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Sainsbury's Workplace Inclusion Strategies by Native Assignment Help
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In traditional form of business main focus of management is to manage the operations of organization to meet their production goal in target market. This research is about one of most famous supermarket chain in UK known as Sainsbury. After Tesco PLC and ASDA supermarket Sainsbury is third largest supermarket chain in United Kingdom. It is a retail sector organization and it was founded by John James Sainsbury in year 1869 at Holborn, London, United Kingdom. Headquarter of company is in London UK. Company is currently operating over 1428 locations in United Kingdom. This research is based on the concept of equality and diversity for business organization.This is highly important for the business organization to maintain effective work culture with in the work place in order to improve the satisfaction level of employees. Higher satisfaction and motivation can encourage employees to perform more effectively for profit of organization.
The objectives of research are-
Diversity is considered as characteristic of organization’s work force in which work force of company is consists of people with different backgrounds. According to this characteristic people who are working in organization can be differentiated on basis of gender, age, race, religion, education background, cultural background and political views(Foster, 2019). This is how people from different background works in company and help the company to meet the goals and requirements of company.With diverse work force organization can face different challenges regarding management of people. This issue can reduce the effectiveness of internal operation of company. It also canlead to different conflicts and communication issues with in the work place. This is highly important for the business organization to maintain effective environment in the work place. In diverse work force organization have to maintain equality to provide equal chances of growth and development within the company. This research can be used by the organization to develop better environment with in the company toincrease the overall productivity of organization in target market. Research work also can help other researcher to get base for their research work. It can improve their basic knowledge about the equality and diversity within work force of company. This will also help them to find research gap to conduct further research work on similar topic. It is how this research will be really effective for researchers and business organization to improve their productivity in local and global market with high marginal profit.
Cost- 400 – 500 Euros
Scope- Research can be used by researchers, students and organization to learn about equality and diversity.
Time- Research process will take around 8 week for completion.
Quality- Various quality management technique and process will be used to manage the quality of research process.
Gantt Chart
Week-1 |
Week-2 |
Week-3 |
Week-4 |
Week-5 |
Week-6 |
Week-7 |
Week-8 |
Topic – Selection |
Aim Development |
Objective forming |
Research Question development |
Research – Methodology |
Data – Collection |
Data – Analysis |
Conclusion |
Final Submission. |
Literature Review
In the diverse work force of organization different people from different background work together to meet the organization goals. This diversity can lead to many troubles to management due to differences in people. It can lead to many conflicts between the employees. It also can trigger discrimination on basis of race, religion, age, gender, economical condition and cultural background. According to Natha,(2020) this is highly important for organization to implement policies and practices that can help to develop equal condition for all employees. This can provide similar opportunities to people. This equality within work place can improve the work place culture and improve the performance of individual employee. This is how equality with in work place is more crucial while workforce of company is consists of high diversity.
There are different benefits of equality and diversity within the work place. It can improve the productivity of organization in market place. As per opinion of Butterby, and Collins, (2019) equality in diverse work force can improve the motivation level of employees which is highly important for their effective performance in market place. Some of main advantages of equality and diversity in work place can develop creative and innovative culture in organization. It can encourage the employees to think creative to improve the performance of organization in market place. Equality and diversity can improve the reputation of organization in global market and it can improve the brand value of organization. This is how equality and diversity is highly important for internal and external performance of organization in market place.
For an organization it is important to develop equal and diverse work environment to develop creative and innovative work culture. As per view of Kennard, (2018) in process of develop equal work culture organization can face range of issues that are not good for the performance of organization in target market. Some of major challenges in developing equal and diverse work place are- This is difficult to produce organization policies that are satisfying all needs of employees. It is also difficult to maintain effective communication with in work place. High diversity also can cause different communication barriers. This is how diversity within work place can create difficulty in process of developing equality policy.
Various approaches can be used by the business organization to develop equal and diverse culture within work place. According to Council, (2018) these approaches are related to the policy development process, organization management and recruitment process. Some changes can be made in this processes to implement diverse workforce in organization. Organization policies can be improved by the management and HR department to provide equal opportunities to all people within work place. This is also required to develop proper code of conduct in order to avoid discrimination in work culture of company.
Research methodology can be explained as process of defining some specific processes and methods that will be followed throughout the research process to improve the effectiveness and reliability. These processes and methods helps the researchers to generate better result from the collected data. Some methodologies that are used in this research processes are-
Research type is based on the type of data that is considered in order to generate result or conclusion of research. In research process qualitative and quantitative research methodologies are mostly selected by the researcher to find proper explanation or result. In research process Qualitative and quantitative research types usually considered by researchers in research process. Qualitative research type is mainly consists of information or data which is in form of theory. Quantitative research type is based on the numerical information that is collected from various sources. Both research types are effective for the research process but the selection of particular research type is based on research topic(Basias and Pollalis, 2018). According to the research topic that is selected in this research, theoretical and observation related information need to be considered. According to the requirement qualitative research has been used in this research. Main advantage of this research approach is related to level of information considered in research. This research type can provide better overview related to the research topic. Data collected in this process is easy to understand and no further mathematical tools are required in data analysis process.
