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Research can have a positive impact on local practice and policy, as well as promoting and informing global health programmes. Refining and using effective research skills and methods is key to being able to produce high-quality research that can contribute to developing a richer understanding of a phenomenon, driving improvements in public health and in healthcare as a whole The aim of this unit is to develop student’s research skills further to be able to carry out an independent piece of action research using human participants to contribute to service improvement. Students will make use of the Practice Themes in order to identify a suitable research project or extend a proposed study devised at level 4. Students will firstly develop a deeper understanding of the types of research conducted in public health and develop their research skills further to carry out a research study using their own research questions. Students will then go on to design their research methodology and carry out a piece of action research and produce findings to a range of audiences. By the end of this unit students will be able to evaluate their research journey and its impact on their own practice and provision as well as its significance in contributing to wider public health service improvement. Students will be able to evaluate the success of their research and make recommendations for future research that extends or deepens understanding further. |
Unit Learning Outcomes |
LO1 Review the role of research in health and wellbeing improvement strategies LO2 Develop a methodological framework for action research in health and wellbeing improvement LO3 Carry out action research towards improvements in health and wellbeing LO4 Examine the impact of research findings with regard to service improvement and own professional development |
Submission Format |
This assignment consists of two parts. 1. PART A: ACTION RESEARCH PROPOSAL: 1000 WORDS Addressing the chosen theme as specified by Pearson “Approaches to person-centred care that embraces diverse, equitable and inclusive strategies”. Note: Please ensure to enclose the Research Proposal form agreed and signed by you and your tutor and the ethics approval form along with your research proposal. Pearson set FOUR topics, for which GBS has chosen the one below. You are now advised to address the above theme: ? Approaches to person-centred care that embraces diverse, equitable and inclusive strategies. 2. PART B: ACTION RESEARCH PROJECT IN THE FORM OF DISSERTATION 3500 WORDS Addressing the chosen theme as specified by Pearson “Approaches to person- centred care that embraces diverse, equitable and inclusive strategies”. The topic and type of project chosen must be appropriate for small-scale personal research, which will include gathering evidence from service users, the wider community, colleagues, and other practitioners. The project must balance the duration of time committed to delivering input to support student's research, and the time necessary to conduct the project. |
Submission is in the form of an academic report. This should be written in a concise, formal business style using 1.5 spacing and font size 12. You are required to make use of headings, paragraphs, and subsections as appropriate, and all work must be supported with research and referenced using the Harvard referencing system. A references list and bibliography should be provided using the Harvard referencing system. The recommended length is 1000 for Research Proposal and 3500 words towards Research Project, but you will not be penalised for exceeding this. You must ensure you support the written report with a range of graphical illustrations and appropriate appendices. |
Guidance on how to use this document: • Consider the development of a methodical and valid research plan as the foundation for the project. • Choose a topic of personal interest in a specialism to explore in your project. • A good topic for your project is one that has an existing body of literature or source material that can be reviewed, and one in which you have access to primary research sources • A good project is one that extends a current line of learning that will lend itself to further rigorous exploration. • Develop your plan for your project based on the deliverables of the project brief, the constraints of the context and the assumptions made. • Apply a range of secondary research sources to plan/scope and support the project and its findings. Secondary research sources may include textbooks, journal articles, newspapers and magazine articles (not factual accounts). • Apply a range of primary research sources to plan/scope and support the project and its findings. Primary research sources should include first-hand accounts from service users, practitioners and other experts in the area of practice. They can also include legal and historical documents, results of experiments and other market research data collection. Apply both qualitative and quantitative research methods to evaluate data collected from primary research. • Ensure that your research is ethical, reliable and valid. An ethics form must be submitted prior to completion of research as part of the research plan. • Agree your research plan with your tutor before beginning your research. • Conduct your research as outlined in the plan agreed with your tutor |
