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Unsafe Abortions and Sexual Health in India : Challenges Case Study By Native Assignment Help!
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Sexual health and Reproductive fitness are affected by the myriad of colonial aspects which include health maintenance access, sociable and cultural standards, insurance quality, academic status as well as health and fitness literacy, financial rate, gender individuality, sex, and sexual orientation along with behavior. This essay highlights the health issues faced by people while having an unsafe abortion which further leads to the discussion on intervention. The service and policies like family planning are also focused on in this study. Discussion on politics and powerful effects on the sexual and reproductive health of people are evaluated. Moreover, the relevant recommendations to mitigate the issues in sexual and reproductive health are discussed in this essay. The thesis statement of this essay is “Sexual and Reproductive Health is a Locus of Contestation”.
Impoverished women are suffering disproportionately from unsafe abortions, unintended pregnancies, sexually transmitted infections, maternal death and disability, and other associated issues regarding childbirth and pregnancy. The major concern of this segment is Unsafe Abortion in India and it is a major issue that has been faced by most women in India due to societal pressure and beliefs. According to the statement of Barua et al. (2020), it has been observed that more than 60% of unintended pregnancies have ended in Abortion and these kinds of abortions are unsafe. In addition, they are making up the leading cause of hospitalization and maternal deaths among women in India. According to the Indian Supreme Court, Abortion is a fundamental right of women and every woman has the right to get a legal and safe abortion under the guidelines of the “Medical Termination of Pregnancy” (Sahoo and Pradhan, 2019). Demographic, financial stability, risk receptions, and relationship stability are the major causes of increasing the rate of unsafe abortions among Indian Women. The Apex Court has ruled that the marital status of a woman cannot be applied in declining her to get an abortion. Moreover, while ruled that an unmarried woman has the right to terminate unwanted pregnancies within around 24 weeks.
Reproductive health and sexual health fitness have been considered major concerns of a woman in order to lead a healthy and normal lifestyle. Based on the incidences of unsafe abortions in India, cultural standards, financial rate, insurance quality, sexual orientation, and education are major factors that are affecting the maximization of the unsafe abortion rate in India. Around 1.8 million women died due to abortion-associated health issues and unsafe abortions in India and gradually the rate has increased in India (Rose-Clarke et al. 2019) [Refer to Appendix 1]. UNFPA calls the staggering number of Unintended Pregnancies in the global world “a global failure in upholding the basic right of a human being”. In addition, unsafe abortion is a third major cause of increasing the maternal mortality rate in India, and every day around 8 to 9 women die due to unsafe abortion in India (Silverman et al. 2019). Moreover, unsafe abortion cases have been identified between 15 to 45 years old in India. Henceforth, it can be stated that unsafe abortion is leading to affects the health of women and it is affecting their daily lifestyle and activities.
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Violations of reproductive health and women's sexual rights have often due to engrained societal values and beliefs which are pertaining to women’s sexuality. The main vision of “Sexual and Reproductive Health and Research” is the attainment by every individual of a high possibility of reproductive and sexual health (Who, 2023). Adolescent pregnancy, HIV, and Endometriosis are major health issues, which have been identified as reproductive and sexual health issues. Therefore, it has been evaluated that despite abortion being legal and having a high estimation of unsafe abortion prevalence rate, it is a major issue or health problem that occurred in India. Inadequate access to healthcare services and socioeconomic vulnerability combine to leave a huge number of Indian women at risk of abortion-associated death and unsafe abortion.
Unsafe abortion has been identified as a major cause of increasing the rate of maternal deaths. Even though “Medical Termination of Pregnancy” was legalized in the year of 1971 in India being unable to access all kinds of healthcare facilities is a major challenge for individuals in rural regions in India. As a result, most women are suffering from different types of reproductive and sexual health issues such as STIs, HIV, unsafe abortion,and unintended pregnancies (Gov, 2023). In order to mitigate those issues, several kinds of interventions and effective strategies have been taken. Among all those strategies, providing proper knowledge and education regarding the consequences of Unsafe Abortion and providing information regarding Protected Intercourse to every woman, especially in the rural region of India. According to Sivakumar and Manimekalai, (2021), women who belong to the rural region are unaware of abortion and its negative consequences on health. In addition, organizing campaigns and programs in the Indian rural regions to provide proper information and knowledge based on the impact of unsafe abortion on health. Moreover, the “Sexuality Education Program” is affecting positively both young as well as aged women’s reproductive and sexual health.
