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Cultural Diversity in Workplace: Impacts & Insights Assignment Sample
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Title: Evaluating the impact of cultural diversity at the workplace on organizational performance: A case of Tesco
Research aims and objectives
Aim: To evaluate the effect of cultural diversity on the performance of an organization
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Research questions
Q1. Does cultural diversity impact organizational performance?
Q2. Does diversity in the workplace influence the employees or employers?
The rationale of the selection
The main motive of the selection of the subject matter is that it will assist in a suitable understanding of the impact of cultural diversity. This will ensure effective management of organizational performance (Power, et. al., 2013). Further provided, it will ensure to have better grasping of the opportunities from the market.
In the words of Wahyuni (2012), a community of people is said to be culturally diverse if a wide variety of groups are represented. These groups include race, sex, age, language, religion, etc. people from these various groups have their thoughts and perspectives. The author further extends the contribution of their thoughts helps out the head of the workplace to look at different situations in every manner possible. Due to this, the result turned out to be fruitful as the problem has been viewed from all angles. In other words, cultural diversity is also known as multiculturalism and while working for a wide organization essential actions are required such as celebrating cultural differences and encouraging their contributions(Power, et. al., 2013).
According to the Oyeleye, et. al., (2013), Increase in the factors of globalization, cultural diversity has grown as one of the major trends. With this trend, the author addresses that employees belonging to different organizations have different opinions, views, and perceptionsconcerning the work environment. The author in relation elaborates that the impact of cultural diversity at the workplace provides for both favorable and unfavorable insights (Chipps, et. al., 2013).
Further provided, the author highlights that Cultural diversity at the workplace offers many challenges to the organization but side by side it also provides strength. Cultural diversity is quite important. It not only allows the colleagues to know about each other but also enables them to understand each other's differences (Wahyuni, 2012s). It also helps to get acknowledge about local markets and also makes a business more profitable as well as competitive. It is also observed that when people of different cultures work together their outcome is more productive and performance is better.
Therefore, the author suggests that in order to promote cultural diversity the differences between the people should be acknowledged and they should be offered implicit bias training.
In the views of Bourke, (2014), it has been elaborated that as everything has its pros and cons, cultural diversity also has some negative points. It has been found that as diversity is increased the trust is decreased between and within cultural groups. Communication issues are also generated in a diverse team. This could result in information loss while working as a team. Side by side, it also creates a threat of future outsourcing. Also, if there are teams present that are constantly debating ideas it will result in slowing down the work.
The author as such embarks that the authorities must focus on effective control over cultural diversity to ensure smooth and systematic working (Bowling, 2014). Cultural diversity management will lead to providingaseries of factors related to the opportunities threats. As such the authorities are required to properly align the views and opinions of the various employees associated with the organization. This will ensuretheapt integration of all the employees leading to a better and suitable performance in the organization (Bowling, 2014).
Research methodology
Research methodology provides for the systematic approach that elaborates suitable focus on the gathering of the statistics. This will ensure effective analysis and evaluation leading to valuable and strong decisions. With the application of the research methodology, the authorities can have better validity and reliability. In the current research both the key and derived method of data collection have been considered(Chipps, et. al., 2013).
Research Philosophy
Research philosophy focuses on the assortment of the data in a detailed manner such that the authorities of the organization can have apt control and knowledge about the subject matter. Thiswill ensure have a better decision-making process concerning the future activities(Burns, et. al., 2014). In interpretive philosophy, the focus is made on the assortment of data from a small sample.
However, in the case of Positivism philosophy, the focus is made on the assortment of data from a large set of the population(Chipps, et. al., 2013).
Research approaches
The research approach provides for the techniques that can be used by the research personnel to ensure systematic operation concerning the research work. Two main approaches can be considered in order to gain useful and effective insights. Theseapproaches include experimental and descriptive approach. Descriptive approach elaborates on the ascertainment of in-depth information about the subject matter so that to have a better understanding. This ensures an effective examination of all the facts and aspects. On the other hand, the experimental approach highlights' the cause and its impact on the series of the variables.