• Carry out your research, analyse your research findings and draw conclusions. Apply both qualitative and quantitative research methods to evaluate data collected from primary research. • Meet with your tutor to receive a sign-off at each stage of the process. • Communicate your research outcomes in a manner appropriate to your audience. • Keep notes of your progress throughout the process in your logbook. This is an important record of your work and should be used to record the development of your ideas and your progress through to the completion of the review. The logbook should include: o A record of what you did, when and what you were thinking. o A record of where things went wrong and what you did to overcome any unexpected results o You will be asked to reflect on the success of your project and your own performance in a personal performance review at the end of the project. This is a written reflection of around 500 words. You must complete the project in order to complete your work for this unit. |
Scenario and activity: The healthcare practitioner is a key contributor to the service user experience and is instrumental in driving the changes needed to enable a more effective and efficient healthcare service. The effective practitioner should provide a values-based, high-quality service and environment for colleagues and users of services that is inclusive, welcoming and puts the individual needs of the service user at its centre. You are recently appointed as a research associate in a health and social care setting. Your main job role is to investigate possible solutions by conducting a small-scale action research. This research will give you the opportunity to explore the nature of the challenges to a view of improving the quality of care in the care setting. The Pearson-set theme for use with” Approaches to person-centred care that embraces diverse, equitable and inclusive strategies”. Students are to research the topic given below. Strong research projects are those with clear, well focused and defined objectives. A central skill in selecting a research objective is the ability to select a suitable and focused research objective. One of the best ways to do this is to put it in the form of a question. Use the action research topic related to the theme to generate ideas for a good research objective. The action research topic is specified below: |
· Approaches to person-centred care that embraces diverse, equitable and inclusive strategies. Once you have identified the action research topic and objective you will undertake the following steps to collate and present the proposal along with the ethics form. Please note that you will need your topic to be approved by your tutor bysubmitting the proposal form along with the ethics form. |
Submission procedure: 1. Submit a Research Proposal that includes your chosen organisation and addresses the above Person set theme 2. Your proposal should not exceed 1000 words excluding the proposal form and the ethics form. 3. Ensure your topic, research objective, research question is clear and precise. 4. Ensure you address the specified scenario, presenting your proposal in the context of your chosen organisation |
Proposal form should include: Ø Define your research problem or question. This can be stated as a research question, objectives or hypothesis. Ø Provide a literature review giving the background and conceptualisation of your proposed area of study. This would provide existing knowledge and benchmarks by which your data can be judged. Ø Consider and define your research methodology and research process. Demonstrate understanding of the pitfalls and limitations of the methods chosen and ethical issues that might arise. Ø Draw points (1–3, above) together into a research proposal for agreement with your tutor. Ø Please use the Proposal form and the Ethics form as specified below and see that it is signed by your tutor and you. This needs to be submitted in the portfolio link along with your action research proposal which is further submitted in the Turnitin link. Develop a project proposal for researching the research objective identified: Your research proposal identifies the purpose of the research project with clear aim and objectives and justifies the chosen research methods in terms of the research question. Discuss the ethical issues which will need to be considered and examine the research methods and approaches to be taken. Prepare an action plan with target dates and methods for monitoring and updating your activities to ensure your meet the deadline for the final written report. |
Scenario and activity: You continue using the scenario that you used for the research proposal |
Once you have identified the research topic and objective and have the approved proposal by your tutor along with the ethics form. You now continue to complete your Research Project and submit it in the form of Dissertation. |
Submission procedure: 1. Submit a Research Project that includes your chosen organisation and addresses the above Pearson set theme 2. Your Report should not exceed 3500 words; however, you will not be penalised for excess words. 3. Ensure your topic, research objective, research question is clear and precise. 4. Ensure you address the specified scenario, presenting your proposal in the context of your chosen organisation 5. Please ensure your dissertation is presented in the prescribed format specified below. |
Research Project format towards submission: Title Page § It is important that you state clearly, at the beginning of the assignment, what its title is, which module it applies to and your name as the author. § You should also include the College name, report title and the date. Executive Summary § A summary should be provided, so that people can see at a glance what the report is about. You should mention your key findings, conclusions, and recommendations. § This summary is usually printed immediately after the title page. Contents Page § Page numbers as well as section/chapter titles should be included |
