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Dual Diagnosis in Victoria: Addressing Mental Health and Substance Use Disorders Case Study By Native Assignment Help.
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A dual diagnosis is a coexisting mental disorder that mainly includes various illnesses, such as depression and any other biopower disorder. Apart from that, people with mental issues may use alcohol and other drugs, which develop depression and anxiety with dual diagnostics. Additionally, Dual diagnosis is mainly treated by an integrated approach where alcohol and other drug services are minimised concurrently. Victoria is part of the world where a considerable amount of other drug supply works with the enlarged number of people with dual diagnoses. Besides that, other alcohol services have a vast capacity to respond to the requirements of people with dual diagnoses.
Apart from that, this study will state a problem that is mainly about the two enablers and barriers associated with access and care for people with dual diagnosis in Victoria.
In the year 2002, in Victoria, the Victorian Dual Diagnosis Initiative (VDDI) was a cross-sector initiative fund that accommodated mental health, drug, and alcohol clinics to develop their capacity for more other people, which increased the issue of mental problems (Sear et al., 2022). On the other hand, dual diagnosis services mainly developed the treatment outcome through their initiative fund for individuals suffering from their coexisting mental health illness. Besides that, in Victoria, the Victorian dual diagnosis initiatives (VDDI) mainly play a significant role in identifying the risk of mental disorders and substance issues. Further, in the Department of Victorian Health Services, the dual diagnosis mainly focuses on mental health and substance issues of the people, which is expanded in Victoria's health and social care sectors.
The Victorian dual diagnosis is the critical direction policy which has increased the urgent policy and the clarifying documents by which the mental health programmed store developed the ' 'No Wrong Door" systems for increasing the integrated diagnosis of the people. besides that, the Victorian dual diagnosis initiative is also available as a resource for achieving the strategic direction for the combined treatment of people who mainly suffer the mental health issues (Myers et al., 2020). Apart from that, this strategic direction primarily promotes the human health service system by which tremendous support of mental health for both clinical and community services has recognized the coexisting condition of the people. Additionally, the capability of the dual diagnosis also really leads to the stand total harm of the alcohol and drug issue, which is strongly associated with developing there they’re better health condition.
In Australia, the service of public health process developed the population of health framework in the mental health care sector by which the dual diagnosis mainly produced a distinct discourse, sense of the language and social practices, which has been analyzed by the capacity of this treatment. On the other hand, implementing the “No Wrong Door" approach minimizes people of mental illness and use of substance disorders. For diagnosis of mental health and substance use disorder of the people, the "No Wrong Door" approach overtreatment of the dual diagnosis is a minipig process which plays a significant role in acknowledging the people's addiction symptoms of alcohol and drugs and also adopting their treatment plan accordingly (Kores et al., 2019). Further, here mainly discuss the two enabling conditions of dual diagnosis treatment in Victoria.
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Dual diagnosis treatment concurrently supports the individuals of the people for managing mental health illness and addiction symptoms of alcohol and drugs. These dual-diagnosis treatments also provide comprehensive care to people to minimize their mental health illness and substance use disorder in Victoria. On the other hand, the “No Wrong Door" approach increased the mental health service by which harmful diseases alcohol and drug disorders of the people are fully minimized (Manning et al., 2020). Besides that, for increased life quality people, the dual diagnosis treatment mainly understands the primary connection between addiction and depression of the people's mental issues. Which mainly spread in Victoria by increasing the mental health and substance use disorder of the people. For example, anxiety is one of the mental health disorders which is increased due to the use of alcohol and drugs or by the use of other types of addictive substances. As a result, Victoria, the vast amount of anxiety disorder creates an emotional cycle in the human body.
On the other hand, some behavioural therapies, such as Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) and Dialectical Bilabial Therapy (DBT) mainly used to treat mental health issues associated with dual diagnosis. In Victoria, doctors mainly use CBT therapy by which the people cope with the change of inefficient pattern thinking, simultaneously minimizing mental health illness and substance use disorder. Further, another treaty is DBT which can also reduce the self-harm behaviors of people. On the other hand, to understand the dual diagnosis treatment condition in another way, the social model increases the health of the people strengthens and supports the integration of alcohol and sectors, reducing mental health treatment among people (Mills et al., 2019). Apart from that, each therapy also developed awareness among the people associated with the legitimacy of clinical depression, further protecting the chronic anxiety among the people, which is broadly spread in Victoria. On the other hand, for example, some of the medial procedures like psychotherapy which is also called talk therapy which is mainly involved in minimizing mental health conditions. apart from that, psychotherapy is also another approach which mainly impedes the mental health condition of the people. With this therapy mental illness disorders of the people main completed within a few months (Esteve et al., 2022). besides that, this therapy also required for long-term treatments, where it can be mainly tacking place in one with one group of family members to develop the quality of life for those with mental disorders people. Father, for the comparison of the bilabial therapy and psychotherapy, this therapy also provides a better quality of life for the people.
