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Reflection is considered to be one of the most important and integral parts of the learning process. An individual needs to analyse how he thinks, works, study and learn new things. Reflection is essential for making changes in the way we are doing work and delivering the work assigned to us. It can be said that self-reflection helps the individuals in developing the skills and reviewing the effectiveness of the skills which are being developed. Understanding yourself is an essential ability for an individual which can help them in developing their skills and makes them more effectiA on their weaknesses. The transferable skills are the important skills which can help the individual in being effective while working in an organisation and the social life as well. For an individual, it is important to analyse the skills and abilities effectively as it is important for both the academic and professional career of the individual. An individual needs to have all the different skills which are important for him to work effectively in the organisation and leading the company towards success. The present report will explore the different concepts of analysing skills and self-reflection. This report is a detailed portfolio for the skills which are required for hospitality, tourism and events management. Detailed analysis of the personal and professional skills of the researcher is being included in this report and also the skills required for the dream job of the researcher is included. Based on the skill gap between the skills of the researcher and skills required for this dream job a personal development plan is also being developed in this report which will help him in developing these skills and filling the skill gap.
Personal skills of the individuals play a major role in their professional career. For an individual, it is important to audit all the different personal skills so that he/she can get better knowledge regarding their skills and can also improve their skills if required. This section of the report includes the audit of the different learning skills, employability skills and the transferable skills of the individual such as:
I am really good at some of the learning skills such as communication skills, collaboration and adaptability. I am having better time management skills and effective reading ability which is an important learning skill for me. But there are some of the learning skills at which I not much good and I consider them as my weaknesses. I am not good at creativity as I am not having critical thinking skills and it also creating issues for me in solving the problems.
Employability skills are important for the individual as an employee as it includes the skillset which is required for every job irrespective of the post of the employee. As an important, I think that I am having better employability skill such as better teamwork skills, effective communication skills, learning ability and initiative-taking skills. These skills help me a lot in learning new things and being an effective employee for the company. Along with this, I am also good at self-management skill which helps me in managing my tasks effectively which has a positive impact on my performance as an employee of the company. Although there are some skills on which I am not good at such as problem-solving skills which I think needs to be improved as it is an important employability skill.
The transferable skills are the one which can be transferred from one job to another one or it can be said that these skills are important for the employees to work in all the different organisations. If I focus on my transferable skills than it can be said that I am having better organisation skills, adaptability, communication and teamwork skills. These skills are my core strengths and I think these skills are important transferable skills which are required in all the different firms at different positions.
Importance of Effective communication in the workplace
Effective communication is referred to as the ability of the individual or the company to share the information withanother individual or group of people in an effective manner. Communication skills are considered to be the most important skills for the employees to be effective in the workplace and also helps the employees in delivering better performance in the company. The organisations should focus on developing better communication in the workplace and open communication is an important success factor for the company. Employers need to develop effective communication in the organisation as it helps the employees in working effectively and helps the employers in increasing the productivity, better organisational culture, positive workplace environment and sustainability of the company.
Communication is important for developing better cooperation and teamwork skills among the employees which are essential for developing effective teams. The leaders should focus on implementing better strategies which can help them in developing communication among the employees and strong communication also help them in managing the team efficiently. Also,if the company is having open communication than it promotes shared decision making and better discussions in the company which provide a better opportunity for the employees to express themselves. If the employees of the company are having better communication skills it helps them in learning new skills from others and it also enhances their learning skills. Effective communication enhanced the growth of the employees and the company also and it helps the company in increasing the overall productivity of the firm. Better communication among the employees helps the company in improving the overall business performance and it is also important for better human resource management.
Effective communication in the organisation is also important for increasing the employee engagement and it also helps the company in satisfying the employees with their jobs and motivated them to deliver better work to the company. Communication is also having a positive impact on bringing better innovation in the company as free idea-sharing without the fear of being judged helps the employees in expressing themselves effectively. If the company is having better communication than the employees belonging to different socio-cultural backgrounds can work effectively in the firm and the chances of conflicts are also limited to a greater extent. Communicating effectively can also help the employees in developing reliability and trust among the employees and with the employer as well. It can be said that if the company is having better communication within the workforce that it will also help the company in satisfying the customers as the employees will deliver better work and try their best to satisfy the customers. Hence, it can be said that effective communication plays an important role in organisations.
In my view, written communication is more difficult as compared to oral communication.When I want to express myself through online communication than I can be clearer in explaining my point of view but in the case of written communication it is not easy for me. When I communicate something my writing it then sometimes, I feel that I am not much clear in expressing my point of view or the readers face issues in understanding correctly what I am trying to say. It can be said that I am not much clearer in the written communication and I also believe that I am not concise in expressing myself as I face issues in shifting directly to the point quickly and efficiently which is important for better-written communication.