§ If the report incorporates some appendices, their titles should be listed Acknowledgements § A list of names, roles, and organisations (if relevant) of all of those who helped you when compiling the report should be listed Terms of Reference · Refer to your project proposal Introduction § This section should provide some of the background of the subject that forms the principal theme of your report. § If the report is designed to solve a perceived ‘problem’, the history of the ‘problem’ can be reviewed here, culminating in the situation that prompted the report to be written § You should also provide some key information about the organisation in which your research is based. Literature Review (Secondary Research) You need to know what the key literature is related to the research objective in order to plan a research study to explore the phenomenon. Conduct a literature review using a range of sources relating to the research topic. Evaluate the validity and reliability of the sources, discussing current understanding on the research topic area |
In your report discuss the sources of literature found and how they relate or otherwise to the research topic. Your report should critically evaluate literature in order to assess the validity of the literature in supporting the research topic. Methodology § This section is needed for the reader to judge the authenticity of the ‘evidence’ that comprises the main body of the report. All sources should be mentioned and, if appropriate, describe how you put together your questionnaire or survey. § Copies of questionnaires, interview questions etc. should be included in the appendices. § If any published documents were studied, this should be mentioned here Carry out independent primary research Design, implement, collect, and critically analyse data. For example, using a survey/questionnaire/interview or other primary research technique to collect data and then present and analyse findings. Present your findings using visual illustrations e.g. bar charts/pie graphs/tables. Your report will include the critical analysis of data and the advantages and disadvantages of the research methods and approaches taken to data collection. · Main Body and Findings: (LO1, LO2, LO3, and LO4). § This is likely to comprise many paragraphs or sections. It is often useful to break up your project into subheadings. § This section should be structured around the key themes of your research § Use tables, charts if possible. Your presentation of data is important § This section should bring together your secondary and primary research and your findings Conclusions § In this section you should say what your facts or findings mean i.e., discuss the key implications arising from the wealth of detail you may have collected. § The conclusions should not incorporate any new facts Recommendations § Your recommendations should clearly spell out your ideas to enable them to be acted upon. § In particular, if your proposals involve expenditure, you must supply a cost benefit evaluation to show what it costs and what management will get from it. § Finally, critically reflect on how you have conducted the project, the lessons learned and the alternative you would consider in the future with recommendations for actions to be taken forward. References and Bibliography § All references in the report should be listed in the correct Harvard format in a References list. Other materials used but not referred to in the Research Project should be included in a Bibliography. Appendices § All detailed statistical tabulations, graphs, lists, questionnaires etc. should be organised into separate appendices § Include a list of references (sources that are cited in the report itself) § Nothing should be included that isn’t referred to in the main body of the report |
Performance Review Template
Project proposal form
Section One: Title, aims, objectives |
Title or working title of project: To improve the health of others through effective research Project aims and objectives Aim: The aim of this proposal is to identify the solution and approaches based on person-centered care that embraces diverse, equitable and inclusive strategies in the development of healthcare services. Objective ? To know the importance of the person care centered ? To determine the effective approaches of person-centered care ? To identify the possible remedies in order to manage the health care services Research question ? What is the importance of the person being care centered? ? What are the effective approaches to person-centered care? ? What are the possible remedies in order to manage the health care services? |
Section Two: Reasons for choosing this project |
Background Health care practicing creates a lot of awareness in the health care department which involves the fundamental principles to improve the services in the centre. Moreover, the improvement in the health care system impacts the development of the human race. McCormack et al. (2021) have commented that there are different fundamental factors responsible for the Person-centered Healthcare Practice. However, the exploration of the various challenges has improved the quality of care in the care setting. Different strategies are developed for achieving success in the care setting. Therefore, there is a huge role of healthcare practitioners which enhances the effective and efficient work of the healthcare service. Research problem Nowadays, competition has become one of the biggest challenges in the competitive market. In the development of the human race, the practicing of the healthcare workers is decreasing because of the creation of the issue. Crowe and Manley (2019) have suggested that there needs a greater change in practicing the effective and safe care of a person-centered. Hence, this study of research will help in identifying the importance of person-centered care in the health care departments. Rationale The health care department needs to specify more as the genetic material of all humans is different which helps in enabling the basic approaches of person-centered care. However, Phelan et al. (2020) have recommended that the development in person-centered care helps in determining the variable factors in the care setting. The issues will be m mitigated for better improvement in the health care services which effectively impacts the overall performance of the workers. |
