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Child Dental Health Intervention Plan by Native Assignment Help
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A public health issue can be defined as a major medical health issue, which affects a significant portion of people. In this aspect, public health interventions are essential to reduce major health burdens and improve quality of life. According to one in four children, on average five years have chances to face the issue of poor dental health for major tooth decay (Dentistry.co.uk, 2020) By 2017, 25% of children in England have experienced the issue of poor dental health (Gov. uk, 2017).
Above figure indicates that a five years old child experiences an average of 3 to 4 teeth decay issues in the UK (Gov.uk, 2017). It has been identified that the maximum number of tooth decay issues among preschool children is untreated. It has to be mentioned here that around 7926 people in the UK experienced more than one-time tooth extraction under five years (Gov.uk, 2017). Therefore, by focusing on the above discussion, it can be stated that dental health issues among children are one of the common issues identified in the UK, which create a major public health concern.
This report is going to focus on the dental health issue of children in the UK as a public health concern. Purpose of this report is to develop an intervention plan for pre-schoolers and grade scholars' children to improve their dental health and wellbeing. This report is going to focus on pre-schoolers and grade-schooler children to improve their dental health and wellbeing. This report is going to discuss the rationale behind choosing the public health issue. Further, this report is going to identify proper need assessment for public health people in the UK. Finally, an intervention alliance and evaluations target regarding child dental health is going to be discussed in this report. Ethical aspects during the intervention plan will be covered in this report.
Dental caries is one of the common problems among children due to the presence of dental bacteria. According to Krzy?ciak et al. (2017), it has been identified that presence of Streptococcus mutans are common microorganisms that are associated with dental caries among children. In contrast, Lin et al. (2017) argued that the presence of Streptococcus mutans identified in saliva, which splits sucrose and makes it a sticky capsule in teeth, which create major dental decay by affecting enamel. Therefore, it can be stated that dental decay is one of the common health burdens, which affect teeth enamel and create a significant health burden. Further, Rahmatillaevna and Umarovich, (2021) reported that early child dental decay does not only affect the health, wellbeing and quality of life, rather it creates significant issues in chewing food, which create a direct effect on digestion. This literature also stated that premature loss of teeth affects jaw structure and it creates a major health burden. Besides these eating disorders, digestion issues and jaw structure issues are also identified with dental decay. Early extraction of teeth due to metal decay may affect bite structure of children followed by it creating an eruption of permanent molar followed by speech therapy (Monte?Santo et al. 2018). It has been identified that premature molar; speech therapy issues affect quality of life of children. Therefore, it can be stated that dental decay is a common disorder, which creates a significant health burden for children. In this aspect, based on its consequences and negative effect on both physical and psychological health, this report has been considered the dental health day issue for the intervention plan.
Dental health issues are one of the common public health burdens identified in the UK. Every year around 25% of children in this country experience the issue of tooth decay, which affects their health, well being followed by their quality of life (Gov.uk, 2017).
Above figure highlighted that from 2015-2016 around 25875 children between 5-9 years have experienced the issue of tooth decay (Rcseng.ac.uk, 2019). However, from 2016-2017 approximately 25923 children from the 5 to 9 years age group have experienced the issue of major teeth decay. In addition, around 26,111 children have faced major dental decay from 2017-2018 between 5 to 9 years (Rcseng.ac.uk, 2019). Therefore, by focusing on the above discussion, it can be stated that from 2016-2019 the prevalence of child dental health has gradually increased in the UK.
It has been identified that among 2016-201, 78281 children among 1-4 years in the UK experienced the issue of dental health (Rcseng.ac.uk, 2019). However, only 937 children among 15 years have experienced the issue of dental decay within the range in the UK (Rcseng.ac.uk, 2019). Therefore, it can be summarized that pre-schoolers (1-4) years have experienced maximum dental decay compared to other age groups.