Data collection methods
In the research work, the two methods were used for the assortment of the data. These methods include the primary method and secondary method(Khan, 2014). The primary method of data collection assists in the gathering of fresh data. This supports in attaining a suitable level of accuracy leading to useful outcomes. A secondary method of data collection addresses the ascertainment of the data from the various prior sources such as journals, articles, magazines, etc. This will assist in the identification of the new and elaborative areas leading to successful control. In the current research work, both the key and derived method has been used.
For the conduct of the research work, systematic sampling has been considered. The concerned sampling method provides for the systematic operations leading to the smooth conduct of all the activities and events. It also provides suitable assistance in the selection of a suitable sample size that can further assist in the realization of the aims(Burns, et. al., 2014). The employees working in Tesco will be interviewed.
The current research work involves the ascertainment of the data with the help of a questionnaire to have clear opinions of all the candidates. The statistics are collected taking into the opinion of 20 candidates who are a part of the organisation. This leads to a clear and transparent decision.
Timeline of the activities
Activities |
Weeks |
Proposal for the project |
4 weeks |
Review of the literature |
6 weeks |
An assortment of data |
1 week |
Analysis and evaluation of the data |
3 week |
Drafting of the reported work |
1 week |
Conclusion and recommendation |
1 week |
Submission of the report |
1 week |
Gantt chart
Q1. Are you of the estimation that cultural diversity plays a dominant role in work operations and its performance?
Option |
Frequency |
Yes |
15 |
No |
3 |
Neutral |
2 |
Total |
20 |
Data investigation
From the above statistics, it has been addressed that maximum candidates are of the opinion that the estimation of cultural diversity plays a dominant role in the performance of an organization(Khan, 2014). However, there are 3 candidates out of the total of 20 that are of a negative opinion. As such suitable understanding is required to be provided to the organization so as to have effective command on the culture diversity leading to better performance.
Q2. Are you of the viewpoint that the organization authorities must ensure suitable command on the understanding of cultural diversity?
Option |
Frequency |
Yes |
16 |
No |
2 |
Neutral |
2 |
Total |
20 |
Data investigation
While working in a dynamic environment organization need to manage cultural diversity. This is because ineffective command on the subject matter will lead to confusion and chaos. With the examination, it has been evaluated that 16 out of 20 are of the opinion that it is a must to have control of the concerned matter. However, some respondents oppose to the fact. As such suitable knowledge is to be provided.
Q3. Are you of the estimation that the authorities of the company must focus on the implementation of a suitable strategy so as to manage cultural diversity?
Option |
Frequency |
Yes |
18 |
No |
1 |
Neutral |
1 |
Total |
20 |
Data investigation
To ensure effective control and supervision application of a suitable strategy become a matter of utmost importance (Khan, 2014). As such, in this respect, it has been analyzed that 90% of the candidates are of the viewpoint that suitable strategies must formulate. For the purpose, suitable meetings and sessions must also be conducted.
Q4. Do you think the participation of the workforce on the subject matter will ensure better operations?
Option |
Frequency |
Yes |
15 |
No |
4 |
Neutral |
1 |
Total |
20 |
Data investigation
To formulate suitable strategies participation of the workforce is essential. From the examination of the above record, 15 candidates are of the estimation that the workforce must be involved in the process of managing cultural diversity. However, 4 candidates oppose to the fact. As such proper knowledge must be imparted so ad to provide suitable knowledge (Burns, et. al., 2014).
Q5. Do you think that the company will gain effective growth and success by evaluating and managing cultural diversity?
Option |
Frequency |
Yes |
16 |
No |
3 |
Neutral |
1 |
Total |
20 |
Data investigation
From the above tabular and graphical presentation, it has been evaluated that the management of cultural diversity is an important factor that supports the attainment of effective growth and success (Burns, et. al., 2014). From a total of 20 candidates, 16 are in favor of the subject matter. However, 3 candidates oppose to the fact. As such authorities must ensure to take suitable measures for the observation of cultural diversity.
Slide 1: Title page
Slide 2: Table of Content
Slide3: The slide represents the suitable understanding on the management of the culture diversity with the application of the useful methodology and approaches. In addition, the presentation provides for the suitable recommendations that can assist the stakeholders in taking of the apt judgment.