Section Three: Precedents and sources |
Use of key literature sources and precedents to support your project objectives Importance of person-centered care The health and social care services play a vital role in Person-Centered Care which helps in minimising the risk factors. The treatment of the patients is mandatory in the care section that improves the health condition of the patient. However, Petty et al. (2019) have suggested that neonatal care depends on parental support in the health care department which helps in improving the services in the care and hospitals. Individuality, independence, privacy, choice of partnership, respect and rights are the important values of Person-Centered Care. Therefore, the coordination of the clinical decisions will help in providing the proper sequence of quality care in the care setting. Approaches to person-centered care There are several approaches that are required in the quality care for the improvement in the services in the health care department. Moreover, the patient has to be treated very carefully and diagnosed with the proper test in medical care. Fridberg et al. (2021) have recommended that the innovation characteristics of person-centered care are perceived by healthcare professionals which helps in the improvement of the health care services. Therefore, the involvement of the different workers in the care setting impacts the person-centered care that embraces diverse, equitable and inclusive strategies. Cultural responsiveness helps in improving the equity in the health care services within the community. The disability of the patient has to be focused more specifically by mitigating issues that occur in Person-Centered Care. Requirement of diverse, equitable and inclusive strategies in person-centered care The requirement of the diverse, equitable and inclusive strategies in person-centered care will be discussed in the proposal of the research study. The treatment of people with dignity is one of the basic aspects of Person-Centered Care by providing support and proper treatment of the health practitioner. Roux et al. (2021) have commented that the creation of inclusive performance improves the development of the patient having disabilities. Therefore, Virginia Henderson's Need Theory has focused on the importance of the patients' need by the progress in the health care setting. This theory will help in understanding the demands of the patient’s parents for better treatment in the services. The application of the theory is based on the needs of the diverse, equitable and inclusive strategies in person-centered care. However, Tomaselli et al. (2020) have commented that the high-quality care of the services for the patients has laid an emphasis in Person-Centered Care. Literature Gap This study of the research will help in understanding the effective strategies and possible remedies of Person-Centered Care. However, McCormack et al. (2021) have suggested that the actual factors that are involved in the care setting of the health practitioner have not been analysed in this research. |
Section Four: Activities and timescales |
Activities to be carried out during the project Research method: There are two types of methods: qualitative and quantitative methods of data. In this research, the usage of qualitative data will be discussed for the better improvement of the data based on person-centered care (McQueen, 2021). Therefore, Secondary data collection will be analysed in this research for the identification of the different analysis of data. Data collection process: The data collection process is collected by the Google scholar who helps in providing various kinds of information related to the diverse, equitable and inclusive strategies in person-centered care. 100 employees associated with Person-Centered Care institutes are going to be surveyed where close-ended questions will be asked. Data Analysis process: Different books, journals, Online Articles have been used in the data analysis which enhances the basic opportunities of health care services (Eriksen, 2021). However, websites and newspapers also take part because of the authenticity which provides relevant information in the research study. The spreadsheet analysis is going to be considered. Research limitation: The overall methodology of the research has provided various kinds of information but the time management issue has created problems. Therefore, the quality of the research is not maintained properly because there is no use of a primary data collection method. Ethical consideration: The requirement of ethical consideration is important for this research which helps in maintaining the relevant information from authentic sources. The proper monitoring of the data analysis has been done in the research study which enhances the care quality of the services in person-centered care. |
How long will this take: |
Milestone one: |
Target date (set by tutor): |
Milestone two: |
Target date (set by tutor): |
Comments and agreement from tutor |
Comments: |
I confirm that the project is not work that has been or will be submitted for another qualification and is appropriate: |
Agreed: |
(name) |
(date) |
Comments and agreement from project proposal reviewer (if applicable) |
Comments: |
I confirm that the project is not work that has been or will be submitted for another qualification and is appropriate: |
Agreed: |
(name) |
(date) |
Allstudents conducting research activity that involves human participants or the useof data, collected from human participants, mayberequired togainethical approval before commencing their research. Please answer all relevant questions and note that your form may be returned if incomplete.