Research design is a plan which is considered in research process to utilise the data to generate result. Exploratory research design and conclusive research design are mainly used by the researcher. Exploratory research design can be explained as process in which information and collected data is analysed in detailed manner to explore more information about the research topic. This process help the researcher to understand the research in detailed manner. Information that is collected in the data collection process is explored throughout the process to understand the whole concept of research subject. In conclusive research collected data is analysed on different perspectives and scenarios in order to develop specific result. Both designs can help the researcher to develop effective result. In exploratory research design obtained result is of large size and consists of high details but in conclusive research design result is more specific and related to specific problem that is addressed in research process. From these research designs exploratory research is used in this result to get detailed information and understanding about the research topic. This design can help the researcher to explore the research topic in detailed way.
This is important for researcher to develop proper thinking related to the research work. Generally it is considered as thinking process and mind set prepared by the researcher. For research work researcher can select various philosophy to analyse the research problem effectively. Most common research philosophies that are considered by the researcher in the research process are –realism, positivism and interpretivism research philosophy(Ngozwana, 2018). All these philosophies are suitable on different conditions. Realism philosophy is based on the condition where researcher have to work on real situation. A real condition is considered by the researcher to perform research work. Positivism philosophy is applicable in all conditions. In this philosophy collected data is considered to develop general theories that are applicable on range of conditions. Interpretivism philosophy is different from positivism philosophy. In this philosophy information and data collected in the research process is considered by the researcher for interpretation. It can help the researcher to understand the real condition related to research topic based on experience of other people. In this research process interpretivism and positivism philosophies are considered by the researcher to get better and effective result of research.
In research process three different research approaches are used. Research approaches are explained as processes and assumptions that are considered by the researcher at time of research. The effectiveness of the research work is highly depended on research approach. Inductive research approach, abductive research and deductive research are used by the researcher to perform research process(Abutabenjeh and Jaradat, 2018). In this research process inductive research approach is used to develop new theories and models that can be used by the researcher to analyse the research topic or problem in effectively.
Two data collection process are most commonly selected by the researcher to collect data for research work. These data collection processes are- primary data collection and other is secondary data collection process. Both process are effective for research work. In primary data collection process primary sources of information are used by researcher to collected data and information. In most cases people related to the research topic are selected in the data collection process. In primary data collection process interviews, questionnaire and surveys are conveyed to collect information related to the research topic. In secondary data collection process, secondary sources of information are considered in the data collection process. For example books, journals and articles are used by researcher. In this research work primary and secondary data collection process are used. This approach will improve accuracy of research result and provide more realistic solution to the research problem.
Data analysis can be explained as process of analysing information and data that is collected from data collection process. In this research mainly theoretical data and information is collected from sources(D?wigo? and D?wigo?-Barosz, 2018). So this is much effective to use thematic data analysis process. This approach of data analysis will improvise details in the research process and it will also provide range of solutions for various conditions.
Sampling process is explained as process in which researcher use various approach to include people in research process. Non probable and probable sampling process are used by the organization to select people in the data collection process. For this research work non probable sampling is used to select 40 employees of Sainsbury in data collection process. In detail simple random sampling strategy is used in process to select people without any biasness. This process can reduce the chances of getting misleading information. It also can reduce the influence of various aspects on data collection process.
There are range of ethical considerations are used in research process to keep research work relevant. Some of main considerations are- respondents involves in research will not be forced to provide any kind of confidential information. Respondents are provided with consent form to keep research process ethical. No respondent will be subjected to harm at any point of research. Only authorised information sources are used in research process to mitigate data falsification risk.
Theme 1
Question 1. Do you think your employer provide equal opportunities to men and women? |
Frequency |
· Strongly Agree |
10 |
· Agree |
25 |
· Neutral |
1 |
· Disagree |
3 |
· Strongly Disagree |
1 |
Interpretation- Most of the responses of respondents are in favour of organization. From the above data it can be interpreted that- in Sainsbury all the employees are provided with equal opportunities whether they are male or female.
Theme 2
Question 2. Do the organization have women in higher management? | Frequency |
Strongly Agree | 30 |
Agree | 7 |
Neutral | 1 |
Disagree | 1 |
Strongly Disagree | 1 |
Most of respondents are agreeing that organization have women in higher management. So, as per the data above it can be interpreted that women are provided with equal opportunities of growth and promotion similar to men. It can be said that company is effectively reducing gender discrimination with in work place.