In the comprehensive nature of Victoria, the dual diagnosis treatment developed the motion of the people who usually suffer from mental health issues like anxiety. On the other hand, in Victoria, for the people who mainly suffer from severe mental health awareness issue, the dual diagnosis treatment support individuals in understanding the better connection between addiction and depression mental health issue and also develops the motivation skills of the people for creating the health awareness plan among the people who are seriously injured. For example, the genesis recovery in one of the other dual diagnosis treatments by which the better quality of the healthcare minimized the issue of the mental health disorder of the people. On the other hand, the multifaceted approach is a treatment by which dual diagnosis treatment increases the motivation power of the people and also gives medication-assisted treatment for developing the future safety of the people (Foster et al., 2022). On the other hand, some of the possible risk factors of the dual diagnosis treatment, which are genetics, stress, and trauma which is generally impact people's health. As a result, people's better health is impacted. On the other hand, for example, rehabilitation is another Tremont plan for the mental health people which any given huge opportunities to the mental health disorder people or substances use disorder people to help them for leading the basic skills by the mental health people cope up with their condition (ERDO?AN et al., 2021). Beside that these treatments plan also developing the motivation power of the people throughout mentioning the better quality of life. For the compare of the genesis recovery and with the revaluation therapy, this therapy provides best skills to the people to developed their motivation power.
Apart from that, among the public health concerns, the genesis recovery process of the dual diagnosis has developed the capacity of the dual diagnosis treatment, which is addressed in the coexisting disorder of the people. Moreover, according to the Australian Dual Diagnosis the treat mint of dual diagnosis, some po the treatment policy increased t the mental health awakes Young et al.,2020). In order for increasing the people mental issue this DDCAT index mainly indicates that the integrated approach increased the dual diagnosis treatment rates of approximately 45 % who are mainly struggling with mental health disorder problems.
Apart from that, according to the DDCAT index, in the mental health care sector, in Victoria, dual diagnosis treatment mainly appears with the implantation of the Integrated Dual Treatment (IDDT) model for analyzing the mental health issue among the people. Apart from that, with this model in the Australian market, some of the positive evidence related to the mental health issue has increased the quality of the life of the people who are mainly associated with the coexisting mental issue. On the other hand, integrating substances which mainly used in the disorder treatment, the IDDT model, has developed mental health awareness among people to minimize the risk of excessive drug and alcohol intake of the people (Kiner, 2020). The use of the IDDT model minimizes the effects of the different types of drugs, which can broadly be sprayed among the people. On the other hand, according to the DDCAT index, the two innovative programs can also reduce the mental health issue of drug addiction symptoms of the people, then first steps mainly involve the progress of the dual diagnosis treatment by the analysis of the pharmacological treatment Moreover, the second steps also involved for the informants y the cultural direction of the dual diagnosis treatment which is increased the mental health service and the social health care systems.
The mental health disorder and the substances cause problems among the people, which mainly broadly spread in Victoria (Florentine et al., 2019). On the other hand, many treatment programmers are required to minimize the issue of mental health. additionally, about this programmer’s dual diagnosis treatments have an many difficulties in the treatment of the mental health issue among people.
Mental health disorder and substance use disorder are both common disorders, mainly come from their symptoms (Mills et al., 2019). On the other hand, many people impacted with the self-medicated health disorder for the undiagnosed treatment of the people. Besides that, a substance which is mainly used as a disorder may be involved in alcohol and drug and other addictive substances, which has an impact on the health of people. Some of the disorders which can broadly spread among people are addiction to substances like alcohol and drugs. Some of the diagnosis systems which can vary widely through the different combinations of dual diagnoses are as follows.
The undiagnosed symptoms of the use of the substances are as follows:
In Victoria, mainly of the Penelope family, continuously uses various alcoholic substances like drugs every year by which people are seriously injured. Further, this type of drug addiction system cannot be undiagnosed (Manning et al., 2020). As a result, people's health contagion decreases slowly. Moreover, according to recent scientific inquiries, it has been observed that the family history of substance addiction is an environmental influence which is impacted the grown-up children in the house. As a result, the mental health issue also increases. On the other hand, for example, Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) is a mental disposer of the dule diagnosis resentment which mainly comes from the family and friends. With this disorder people reduces their energy every day and also decreased their needs of the sleep time as a result its i-Series impact to the people’s healthy life style (Sivertsen et al., 2021). On the other hand, this disorder mainly impacts most of the people who mainly very slowly gets better for the impact of the mental health disorder and substance uses disorder.