For further support and guidance please see your Unit Tutor.
Before completing this form, we advise that you discuss your proposed research fully with your Unit Tutor. Please complete this form in good time before your research project is due to commence.
Section One: Basic details |
Student Details Student Name Student ID |
Programme: |
School: |
Start date: |
End date: |
Section Two: Project summary
Please select all research methods that you plan to use as part of your project:
Interviews |
Questionnaires |
Observations |
Use of Personal Records |
Data Analysis |
Action Research |
Focus Groups |
Other (please specify) Secondary research method |
Section Three:Participants
Who are the participants? Tick all that apply
How will participants be recruited (identified and approached)?
not applicable
Describe the process you will use to inform participants about what you are doing:
not applicable
How will you obtain consent from participants? Will this be written? How will it be made clear to participants that they may withdraw consent to participate at any time?
not applicable
Studies involving questionnaires: Will participants be given the option of omitting questions they do not wish to answer?
Yes: |
No: |
If No, please explain why below and ensure that you cover any ethical issues arising from this:
The study will not involve any survey or interview or other observational methods. Therefore, there will be no question regarding issues of human bioethics. Here, data collection will be done from the internet and these data will be collected from journal articles, industry reports and websites. All the authors will be acknowledged accordingly to address the ethical pratice gaps.
Studiesinvolving observation: Confirmwhether participants willbeaskedfor their informed consent to be approved.
Yes: |
No: |
Will you debrief participants at theend of their participation? (e.g. give them a brief explanation of the study)
Will participants begiveninformation aboutthefindings of your study? (This couldbea summary of your findingsgenerally)
Section Four: Data storage and security |
Confirm that all personal data will be stored and processed in compliance with the Data Protection Act (1998) Yes: No: |
Who will have access to the data and personal information? No personal information will be collected here |
During the research |
Where will the data be stored? At personal laptop and university-based research portal |
Will mobile devices, such as USB storage and laptops, be used? Yes: No: If yes, please provide further details: |
Laptop will be used to tabulate the data and to store and work on data. After the research |
Where will the data be stored? |
Laptop How long will the data and records be kept, and in what format? |
6 months after completion of the study Will the data be kept for use by otherresearchers? Yes: No: If yes, please provide further details: |
Section Five: Ethical issues |
Are there any features of your proposed workwhichmay raise ethical concerns? If so, please outline how you will deal with these: It is important that you demonstrate your awareness of potential risks that may arise because of yourresearch.Pleaseconsider/addressallissuesthatmayapply.Ethical concernsmayinclude,but are not limited to the following: · informed consent · potentially vulnerable participants · sensitive topics · risks to participants and/orresearchers · confidentiality/anonymity · disclosures/limits to confidentiality · data storageand security, both during andafter the research (including transfer, sharing, encryption, protection) · reporting · dissemination and use of your findings. |
Section Six: Declaration |
I have read, understood, and willabideby the [insert name of college/center] Research Ethics Policy: Yes: No: |
I have discussed the ethical issues relating to my research with mytutor: Yes: No: |
I confirm that, to the best of my knowledge, the above information is correct and that this is a full description of the ethical issues that may arise in the course of my/our research. |
Student Name(s) |
Date |
Please submit your completed form to: |
McCormack, B., McCance, T., Bulley, C., Brown, D., McMillan, A. and Martin, S. eds., 2021. Fundamentals of Person-centred Healthcare Practice. John Wiley & Sons.
