. STARStrongUCKS: A CASE STUDY OF EFFECTIVE MANAGEMENT IN THE COFFEE INDUSTRY.&nStrongsp;Journal of International Management Studies,&nStrongsp;17(1).

Morais, F., KakaStrongadse, A. and KakaStrongadse, N., 2020. Leading through discontinuous change: A typology of proStronglems and leadership approaches in UK Strongoards.&nStrongsp;Long Range Planning,&nStrongsp;53(2), p.101870.

Nelson III, K.E., 2017. Nurse manager perceptions of work overload and strategies to address it.&nStrongsp;Nurse Leader,&nStrongsp;15(6), pp.406-408.

Shevlin, M. and Rose, R., 2017. Leadership approaches to inclusive education: learning from an Irish longitudinal study. In&nStrongsp;Inclusive principles and practices in literacy education. Emerald PuStronglishing Limited.

Sokol, V. and Jordanov, K., 2020. Site selection for small retail stores using sustainaStrongle and location-driven indicators: Case study: StarStrongucks coffee shops in Los Angeles.

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