Slide4: The slide of the presentation embarks on the aims and objectives associated with the research work. This will supports the authorities in deciding future course of actions. As such the activities and operations can be conducted in a smooth and systematic manner leading to better organizational performance
Slide5: The slide of the presentation provides for the views and opinions of various authors. This supports in the effective evaluation and assessment of all the aspects. Further provided, it also ensures the authorities to make better judgment with respect to the future activities. In addition, it also supports the authors in effective management of the employees with the gaining of the pros and cons related to the subject matter.
Slide6: In the current research work both the quantitative and qualitative method of data assortment has been used. This tends to assist in the ascertainment of the suitable and valuable outcome. Quantitative method assists in the suitable comparison of the data. Further provided, qualitative data assists in gaining of the suitable command over he theoretical aspects. This leads to the better and effective operations.
Slide 8: The slide of the presentation addresses on the need to be focus by the authority on the attaining of the command on the aspect of culture diversity. With this aspect the authorities can enrich their performance leading to the attainment of the global position in the market.
Slide 7: The slide of the presentation embarks on the role of the culture diversity in the work operations and the performance level of the organization. This will assist the organist ion concern in making suitable and valuable decision with respect to the future activities.
Slide 8: The slide of the presentation addresses on the need to be focus by the authority on the attaining of the command on the aspect of culture diversity. With this aspect the authorities can enrich their performance leading to the attainment of the global position in the market.
Slide 9: The slide represents the responsibilities of authorities in relation to the management of the culture diversity. In addition, the focus is made on the application of the suitable strategy that can lead to better management of all the activities.
Slide 10: In this slide the focus is made on the active participation of the workforce such that new and elaborative ideas can be addressed. This will ensure better and effective control leading to the attainment of the objectives.
Slide 11: The slide highlights on the need to focus on the factors that can assist the authorities' in the better elaboration on the success and growth. This will ensure better work operations leading to better management of culture diversity.
Slide 12: The slide of the presentation embarks on the certain recommendations that can ensure to have suitable operations. Further provided, these recommendations will ensure that the company is able to align its activities and operations with the aims and objectives in a proper manner.
Slide 13: References
From the understanding of the overall report, it can be concluded that the management of cultural diversity is an important parameter in keeping an overview of the organizational performance. For the purpose, the report concludes on the collection of the data from both the primary and secondary methods of data collection. Besides, the report determines the effective examination of the statistics so as to enable the authorities in making a suitable and effective judgment. The research work also concludes on the views and opinions of various authors so as to effectively align the knowledge with the research objectives'. Further provided, the research work provides for the series of recommendations that can be used by the authorities to attain supervision on the subject matter.
There are a series of recommendations that can be used by the authority concern in relation to the subject matter. Some of the points include:
From the overall report, I address suitable knowledge and understanding of cultural diversity at the workplace. In relation to this, I consider series of the factors that support me in the making of the valuable decision in subject matter. Further provided, also scan the various environment factors that tend to affect the internal as well as external operations. In order to elaborate on my understanding I also explore various research approaches, methodologies, philosophies. In this respect I evaluate all the approaches and methodologies such that to gain the pors and cons. This extends support me in the application of the suitable method leading to enhanced and effective level of operations. Further provided, I also elaborate suitable knowledge in the drafting of the questionnaire such that it can best serve the purpose of the research work. As such I was able to understand the perceptional level in-depth leading to the enhanced work operations. As such, I was able ensure suitable and effective changes in the work environment. This tends to support me in making suitable alignment of the internal as well as external factors.The overall report work assists me in the analyses and evaluation of the various aspects so that I can make a useful judgment. Further, I analyzed that it is very necessary to ensure a suitable understanding on the management of culture diversity such that to integrate the views and perception of all the members in an effective manner. With such understanding, I was able to ensure the formulation of the suitable strategies that can work in the flexible environment. As such, suitable and apt consideration can be made on all the facts and aspects.
Bourke, B., 2014. Positionality: Reflecting on the research process. Qualitative Report, 19(33).
Bowling, A., 2014. Research methods in health: investigating health and health services. McGraw-hill education (UK).
Burns, A.C., Bush, R.F. and Sinha, N., 2014. Marketing research (Vol. 7). Harlow: Pearson.