Crowe, C. and Manley, K., 2019. Person-centred, safe and effective care in maternity services: the need for greater change towards best practice. International Practice Development Journal, 9(1). Available at: https://www.fons.org/Resources/Documents/Journal/Vol9No1/IPDJ_09_01_08.pdf[Accessed on: 11 December, 2021]
Petty, J., Jarvis, J. and Thomas, R., 2019. Listening to the parent voice to inform person-centred neonatal care. Journal of neonatal nursing, 25(3), pp.121-126. Available at: https://uhra.herts.ac.uk/bitstream/handle/2299/21493/Petty_et_al_Accepted_version_Listening_to_the_parent_voice.pdf?sequence=1&isAllowed=n[Accessed on: 11 December, 2021]
Phelan, A., McCormack, B., Dewing, J., Brown, D., Cardiff, S., Cook, N.F., Dickson, C.A., Kmetec, S., Lorber, M., Magowan, R. and McCance, T., 2020. Review of developments in person-centred healthcare. Available at: https://openarchive.usn.no/usn-xmlui/bitstream/handle/11250/2753283/2020McCormackReview.pdf?sequence=2&isAllowed=y[Accessed on: 11 December, 2021]
Wilson, D., Heaslip, V. and Jackson, D., 2018. Improving equity and cultural responsiveness with marginalised communities: understanding competing worldviews. Journal of clinical nursing, 27(19-20), pp.3810-3819. Available at: https://opus.lib.uts.edu.au/bitstream/10453/127324/3/Improving%2Bequity%2Band%2Bcultural%2Bresponsiveness%2Bwith%2Bmarginalised%2Bcommunities-Final.pdf [Accessed on: 11 December, 2021]
Online Articles
Fridberg, H., Wallin, L. and Tistad, M., 2021. The innovation characteristics of person-centred care as perceived by healthcare professionals: an interview study employing a deductive-inductive content analysis guided by the consolidated framework for implementation research. BMC health services research, 21(1), pp.1-13. Available at: https://link.springer.com/article/10.1186/s12913-021-06942-y[Accessed on: 11 December, 2021]
le Roux, M., Kathard, H. and Lorenzo, T., 2021. Creating inclusive Performing Arts practices for development of youth with disabilities: A critical ethnographic study. African Journal of Disability, 10. Available at: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/pmc8252130/[Accessed on: 11 December, 2021]
Tomaselli, G., Buttigieg, S.C., Rosano, A., Cassar, M. and Grima, G., 2020. Person-Centered Care From a Relational Ethics Perspective for the Delivery of High Quality and Safe Healthcare: A Scoping Review. Frontiers in public health, 8, p.44. Available at: https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fpubh.2020.00044/full[Accessed on: 11 December, 2021]
Eriksen, 2021 On CRDPs and CRPD: why the rights of people with disabilities are crucial for understanding climate-resilient development pathways. Available at: https://www.thelancet.com/journals/lanplh/article/PIIS2542-5196(21)00233-3/fulltext[Accessed on: 11 December, 2021]
McQueen, 2021 Measuring Effectiveness of Health Service Interventions: Challenges and Potential Solutions. Available at: https://www.healthaffairs.org/do/10.1377/hblog20211209.620941/full/[Accessed on: 11 December, 2021]
Learning Outcomes and Assessment Criteria |
Pass |
Merit |
Distinction |
LO1 Review the role of research in health and wellbeing improvement strategies |
P1 Discuss the role of research in defining research questions for a piece of action research in health and social care P2 Review own skills in conducting a piece of action research into health and wellbeing improvement |
M1 Evaluate own skills in defining research questions for a piece of action research in health and wellbeing improvement |
LO1 and LO2 D1 Critically evaluate how effectively research methodologies selected support proposed action research study in health and wellbeing improvement |
LO2 Develop a methodological framework for action research in health and wellbeing improvement |
P3 Illustrate in detail appropriate research methods for investigating research questions/hypothesis |
M2 Analyse the methodological approach taken to answer research questions |
P4 Discuss ethical considerations when researching human participants |
LO3 Carry out action research towards improvements in health and wellbeing |