On the other hand, the above figure depicts that from 2015-2016 around 7249 children between 10-14 years have experienced the issue of delta decay (Rcseng.ac.uk, 2019). However, from 2018-2019 approximately 7089 children between 10-14 years faced the issue of dental decay (Rcseng.ac.uk, 2019). Here, it has been identified that the trend of dental decay among 10-14 years is gradually decreasing. Therefore, by focusing on the above discussion, it can be stated that the 5-9 years age group and 1-4 years age group experienced the maximum dental decay issue, which affects their health, wellbeing, and quality of life.
Above figure states that 25,111 children in UK in 2017-2018 have been admitted to hospital due to dental decay issues (Rcseng.ac.uk, 2019). However, only 12,143 children have been admitted to hospital during the same period due to acute tonsillitis (Rcseng.ac.uk, 2019). It has been identified that dental caries is one of the leading causes behind the hospital admission rate on children in UK.
Approximately, 52.7% of children have been visited a dentist in England by the end of 2020. In the southwest, around 54.1% of children have been visited dental health care during the same period. However, 57.5% of children in this period have been visited dental health care. Therefore, it can be stated that a huge number of children in the UK visited dental health care due to major teeth decay. By keeping an eye on the above data, it can be concluded that dental health issues among pre-schoolers (3-5) and grade-schoolers (5-12) are higher compared to other age groups. In this regard, this intervention planning report considers pre-schoolers and grade-schoolers as target populations to promote intervention plans and reduce the issue of poor dental health.
According to the UK government, poor diet, or unhealthy eating patterns is one of the crucial reasons behind the issue of child dental decay (Gov.uk, 2017). On other hand, Anil and Anand, (2017) stated that poor diet, improper nutrition are crucial reasons behind the issue of child dental decay.
High consumption of sugar is one of the leading causes of the issue of child dental decay. It has been identified that feeding practices and natural breastfeeding are common reasons for developing child dental decay (Anil and Anand, 2017). Poor education among parents regarding child dental health is the leading cause behind the issue of poor dental health of children. The UK government stated that irregular brushing patterns and poor hygiene recreate the issue of child dental health (Gov.uk, 2017). Therefore, it can be stated that lack of proper education and awareness amazon parents and children are leading causes behind the issue of poor child dental health in the UK. Therefore, in order to prevent the issue of poor dental decay, educational intervention is essential to reduce the burden of poor dental health among children.
On the other hand, Naseri-Salahshour et al. (2019) stated that educational approach is one of the common methods, which help to improve knowledge and attitude among people regarding particular health burdens. In the context of poor dental health of children, an educational approach is essential and significant to improve health and wellbeing of children. Therefore, it can be stated that educational approach is most significant to reduce the burden of poor dental health among children.
This section is going to develop a specific approach to identify the needs of the target population to address the issue and improve their health and wellbeing. Biomedical approach is seen for common methods, which focus on three particular areas such as disease, prevalence and its impact. This model helps to identify issues or health burdens in particular regions to improve the health and wellbeing of people (Xie et al. 2018). In the context of this intervention plan, the biomedical approach may be implemented among UK people to identify one of common public health issues and their needs. The biomedical approach identifies the prevalence of particular diseases, which help social workers to identify the needs of particular populations.
It has been identified that the prevalence of dental decay among children is gradually increasing which affects their health, wellbeing, and quality of life. In addition, this approach will allow social workers to reduce the burden of public health concerns and improve their quality of life. Through implementing biomedical approaches, this report has identified that from 2016 to 2019 prevalence of dental decay among children between pre-schoolers and grade-schoolers increased which affects their health and wellbeing. Ahsaie et al. (2017) stated that poor health education, lack of literacy and inappropriate knowledge are common risk factors behind the issue of dental decay among children. On the other hand, Nair et al. (2017) stated that felt need is one of the common needs for public health, which identifies a personal need, and perception of people regarding normal health. Therefore, by focusing on the above discussion, it has been identified that people in the UK felt the need.