Chipps, E., Stelmaschuk, S., Albert, N.M., Bernhard, L. and Holloman, C., 2013. Workplace bullying in the OR: Results of a descriptive study. AORN journal, 98(5), pp.479-493.
Cope, D.G., 2014, January. Methods and meanings: credibility and trustworthiness of qualitative research. In Oncology nursing forum (Vol. 41, No. 1).
Khan, S.N., 2014. Qualitative research method: Grounded theory. International Journal of Business and Management, 9(11), pp.224-233.
Khan, Y., Fazli, G., Henry, B., de Villa, E., Tsamis, C., Grant, M. and Schwartz, B. (2015) The evidence base of primary research in public health emergency preparedness: a scoping review and stakeholder consultation. BMC Public Health, 15(1), p.432.
Leung, L. (2015) Validity, reliability, and generalizability in qualitative research. Journal of family medicine and primary care, 4(3), p.324.
Lockwood, C., Munn, Z. and Porritt, K. (2015) Qualitative research synthesis: methodological guidance for systematic reviewers utilizing meta-aggregation. International journal of evidence-based healthcare, 13(3), pp.179-187.
Oyeleye, O., Hanson, P., O'Connor, N. and Dunn, D., 2013. Relationship of workplace incivility, stress, and burnout on nurses' turnover intentions and psychological empowerment. JONA: The Journal of Nursing Administration, 43(10), pp.536-542.
Power, J.L., Brotheridge, C.M., Blenkinsopp, J., Bowes-Sperry, L., Bozionelos, N., Buzády, Z., Chuang, A., Drnevich, D., Garzon-Vico, A., Leighton, C. and Madero, S.M., 2013. Acceptability of workplace bullying: A comparative study on six continents. Journal of Business Research, 66(3), pp.374-380.
Remler, D.K. and Van Ryzin, G.G., 2014. Research methods in practice: Strategies for description and causation. Sage Publications.
Wahyuni, D., 2012. The research design maze: Understanding paradigms, cases, methods and methodologies.
Walliman, N. (2015) Social research methods: The essentials. Sage.
Title: Evaluating the impact of cultural diversity at the workplace on organizational performance: A case of Tesco
Research aims and objectives
Aim: To evaluate the effect of cultural diversity on the performance of an organization
Research questions
Q1. Does cultural diversity impact organizational performance?
Q2. Does diversity in the workplace influence the employees or employers?
The rationale of the selection
The main motive of the selection of the subject matter is that it will assist in a suitable understanding of the impact of cultural diversity. This will ensure effective management of organizational performance (Power, et. al., 2013). Further provided, it will ensure to have better grasping of the opportunities from the market.
In the words of Wahyuni (2012), a community of people is said to be culturally diverse if a wide variety of groups are represented. These groups include race, sex, age, language, religion, etc. people from these various groups have their thoughts and perspectives. The author further extends the contribution of their thoughts helps out the head of the workplace to look at different situations in every manner possible. Due to this, the result turned out to be fruitful as the problem has been viewed from all angles. In other words, cultural diversity is also known as multiculturalism and while working for a wide organization essential actions are required such as celebrating cultural differences and encouraging their contributions(Power, et. al., 2013).
According to the Oyeleye, et. al., (2013), Increase in the factors of globalization, cultural diversity has grown as one of the major trends. With this trend, the author addresses that employees belonging to different organizations have different opinions, views, and perceptionsconcerning the work environment. The author in relation elaborates that the impact of cultural diversity at the workplace provides for both favorable and unfavorable insights (Chipps, et. al., 2013).
Further provided, the author highlights that Cultural diversity at the workplace offers many challenges to the organization but side by side it also provides strength. Cultural diversity is quite important. It not only allows the colleagues to know about each other but also enables them to understand each other's differences (Wahyuni, 2012s). It also helps to get acknowledge about local markets and also makes a business more profitable as well as competitive. It is also observed that when people of different cultures work together their outcome is more productive and performance is better.
Therefore, the author suggests that in order to promote cultural diversity the differences between the people should be acknowledged and they should be offered implicit bias training.