I think that lack of clarity and conciseness are my weaknesses for the written communication. On the other hand, I am good at writing the content or expressing my point of view in a clear tone and in a professional manner which is my strength. I always try to make use of the active voice at the time of written communication which helps the readers in moving through the writing at a quicker pace which is also an important strength for my written communication. Along with this I am also good at using the punctuations and pay more attention to grammar which improves the quality of the writing which is important for formal writing. It can be said that I am good at some of the aspects of written communication but needs to improve the weaknesses as it always creates issues for me in written communication.
Oral/verbal communication is important in both personal and professional life. The individuals need to focus on different factors or skills of verbal communication which can help them indeveloping better oral communication skills. Confidence is one of the important skills for effective oral communication and one needs to be effective at expressing their views confidently which helps them in being clear while expressing themselves. The individual needs to keep the audience in mind at the time of oral communication which is important for effective verbal communication as if the speaker in understanding their audience. Being an active listener is also an important skill for effective communication because in a discussion the employee needs to understand what another person is saying and this can also help them in responding effectively. Along with this, the other skills which are important for the individuals during verbal communication are body language, correct posture, having empathy and giving and receiving the feedbacks which helps in improving the skills.
Teamwork is one of the most important skills for an employee to be effective at the workplace and deliver better performance while working in the team as well.When I reflect on my teamwork skills than there are some of the teamwork skills at which I am effective and at some of the skills I am not that much good. I am not good at communicating effectively which is a hurdle for me and I am also not having leadership skills. In contrast to this, I am having good listening skills and critical thinking which sometimes helps me a lot in being an effective team member. Along with this, I am also good at cooperation and collaboration which helps me a lot in learning from different team members and also helps me in developing better relationships with the team members.
If I shed light on my team than it can be said that it is an effective as we are having an effective leader who is appropriately managing the team and leading the team towards achieving their aims and objectives. Our team focuses on planning effectively because without proper planning the team can't succeed in working effectively and achieving the aims. While planning all the team members were present in the meeting than the aims and objectives of the team are being decided. Along with this based on the skills and abilities of the different team members the leader decides that what roles and responsibilities would be delivered by whom. All the different important resources are being identified and then the being managed so that the team can work effectively. Better planning is considered to be an important team approach according to our leader as he believes that it can help him in leading the team towards success.
After planning all the different thing it is the most difficult task for the team is to organise the team appropriately and should ensure that the things are going in the team as per the planning only. Our leader ensures that all the team members are working as per the assigned task and should complete the given work on time so that all the deadlines can be meet on time. Our team is effective at managing the work on time and meeting the deadlines. In our team time management is considered to be one of the most important factors for the success or failure of the team. Our team leader is strict regarding meeting the deadlines and all the team members had to deliver the work on time.
If I discuss regarding my role in the team than my team leader had assigned me the work related to researching and I use to provide the detailed information to all the different team members based on their requirement. Along with this I am was also assisting my team leader regarding the different deadlines and regarding the work status, it can be said that I was monitoring different things as I am good at collaboration and time management. I consider time management to be an important skill which always helps me in doing my work on timeand also helps me in doing work effectively in the team. As a team member, I was planning and scheduling my tasks which had helped a lot in being an effective team member. For organising all the different tasks and effectively monitoring them is not an easy task and my better operational skills helped me in doing so. Along with this my ability to take initiative had helped me in developing better relationships with the team members and the leader as well which had helped me to a greater extent in doing my tasks in the team.
While reflecting on my skills and auditing the personal skills I have gathered better knowledge regarding the different skills which are my strengths and some of them as weaknesses.For getting better knowledge regarding the strengths and weaknesses, personal swot analysis can also be used. Although Swot analysis is being used for businesses, but it is also useful on personal level and helps the individual in analysing the area of development. Among all the different skills I have categories them as my strengths and weaknesses. Through this I have gathered better knowledge regarding my academic and professional skills. If I discuss regarding my strengths that effective verbal communication is an important strength for me but sometimes, I feel hesitated while communicating which depends on the situation. I am also having better teamwork skills which always helps me in being an effective team member and helps me in following all instruction which are being given to be and it is an important academic and professional skill.
I also consider patience as my strength as it helps me a lot in anger management which is essential while working in an organisation. Also, I am a reliable person which is also an important strength for me as an employee of the company. Along with this, the other skills which are my strengths includes skills such as better time management skills, listening skills, cooperation, collaboration, research and analytical skills and adaptability. These skills help me a lot in being an effective employee in the company and also help in delivering better work to the company. My great adaptability skill is an important one which always helps me in adjusting with a different group of peoples as I easily got adjust with the changing business and work environment while working in different organisations.
In contrast to this if I count my weaknesses than I am having several skills as my weakness which needs to be improved so that I can be an effective employee. Lack of confidence is an important weakness for me as it affects my communication skills to a greater extend. I am not good at critical thinking skills and problem-solving which is an important hurdle for me to be a leader in future and I consider these as my weakness. Also, the lack of effective leadership skills is a weakness for me as an employee needs to have leadership skills. When the employee needs to develop leadership skills it is also important to learn different leadership styles which can help them in leading the group of peoples in an effective manner. Different leadership styles can be used are autocratic leadership style, democratic style, laissez-faire style and many more. I am also not good at numeracy skills and written communication. I think it is important for me to work on my weaknesses and making better use of the strengths for overcoming from these weaknesses. This analysis of strengths and weakness will help me to a greater extent in personal and professional development.