In order to fulfil the need of people in the UK, educational intervention and proper health literacy are essential. It has to be mentioned here that biomedical approaches help to promote proper health education and educational intervention among the population to improve health and wellbeing (Xie et al. 2018). Ahsaie et al. (2017) reported that poor health education, poverty, poor awareness affect the health and wellbeing of children and develop the issue of dental decay. In this aspect, a biomedical approach is essential for the target group to address the issue of poor dental health of children and improve health education among people. In this situation, the biomedical approach will play a significant role in reducing the burden of poor dental health by promoting health literacy among the target group. Therefore, by focusing on the above discussion, it can be stated that a biomedical approach is essential to reduce the burden of poor dental health and improve quality of life.
The Joint Strategic Need Assessment (JSNA) is one of the common local authorities in the UK, which helps to identify the needs of a particular population and address the health burden by promoting respective strategic approaches (Gov.uk, 2017). The JSNA has been identified that poor diet, excess consumption of sugar are common reasons behind the issue of poor dental health among children in the UK. It has been identified that poor oral hygiene, lack of awareness and knowledge are also affecting people from the issue of dental health (Gov.uk, 2017). Therefore, by keeping an eye on the above discussion, it can be stated that JSNA is another assessment tool, which helps to identify the needs of a particular population and improve their health and wellbeing by reducing the burden of poor dental health.
The bottom line approach is one of the common methods of health concern, which focuses on bottom hierarchy and focus on the top hierarchy to make crucial decisions regarding a particular health burden. Elkington, (2018) stated that the bottom line approach is one of the significant methods which engage multiple stakeholders to foster the final decision-making process.
In context of child dental health, stakeholders' engagement is one of common methods, which help to reduce issue of health literacy gap and improve quality of patient's life. Svensson et al. (2018) stated that implementation of the bottom-up approach helped to improve collaboration and better alignment that played a significant role in decision-making process.
In context of child dental health in UK population, this intervention plan initially focuses on school authorities to perform campaigning regarding child dental health and their quality of life. Therefore, school authorities are significant stakeholders of this campaigning plan. After that, this intervention plan will include parents of pre-schoolers and grade-schoolers as important stakeholders. In the next stage, this intervention plan will include health care professionals and social workers. In financial stage, this intervention plan will include government authorities and investors to receive consent for campaigning and continue intervention plan. Here, by focusing on above discussion, it can be stated that implementation of bottom up approaches will allow to engage multiple stakeholders and foster an entire intervention plan for child dental health.
It has been identified that child dental decay is one of common public health concerns in the UK. In addition, it has been identified that poor health literacy, lack of knowledge among parents and poor awareness play a significant role behind the issue of child dental decay. In this regard, effective education among parents is essential to improve their knowledge and improve their quality of life. According to Phillips, (2019), in the context of a healthcare setting, educational approach is one of the common methods, which help to improve knowledge, awareness and perception among parents and their family members regarding health improvement and wellbeing. In contrast, Dalirirad et al. (2021) argued that the educational approach not only helps advance knowledge, rather plays a significant role in applying proper health care for patients. In addition, it has been identified that a proper educational approach reduces health burdens and inappropriate behaviour.
On the other hand, medical intervention is effective; however, it only reduces a particular disease by medical intervention or medicine. In the context of dental decay may be addressed through implementing medical intervention (Rodríguez et al. 2018). However, the same issue may also appear among people due to a lack of proper health education and behaviour. In this regard, educational approach is selected over medical approach to reduce the issue of child dental decay. Therefore, by focusing on the above discussion, it can be stated that educational approach is one of the significant health promotion approaches, which help to improve knowledge, awareness, and attitude of people regarding particular health issues.
In the context of child dental health, an educational approach will help to improve proper behaviour to reduce the burden of health decay and improve health and wellbeing of children. Intervention design for improving child dental health is discussed as follows.
Above figure indicates that a visit to the dentist while faced with a mental issue is another common intervention proposed by the UK government (Gov.uk, 2017). Further, regular toothbrushes are another common method to reduce the issue of child dental health (Gov.uk, 2017). Therefore, based on the intervention of the UK government, this intervention plan will implement a campaigning program in the UK, to reduce the burden of child dental health. Based on the above intervention, this intervention plan will promote proper education among parents and children regarding consequences of fast food and sugar-containing food by utilizing visual presentation.