In the views of Bourke, (2014), it has been elaborated that as everything has its pros and cons, cultural diversity also has some negative points. It has been found that as diversity is increased the trust is decreased between and within cultural groups. Communication issues are also generated in a diverse team. This could result in information loss while working as a team. Side by side, it also creates a threat of future outsourcing. Also, if there are teams present that are constantly debating ideas it will result in slowing down the work.
The author as such embarks that the authorities must focus on effective control over cultural diversity to ensure smooth and systematic working (Bowling, 2014). Cultural diversity management will lead to providingaseries of factors related to the opportunities threats. As such the authorities are required to properly align the views and opinions of the various employees associated with the organization. This will ensuretheapt integration of all the employees leading to a better and suitable performance in the organization (Bowling, 2014).
Research methodology
Research methodology provides for the systematic approach that elaborates suitable focus on the gathering of the statistics. This will ensure effective analysis and evaluation leading to valuable and strong decisions. With the application of the research methodology, the authorities can have better validity and reliability. In the current research both the key and derived method of data collection have been considered(Chipps, et. al., 2013).
Research Philosophy
Research philosophy focuses on the assortment of the data in a detailed manner such that the authorities of the organization can have apt control and knowledge about the subject matter. Thiswill ensure have a better decision-making process concerning the future activities(Burns, et. al., 2014). In interpretive philosophy, the focus is made on the assortment of data from a small sample.
However, in the case of Positivism philosophy, the focus is made on the assortment of data from a large set of the population(Chipps, et. al., 2013).
Research approaches
The research approach provides for the techniques that can be used by the research personnel to ensure systematic operation concerning the research work. Two main approaches can be considered in order to gain useful and effective insights. Theseapproaches include experimental and descriptive approach. Descriptive approach elaborates on the ascertainment of in-depth information about the subject matter so that to have a better understanding. This ensures an effective examination of all the facts and aspects. On the other hand, the experimental approach highlights' the cause and its impact on the series of the variables.
Data collection methods
In the research work, the two methods were used for the assortment of the data. These methods include the primary method and secondary method(Khan, 2014). The primary method of data collection assists in the gathering of fresh data. This supports in attaining a suitable level of accuracy leading to useful outcomes. A secondary method of data collection addresses the ascertainment of the data from the various prior sources such as journals, articles, magazines, etc. This will assist in the identification of the new and elaborative areas leading to successful control. In the current research work, both the key and derived method has been used.
For the conduct of the research work, systematic sampling has been considered. The concerned sampling method provides for the systematic operations leading to the smooth conduct of all the activities and events. It also provides suitable assistance in the selection of a suitable sample size that can further assist in the realization of the aims(Burns, et. al., 2014). The employees working in Tesco will be interviewed.
The current research work involves the ascertainment of the data with the help of a questionnaire to have clear opinions of all the candidates. The statistics are collected taking into the opinion of 20 candidates who are a part of the organisation. This leads to a clear and transparent decision.
Timeline of the activities
Activities |
Weeks |
Proposal for the project |
4 weeks |
Review of the literature |
6 weeks |
An assortment of data |
1 week |
Analysis and evaluation of the data |
3 week |
Drafting of the reported work |
1 week |
Conclusion and recommendation |
1 week |
Submission of the report |
1 week |
Gantt chart
Q1. Are you of the estimation that cultural diversity plays a dominant role in work operations and its performance?
Option |
Frequency |
Yes |
15 |
No |
3 |
Neutral |
2 |
Total |
20 |
Data investigation
From the above statistics, it has been addressed that maximum candidates are of the opinion that the estimation of cultural diversity plays a dominant role in the performance of an organization(Khan, 2014). However, there are 3 candidates out of the total of 20 that are of a negative opinion. As such suitable understanding is required to be provided to the organization so as to have effective command on the culture diversity leading to better performance.
Q2. Are you of the viewpoint that the organization authorities must ensure suitable command on the understanding of cultural diversity?
Option |
Frequency |
Yes |
16 |
No |
2 |
Neutral |
2 |
Total |
20 |
Data investigation
While working in a dynamic environment organization need to manage cultural diversity. This is because ineffective command on the subject matter will lead to confusion and chaos. With the examination, it has been evaluated that 16 out of 20 are of the opinion that it is a must to have control of the concerned matter. However, some respondents oppose to the fact. As such suitable knowledge is to be provided.