Theme 3
Question 3. Have you ever seen any kind of discrimination within the work place? | Frequency |
Strongly Agree | 0 |
Agree | 2 |
Neutral | 3 |
Disagree | 35 |
Strongly Disagree | 0 |
According to above data most of respondents have said that they do not saw any kind of discrimination in work place of company. So, it can be interpreted that organization is strictly following their equality policies to provide equal opportunities to the employees effectively.
Theme 4
Question 4. Do you think work force of organization is consists of diversity? | Frequency |
Strongly Agree | 10 |
Agree | 20 |
Neutral | 5 |
Disagree | 4 |
Strongly Disagree | 1 |
30 respondents out of 40 have said that work force of company is highly diverse and consists of different people. From above data it can be interpreted that organization is following concept of diversity in implementation and work force of company is consists of people who can be differentiate on basis of different characteristics.
Theme 5
Question 5. Employees of organization can file complaint against discrimination? |
Frequency |
· Strongly Agree |
10 |
· Agree |
23 |
· Neutral |
3 |
· Disagree |
2 |
· Strongly Disagree |
2 |
According to above data more than 60% people are agreeing that employees are allowed to file complaints against any kind of discrimination with in work place. So, it can be interpreted that employees are provided with capability to speak against any kind of discrimination with in work place.
Theme 6
Question 6. People are treated equally within work place? | Frequency |
Strongly Agree | 5 |
Agree | 25 |
Neutral | 5 |
Disagree | 3 |
Strongly Disagree | 2 |
30 Respondents out of 40 are agreeing that all employees with in organization are treated equally within work place. So, it can be said that employees are provided with equal rights and benefits with in workplace of Sainsbury.
Theme 7
Question 7. Organization perform global recruitment drive to maintain diversity within organization? |
Frequency |
· Strongly Agree |
5 |
· Agree |
30 |
· Neutral |
0 |
· Disagree |
3 |
· Strongly Disagree |
2 |
Most of respondents are agreeing that organization focuses in global recruitment drive to develop high diverse work force in company. As per above data it can be interpreted that recruitment policy of Sainsbury is based on diversity. Aim of organization to develop high diverse work force to develop creative environment in workplace.
Theme 8
Question 8. Management continuously track behaviour of employees to decrease cases of discrimination with in work place? | Frequency |
Strongly Agree | 10 |
Agree | 20 |
Neutral | 5 |
Disagree | 5 |
Strongly Disagree | 0 |
On Each Order!
According to above data many employees have said that management always keep eye on employees to maintain effective work environment with in work place. So, it can be interpreted that management is highly concerned with monitoring of work place culture.
Above research is based on equality and diversity in Sainsbury supermarket. Various concepts related to equality and diversity has been analysed in report. Different literatures has been evaluated to understand the concept of equality and diversity within work place. Different research methodology that are used in research process has been explained in report. The responses of information sources has been analysed to analyse the situation for Sainsbury. Different process has been evaluated in research that can be used by organization to develop better culture in organization.
There are different things I have learned about equality and diversity within workforce of company. I have also analysed that how different process can be implemented in the research to find approaches to develop better environment in workplace of company. By developing effective code of conduct organization can force employees to follow rules. This process also can help to develop better culture with in the work place. Different training and development sessions also can be used by company to maintain equality in diverse employees of company.
Books and Journals
Abutabenjeh, S. and Jaradat, R., 2018. Clarification of research design, research methods, and research methodology: A guide for public administration researchers and practitioners. Teaching Public Administration. 36(3). pp.237-258.
Basias, N. and Pollalis, Y., 2018. Quantitative and qualitative research in business & technology: Justifying a suitable research methodology. Review of Integrative Business and Economics Research. 7. pp.91-105.
Butterby, V. and Collins, C., 2019. Each of us a star in the night sky: forming constellations of practice to reimagine equality and diversity in Further Education and Adult and Community Learning Report of the Equality and Diversity Working Group. Journal of Studies in Practice and Culture in Education. 2(1).
Council, C.B., 2018. Equality and Diversity Scheme.
D?wigo?, H. and D?wigo?-Barosz, M., 2018. Scientific research methodology in management sciences. Financial and credit activity: problems of theory and practice. 2(25). pp.424-437.
Foster, S., 2019. Accommodating Intolerant Speech: Religious Free Speech Versus Equality and Diversity. European Human Rights Law Review. (6). pp.609-625.
Kennard, C., 2018. Equality and diversity.
Natha, S., 2020. Equality and diversity mainstreaming: did the equality frameworks for local government support local authorities to improve the performance of their equality and diversity mainstreaming programme between 2001-2014? (Doctoral dissertation, Edge Hill University).
Ngozwana, N., 2018. Ethical Dilemmas in Qualitative Research Methodology: Researcher's Reflections. International Journal of Educational Methodology. 4(1). pp.19-28.
Question 1. Do you think your employer provide equal opportunities to men and women?
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