Organizing sexuality education program is effective and helpful for every Indian woman in order to reduce the rate of abortion and improve their daily lifestyle. As depicted by Behere et al. (2021), the implementation of educational programs in Indian rural regions is crucial for providing proper information and knowledge based on maintaining hygiene practices to improve reproductive and sexual health. Moreover, the target age group of this educational program is between 15 years to 55 years women in Indian rural regions. The reason behind selecting this program is they have more tendency to abort and are unaware of unsafe abortion. Hence, they are suffering from sexual and reproductive health issues. In a similar way, as opined by Katole and Saoji, (2019), providing knowledge based on Protected Intercourse is crucial in terms of reducing the rate of unsafe abortion among women. In addition, comprehensive abortion care includes a process of providing information regarding abortion management and post-abortion care. This kind of care is helpful for every Indian woman in order to overcome those issues that have been identified as reproductive and sexual health issues.
All women especially 15 years to 58-year-old women are provided proper education regarding Protected Intercourse which helps in avoiding the consequences of sexually transmitted health issues. In addition, the target group for this kind of intervention is all women who belong to rural regions in India. All women are provided with the proper knowledge to use protection while they are willing to be physically intimated and it avoids unintended pregnancies and it is reducing the rate of maternal death due to unsafe abortion (Parikh et al. 2022). Moreover, all women are required to be provided with proper knowledge and education regarding improving reproductive health by maintaining a proper diet. Additionally, they need to be provided with proper information regarding protected intercourse to avoid unintended pregnancies and they are able to make decisions about whether they are willing to get pregnant or whether is it the accurate time for being pregnant (Who, 2023) [Refer to Appendix 2]. However, it has been evaluated that, education and knowledge provision regarding maintaining healthy reproductive and sexual health is crucial for avoiding reproductive health issues and leading a healthy lifestyle.
In order to lead healthy reproductive health, it is crucial to be proactive and take daily screenings even though suffering from any kind of health issue. According to the statement of Barua et al. (2020), the Indian Government has taken several kinds of initiatives in terms of helping all women to improve their sexual and reproductive health. The Indian Government has implemented a program through which all women have been provided with sufficient knowledge regarding sexually transmitted diseases and their consequences on health. Women who belong to rural regions have faced these kinds of health issues most of the time. Apart from that, as opined by Rose-Clarke et al. (2019), Comprehensive education on sexuality is also given to people to be aware of them. The vital information that is a part of sensuality, sexuality, and identities in gender and expression enhances the powerful effects on the sexual and reproductive health of those women. “Sexual and Reproductive Health and Research” are giving power and rights to all women in order to proper governance. This youth is leading several campaigns and looking for taking proper support. The implementation of commoners who are required to voice for themselves. Henceforth, it has been evaluated that every individual is required to get proper service or care from healthcare or hospitals in terms of improving both sexual and reproductive health.
The implementation of the “Family Planning Program” has been launched to overcome reproductive and sexual health issues. This specific program was launched in the year 1952 in India and it is undergoing a transformation in order to properly program and policy implementation. According to the statement of Behere et al. (2021), it has been observed that family planning programs provide several kinds of benefits such as access to reproductive and sexual health education, improving child and maternal health and women’s health and gender quality. As a result, it is helpful for every woman in terms of overcoming sexual and reproductive health issues and their impact on their health. The 2022 factsheet has analyzed and outlined the “MTP Amendment Act” of India that aims to reform 50 years abortion law of this country named as 1971 “Medical Termination of Pregnancy Act” (Reproductive rights, 2023). According to the guidelines of this act, all Indian women are entitled to get legal and safe abortions regardless of their relationship or marital status. However, it has been stated that services related to reproductive health are required to be offered to Incarcerated Women. In addition, all those policies and interventions are crucial for them to improve their sexual and reproductive health and overcome health issues. As a result, it is reducing the rate of abortion and unintended pregnancies in India.