D4 Evaluate own role and practice in facilitating and empowering an individual to communicate their changing care needs in health, care, and support services |
P5 Implement a piece of action research in health and wellbeing improvement P6 Interpret data using appropriate data analysis techniques |
M3 Analyse research data from action research using appropriate data analysis techniques |
LO4 Examine the impact of research findings with regard to service improvement and own professional development |
D3 Critically evaluate research study in terms of influencing change and its value in improving quality of health and social care service provision nationally and globally |
P7 Discuss the potential impact of findings from action research study on health and wellbeing improvement P8 Discuss own learning in research journey identifying strategies for future developmental needs in conducting ethical research into health and wellbeing improvement |
M4. Evaluate how findings relate to research questions in supporting improvement in health and wellbeing and own professional development |
Academic Integrity (Note to avoid Plagiarism) |
Academic integrity is a fundamental expectation for all college/university students and while it is acknowledged that mitigating circumstances might be raised as factors in student behaviour, cheating cannot be disregarded. GBS definition of plagiarism, as contained in GBS Academic Good Practice and Academic Misconduct Policy and Procedure, has been expanded to make explicit that copying from texts or web sources and copying work from other students constitutes plagiarism. “Plagiarism is the act of taking or copying someone else’s work, including another students, and presenting it as if it were your own. Plagiarism is said to occur when ideas, texts, theories, data, created artistic artefacts or other material are presented without acknowledgement so that the person considering this work is given the impression that what they have before them is the student’s own original work when it is not. Plagiarism also occurs where a student’s own work is re-presented without being properly referenced. Plagiarism is a form of cheating and is a disciplinary offence.” Plagiarism is easy to avoid by making sure you reference all of the sources of material that you use in the completion of your work. Pearson has developed Guidelines on Harvard Referencing which are available in Academic Support Area for Students on Moodle (VLE) as well as on respective unit pages. If you are concerned about referencing techniques, please draw the matter to your Unit Lecturer or Academic Support Team on academicsupport@globalbanking.ac.uk so that you may receive extra advice. Group coursework may be designed so that the contribution of each student is identifiable, but inclusion of plagiarised material is still the responsibility of the whole group. All members of the group should exercise vigilance to ensure that work is properly referenced; in group- work, students have a shared responsibility for the assignment. |
On Each Order!
BELL, J. and WATERS, S. (2014) Doing Your Research Project: A Guide for First-Time researchers. Maidenhead: Open University Press.
CROOKES, P.A., Davies, S. and Chiarelli, M. (2004) Research into Practice: Essential Skills for Reading and Applying Research in Nursing and Healthcare. (2nd Ed.) Edinburgh: Baillière Tindall.
NEWELL, R. and BURNARD, P. (2010) Research for Evidence-based Practice in Healthcare (Vital Notes). (2nd Ed.) London: Wiley-Blackwell
THOMAS, G. (2013) How to Do your Research Project: A Guide for Students in Education and Applied Social Sciences. (2nd Ed.) London: SAGE Publications.
TRAYNOR, T. (2017) Critical Resilience for Nurses: An Evidence-based Guide to Survival and Change in the Modern NHS. Oxford: Routledge.
www.bma.org.uk British Medical Association (BMA) Code of Ethics (General reference) www.bps.org.uk British Psychological Society (BPS) Code of Human Research Ethics (ebook)
www.gov.uk Gov.UK Public Health England, doing, supporting and using public health research (Report) www.health.org.uk The Health Foundation Research and policy analysis (General reference)
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