Q3. Are you of the estimation that the authorities of the company must focus on the implementation of a suitable strategy so as to manage cultural diversity?
Option |
Frequency |
Yes |
18 |
No |
1 |
Neutral |
1 |
Total |
20 |
Data investigation
To ensure effective control and supervision application of a suitable strategy become a matter of utmost importance (Khan, 2014). As such, in this respect, it has been analyzed that 90% of the candidates are of the viewpoint that suitable strategies must formulate. For the purpose, suitable meetings and sessions must also be conducted.
Q4. Do you think the participation of the workforce on the subject matter will ensure better operations?
Option |
Frequency |
Yes |
15 |
No |
4 |
Neutral |
1 |
Total |
20 |
Data investigation
To formulate suitable strategies participation of the workforce is essential. From the examination of the above record, 15 candidates are of the estimation that the workforce must be involved in the process of managing cultural diversity. However, 4 candidates oppose to the fact. As such proper knowledge must be imparted so ad to provide suitable knowledge (Burns, et. al., 2014).
Q5. Do you think that the company will gain effective growth and success by evaluating and managing cultural diversity?
Option |
Frequency |
Yes |
16 |
No |
3 |
Neutral |
1 |
Total |
20 |
Data investigation
On Each Order!
From the above tabular and graphical presentation, it has been evaluated that the management of cultural diversity is an important factor that supports the attainment of effective growth and success (Burns, et. al., 2014). From a total of 20 candidates, 16 are in favor of the subject matter. However, 3 candidates oppose to the fact. As such authorities must ensure to take suitable measures for the observation of cultural diversity.
Slide 1: Title page
Slide 2: Table of Content
Slide3: The slide represents the suitable understanding on the management of the culture diversity with the application of the useful methodology and approaches. In addition, the presentation provides for the suitable recommendations that can assist the stakeholders in taking of the apt judgment.
Slide4: The slide of the presentation embarks on the aims and objectives associated with the research work. This will supports the authorities in deciding future course of actions. As such the activities and operations can be conducted in a smooth and systematic manner leading to better organizational performance
Slide5: The slide of the presentation provides for the views and opinions of various authors. This supports in the effective evaluation and assessment of all the aspects. Further provided, it also ensures the authorities to make better judgment with respect to the future activities. In addition, it also supports the authors in effective management of the employees with the gaining of the pros and cons related to the subject matter.
Slide6: In the current research work both the quantitative and qualitative method of data assortment has been used. This tends to assist in the ascertainment of the suitable and valuable outcome. Quantitative method assists in the suitable comparison of the data. Further provided, qualitative data assists in gaining of the suitable command over he theoretical aspects. This leads to the better and effective operations.
Slide 8: The slide of the presentation addresses on the need to be focus by the authority on the attaining of the command on the aspect of culture diversity. With this aspect the authorities can enrich their performance leading to the attainment of the global position in the market.
Slide 7: The slide of the presentation embarks on the role of the culture diversity in the work operations and the performance level of the organization. This will assist the organist ion concern in making suitable and valuable decision with respect to the future activities.
Slide 8: The slide of the presentation addresses on the need to be focus by the authority on the attaining of the command on the aspect of culture diversity. With this aspect the authorities can enrich their performance leading to the attainment of the global position in the market.
Slide 9: The slide represents the responsibilities of authorities in relation to the management of the culture diversity. In addition, the focus is made on the application of the suitable strategy that can lead to better management of all the activities.
Slide 10: In this slide the focus is made on the active participation of the workforce such that new and elaborative ideas can be addressed. This will ensure better and effective control leading to the attainment of the objectives.
Slide 11: The slide highlights on the need to focus on the factors that can assist the authorities' in the better elaboration on the success and growth. This will ensure better work operations leading to better management of culture diversity.
Slide 12: The slide of the presentation embarks on the certain recommendations that can ensure to have suitable operations. Further provided, these recommendations will ensure that the company is able to align its activities and operations with the aims and objectives in a proper manner.