Due to the excess use of the alcohol and drugs substances used among the people in an unhygienic way, the mental health symptoms can widely spread in Victoria. On the other hand, for mention, poor hygiene, malnutrition, and weight loss systems have increased. As a result, people are seriously impacted by substance use disorder systems (Florentine et al., 2019). For example, Diogenes syndrome is another system of the lack of hygiene maintenance. In the mental health people not to mention their people hygiene as results some of the signs often increased such as self-negligence social isolation.
Besides that, some of the symptoms also spread due to the impact of the mental health disorder among the people.
Mental illness mainly occurs due the addiction to drug and alcohol. On the other hand, the use of dual diagnosis treatments only spared the treatment of the dual diagnoses treatments some of the steps have increased the better treatment procedure for people. Apart from that, due of mental health illness diseases mainly comes from various family and friends. Which is seriously impacted to the people health condition. On the other hand, the genetic factor like short-tempered Islamia which is impact the health of the people. As a result, the people also seriously injured (Manning et al., 2020). Apart from that the excess amount of drug and alcohol addiction increase the excessive amount of the difficulty of energy consumption as rust, people are seriously injured by mental health disorder. Apart from that, the alcohol is some is used as a quick cure for depression (Sear by et al.,2022). further, it has been spared in extreme ways as a dangerous and life-threatening consequences among the people mover after the stimulation of the brain reward system Some of the dangerous systems, like mental trauma and anxiety, are broadly impacted among the peoples in Victoria. Additionally, bipolar disorder also comes from family or friends, which mainly affects mentally ill people (Manning et al., 2020). This dispersion is mainly developed from various causes, like peoplemood, and also created by the loss of excessive energy, which forms the basis of mental health disorders in people.
Some of the physicians mainly examine the treatment of mental health illnesses and also treat substance use disorders among the people who are seriously injured. On the other hand, in the dual diagnosis treatment procedure, some of the different systems can be used for the treatment of the disorders. As a result, treatment is not given to people due to the use of different treatment procedure systems (Manning et al., 2020). On the other hand, those who mainly injure two types of disorders, like mental health disorders or acute substance use disorders like alcohol or drugs, receive only one treatment procedure at a time. These obstacles mainly negatively impacted the people who mainly injured both of the disorders. For example, Cognitive behavioural therapy is mainly used for the treatment of mental health issues among people and Dialectical Bilabial Therapy (DBT) is mainly used for the treatment of the substance use disorder of the people. As a result, both theories are used as a dual diagnosis treatment, but these different types of theory not to recognize both systems like mental health and substance uses disorder of the people. Besides that, some of the focused gropes of people mainly identified their spermic mental health issues, which can increase due to the co-occurring mental disorder of the people (Maarel et al., 2023). The limited support of the co exiting disposer which can create a barrier of the mental illness or with the substances uses disorder people. As a rest it can be seriously impact the people's health conditions.
On the other hand, the main barriers mainly occurred due to the use of two different types of therapy for the treatment. According to the DDCAT index, bipolar disorder is increased due to the irregular mood swings of people, which mainly impact adolescence and senior people. further OCD disorder also associated with a high amount of anxiety. As a result, people have lost their energy and motivational power in a large way (Maarel et al., 2023). The Stigma Mental Health and Addiction (SMHAA) shows that, due to the different types of theory used in the dual diagnosis treatment, mainly people destroy their lives due to not taking appropriate treatment procedures at the proper time.
From the above discussion, it has been concluded that dual diagnosis mainly refers to one or more diagnosed mental health problems, which are mainly developed due to the huge amount of drug and alcohol use. Apart from that, two types of disorders mainly occur among the people in Victoria, which are mental health illnesses and substance use disorders, which are prevented by dual diagnosis treatment. Moreover, this dual diagnosis trend not only improved the quality of life of the people, but it also has a negative perspective, which has an impact on the people in Victoria. On the other hand, the health of the people and the service of drugs have a vast capacity to respond to the requirements of people with the assistance of dual treatment. Further, people with a mental illness may use alcohol and other drugs, that increase depression and anxiety with dual diagnostics. Dual diagnosis is mainly treated by an integrated approach where alcohol and other drug services are minimised concurrently.
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