The researcher aims at doing the job in the hospitality industry and his dream job is to start his career in this industry as an assistant manager which can help him in learning lot of new things and leading the company towards success. For this dream job, the researcher had found an advert in the newspaper for a post of assistant manager in one of the popular hotels for which the individual had always dreamed off. Also, the individual had found the adverts related to these jobs on online recruitment sites.
The hospitality industry is a customer-driven industry and the employers of this industry need several skills for their employees. An assistant manager of the hotel needs to have effective organisation skills as he/she needs to organise a wide range of thing in the hotel and if they fail in organising the different events than it will have a greater negative impact on the reputation of the hotel. It can be said that better operational knowledge is important for the assistant manager of the hotel. An employee of this post needs to manage different things in the hotel such as solving the issues between the staff members and the guests, solving issues faced by the clients in any of the service offered by the hotel, maintaining the safety of the property and also managing the diverse departments of the hotel.
Communication is one of the most important skills which is required by the employers and if the employee is not having better communication skill than he/she cannot work at any of the position in the hospitality sector. Both oral and written communication skills are important for the assistant manager. The employer believes that the employees of the hotel industry need to communicate a lot with the staff members, management and directly with the customers also and due to this reason communication is a must skill. An assistant manager needs to have effective communication skills with a high level of confidence so that he/she can represent themselves effectively in front of the customers.
An assistant manager of the hotel needs to have better detail orientation skills and should work systematically. The employee working at this post needs to have effective leadership skills as they need to monitor all the different department and for which better leadership skills are required. Along with this analytical and problem-solving skills are also crucial for the employees working as an assistant manager in the hotel. Good customer service skills are also important for an assistant manager so that he/she can offer best customer service to their customers and also make the entire workforce to deliver high-quality service to the customers which can enhance the customer satisfaction. Moreover, as the assistant manager is an important post in the organisation the employers expect that the employee working on this position needs to have great multi-tasking skills and time management skills so that they can manage all their roles and responsibilities effectively.
There isa diverse range of skills which are being expected by the employers of the hospitality industry and the individual needs to develop several skills which are important for this industry and this particular position. Leadership skill is the most important for this job and as the individual is having leadership as a weakness so the employer needs to develop the leadership skills for achieving this dream job. Also, the individual is not having a high level of confidence and face lack of confidence in some of the situation which cannot work in this position as in this position he needs to communicate with different peoples so confidence should also be developed.
Apart from these skills other important skills which need to be developed is the problem-solving skills and multi-tasking skills. While working in the dream job the individual will have to face several issues and have to solve a wide range of issues and problems of the staff as well as of the customers. It can be said that the need to develop critical thinking skills, creativity and analytic skills which can help him in solving the different problem and issues in the hotel. Also, the written communication needs to be developed as the researcher is not effective at it. Before start working in this industry, it is also important for the employee to develop customer service skills. For a hospitality industry employee, it is important to offer the best service to their customers.
Personal Development Plan
Development Area |
Action/ Steps |
Timeline |
Leadership |
Developing discipline, inspiring others, focusing on problem solving, resolving conflicts |
2 weeks |
Problem-solving skills |
Trying to focus on different skills, clearly identifying the issues andthen analysing the different alternate solutions |
3 weeks |
Boosting Confidence |
Attending workshops, reasing inspirational books, Using SLANT strategy |
2 weeks |
Critical thinking skills |
Attending workshops, using analogies, interacting more with others, reflecting on my own thoughts. |
4 weeks |
Customer service skills |
Developing empathy towards customers, Getting proper training regarding it. |
3 weeks |
Management skills |
Trying to focus on proper planning and execution and reflecting on my own work, attending workshops for developing these skills |
5 weeks |
Appendix 2
Curriculum Vitae
On Each Order!
The above-mentioned report is an portfolio of skills of the individual. In this report the researcher had provided detailed description regarding the importance of communication in the organisation. An audit of the personal skills of the researcher had also being included in this study which had provided detailed knowledge regarding all the different learning, employability and transferable skills of the researcher. The reflection on the written and oral communication skills of the researcher had also being included which had shown that he is effective at oral communication but face issues in written communication.
The report had also mentioned the reflection on the team working skills of the employees and on the basis of the audits of the skills the researcher had categorised the his strengths and weakness. The researcher is looking for his dream job to be an assistant manager at in an hotel and for this the researcher had found the adverts also.Different skills which are required for this job are being identified as per the employer's expectations. The skill gap is being found between the skills of the researcher and the job for which he is looking. On the basis of the skills-gap a personal develop plan is being developed which can help the researcher in achieving the career aspiration. Along with this the report had also included a CV to apply for this job. It can be concluded that if the researcher develops the skills in an effective manner than the skills can be developed in an effective manner which will help him in being an effective employee in his dream job.
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