Slide 13: References
From the understanding of the overall report, it can be concluded that the management of cultural diversity is an important parameter in keeping an overview of the organizational performance. For the purpose, the report concludes on the collection of the data from both the primary and secondary methods of data collection. Besides, the report determines the effective examination of the statistics so as to enable the authorities in making a suitable and effective judgment. The research work also concludes on the views and opinions of various authors so as to effectively align the knowledge with the research objectives'. Further provided, the research work provides for the series of recommendations that can be used by the authorities to attain supervision on the subject matter.
There are a series of recommendations that can be used by the authority concern in relation to the subject matter. Some of the points include:
From the overall report, I address suitable knowledge and understanding of cultural diversity at the workplace. In relation to this, I consider series of the factors that support me in the making of the valuable decision in subject matter. Further provided, also scan the various environment factors that tend to affect the internal as well as external operations. In order to elaborate on my understanding I also explore various research approaches, methodologies, philosophies. In this respect I evaluate all the approaches and methodologies such that to gain the pors and cons. This extends support me in the application of the suitable method leading to enhanced and effective level of operations. Further provided, I also elaborate suitable knowledge in the drafting of the questionnaire such that it can best serve the purpose of the research work. As such I was able to understand the perceptional level in-depth leading to the enhanced work operations. As such, I was able ensure suitable and effective changes in the work environment. This tends to support me in making suitable alignment of the internal as well as external factors.The overall report work assists me in the analyses and evaluation of the various aspects so that I can make a useful judgment. Further, I analyzed that it is very necessary to ensure a suitable understanding on the management of culture diversity such that to integrate the views and perception of all the members in an effective manner. With such understanding, I was able to ensure the formulation of the suitable strategies that can work in the flexible environment. As such, suitable and apt consideration can be made on all the facts and aspects.
Bourke, B., 2014. Positionality: Reflecting on the research process. Qualitative Report, 19(33).
Bowling, A., 2014. Research methods in health: investigating health and health services. McGraw-hill education (UK).
Burns, A.C., Bush, R.F. and Sinha, N., 2014. Marketing research (Vol. 7). Harlow: Pearson.
Chipps, E., Stelmaschuk, S., Albert, N.M., Bernhard, L. and Holloman, C., 2013. Workplace bullying in the OR: Results of a descriptive study. AORN journal, 98(5), pp.479-493.
Cope, D.G., 2014, January. Methods and meanings: credibility and trustworthiness of qualitative research. In Oncology nursing forum (Vol. 41, No. 1).
Khan, S.N., 2014. Qualitative research method: Grounded theory. International Journal of Business and Management, 9(11), pp.224-233.
Khan, Y., Fazli, G., Henry, B., de Villa, E., Tsamis, C., Grant, M. and Schwartz, B. (2015) The evidence base of primary research in public health emergency preparedness: a scoping review and stakeholder consultation. BMC Public Health, 15(1), p.432.
Leung, L. (2015) Validity, reliability, and generalizability in qualitative research. Journal of family medicine and primary care, 4(3), p.324.
Lockwood, C., Munn, Z. and Porritt, K. (2015) Qualitative research synthesis: methodological guidance for systematic reviewers utilizing meta-aggregation. International journal of evidence-based healthcare, 13(3), pp.179-187.
Oyeleye, O., Hanson, P., O'Connor, N. and Dunn, D., 2013. Relationship of workplace incivility, stress, and burnout on nurses' turnover intentions and psychological empowerment. JONA: The Journal of Nursing Administration, 43(10), pp.536-542.
Power, J.L., Brotheridge, C.M., Blenkinsopp, J., Bowes-Sperry, L., Bozionelos, N., Buzády, Z., Chuang, A., Drnevich, D., Garzon-Vico, A., Leighton, C. and Madero, S.M., 2013. Acceptability of workplace bullying: A comparative study on six continents. Journal of Business Research, 66(3), pp.374-380.
Remler, D.K. and Van Ryzin, G.G., 2014. Research methods in practice: Strategies for description and causation. Sage Publications.
Wahyuni, D., 2012. The research design maze: Understanding paradigms, cases, methods and methodologies.
Walliman, N. (2015) Social research methods: The essentials. Sage.
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