Discussion on Politics and Power Effects on the Sexual and Reproductive Health of People
Sexual and reproductive health is a broad term that defines an individual's right towards autonomic standards, a healthy body, educational exposure related to sexual life and health as well as access to healthcare facilities so as to decide freely with whom they want to go for sexual intercourse. In addition to this, Sexual and Reproductive Health also gives the right to individuals to decide how they can avoid STI (sexually transmitted infection) or even unwanted or unintended pregnancies. This further gives rise to another factor that is faced in many places in India, which is unsafe abortion. The sexual and reproductive health of people follows the policies of reproduction which encompasses three criteria, such as adoption, abortion, and surrogacy (Schaaf et al. 2021). There are multiple factors that affect reproductive health and thus it requires the needs of the youths. The factors encompass marital status, childbearing status, gender norms, economic status, school status, age, sexual activity, rural or urban culture, religion,n, etc. Thus, the political sphere plays an important role in building the effect on SRH.
The rights in SRH services which are specifically carried out and organised by youth provide the right health care and medical facilities to people. Comprehensive education on sexuality is also given to people to be aware of them. The vital information that is a part of sensuality, sexuality, and identities in gender and expression enhances the powerful effects on the sexual and reproductive health of people (Priskila and Fitriahadi, 2021). Sexual and Reproductive Health and Research (SRH) gives the rights and power to individuals in terms of governance. The youth lead many campaigns and seek the support of the commoner who needs a voice for themselves. The challenges that are seen in youth services for SRH are all due to a lack of awareness, and lack of knowledge on puberty, sexualit,y and sensuality as well as other basic rights of human and inequitable gender issues in India. Thus, the opportunities these youths have need unity within them to fight and stand for the voiceless people, especially in rural areas of India. The vulnerability can be reduced and mitigated if young people cooperate with others. The term "sexual and reproductive health" refers to a person's right to autonomy, physical health (Barua et al. 2020), exposure to sexual life and health issues in school, and access to medical services. This enables individuals to freely choose who they want to have sex with. The ability to choose how to prevent STIs (sexually transmitted infections) or even undesired or unexpected pregnancies is also granted by the Sexual and Reproductive Health Act. This leads to still another issue, unsafe abortion, which is a problem in many parts of India. The many different components of colonialism have an impact on sexual health and reproductive fitness.
The relevant suggestions and recommendations as mitigating strategies that can be implemented to reduce sexual and reproductive health issues are mentioned below -
The first step to protect sexual and reproductive health is to coordinate with the partner regarding sexual connection and relationship. This foyer leads to the step towards contraception which also can safeguard against unsafe abortion and other health issues. The use of condoms and dental dams has been a major source of prevention of unwanted pregnancy which also helps in keeping the person away from health issues that drive to unsafe abortion (Rose-Clarke et al. 2019). Apart from this, knowledge of the intake of alcohol or drugs is also required. The awareness of the consumption of drugs or alcohol which can lower inhibitions needs to be watched to effectively make a decision on family planning or sexual intercourse. Also, the tests to detect if a person is having an STI are very much needed to protect the opposite partner before going for sexual intercourse. This STI might also need to be done to safeguard oneself or the other person to check whether they are putting themselves or others at risk or not.
Arguably, the minimalist changes that can help in boosting reproductive health are a few that are different from the aforementioned suggestions. These suggestions include avoiding smoking or consumption of alcohol. Having sexual intercourse for 5 consecutive days prior to and after the ovulation period of a female (Everett et al. 2019). The cutting down on caffeine for women is appreciated which can enhance their reproductive bodies. And lastly keeping an eye on weight band health is very needed to have safe and healthy sexual and reproductive health.
The essay summarises the sexual and reproductive health factors and their issues. Access to health maintenance services, social and cultural norms, insurance quality, academic standing and knowledge of health and fitness, cost, gender uniqueness, sex, and sexual orientation, as well as behavior, are a few of these which need the help of Youth Friendly SRH services. This essay emphasizes the health risks associated with unsafe abortions, which then moves the conversation toward intervention. In this study, services and policies like modern contraceptives are also emphasized. Debates on politics and powerful consequences on the sexual and reproductive wellness of people are reviewed. Also, this further discusses the important suggestions to lessen the problems with sexual and reproductive health. "Sexual and Reproductive Health is a Site of Contestation," reads the thesis of the essay.
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