In addition, the health intervention team will promote healthy eating education among people to address the issue of poor dental health of children. Further, the intervention team will utilize TV channels, especially cartoon channels to promote pepper education among parents and children to improve their health and wellbeing regarding healthy dental health.
Aim and objectives
Aim of this plan is to promote dental health education, attitude, and awareness among parents and children to improve child dental health and their Quality of Life (QoL).
Objectives |
Relevant |
Practical |
Credible |
Appropriate |
To promote knowledge regarding consequences of child dental decay among parents and children |
Effective knowledge regarding consequences of dental health will improve health education |
Promotion of health education among parents through campaigning is practical and effective |
The objective will improve health education among parents followed by three concerns |
This objective is appropriate to justify research aim by promoting dental health education |
To improve education regarding child dental health and education |
Dental health education improve QoL |
Poster promotion for dental health education is practical |
It will improve knowledge among parents regarding dental health |
It will justify aim by improving education and knowledge |
To promote awareness among parents and children regarding healthy behaviour for child dental health |
Attitude towards healthy behaviour improve child dental health followed by their QoL |
Visual presentation for improving attitude of parents is practical |
It will promote healthy behaviour among parents and children regarding dental health |
It will justify aim by improving attitudes of parents regarding child dental health |
Table 1: Objective of an intervention plan
On Each Order!
The health intervention team has decided to implement a campaigning program among parents and children to improve their dental health education and improve their quality of life. According to, Hickey et al. (2018) reported that campaigning programs are an essential method to promote health education among a bunch of people. In addition, Barker et al. (2018) reported that campaigning in healthcare helps to promote awareness among people regarding health education. In this aspect, to promote dental health education and awareness among parents regarding child dental health the campaigning approach is essential. Therefore, by focusing on the above discussion, it can be stated that campaigning programs to promote health intervention are appropriate for parents and children to improve child dental health education.
In the next stage, the health intervention team has undertaken the educational approach to promote and improve health education among parents and improve their child's dental health. It has been identified that educational intervention helps to promote proper behaviour among people, which helps to reduce health concerns followed by improving quality of life. In addition, Dalirirad et al. (2021) reported that educational approaches improve education and awareness among people. Further, the health literacy gap is also reduced through implementing an educational intervention. In this regard, the health intervention team has chosen an educational approach to reduce dental health literacy gap among parents and improve child dental health and wellbeing.
In the context of intervention design, the health intervention team has decided to implement a campaign where they will gather information from parents and children regarding their knowledge about child dental health. Here, the intervention team has decided to implement significant communication with the target group to build significant relations and improve their engagement in the entire intervention planning. Anderson et al. (2019) stated that effective communication is essential to improve relations and engagement of stakeholders, which create a significant effect on the target of the project. Therefore, the intervention will be effective for parents to improve their Childs' dental health. On other hand, Dita et al. (2018) reported that knowledge regarding consequences of disease is one of crucial methods that help to promote awareness and severity among communities. In this aspect, the intervention will be effective and directly aligned with the aim. Further, this intervention will help to justify objectives one and it improves awareness among people regarding child dental health.
The health intervention team has decided to promote health awareness among people through promoting the proposal of the UK government. The intervention team will promote that reducing consumption of sugar and fast food will help to reduce the issue of dental decay and improve the health and wellbeing of children. Dere? et al. (2018) sugar-sweetened beverage is one of the crucial reasons behind the issue of early aged tooth decay. Further, this literature suggested that reducing consumption of free sugar would help to reduce the dental decay issue. Therefore, the intervention of reducing fast food and free sugar is effective and it justifies the research aim and objective.
In the final stage, the health intervention team has promoted healthy behaviour among parents and children to improve their education regarding dental health and improve their quality of life. In this stage, the intervention team will promote advantages of regular brushing patterns and their importance. Atarbashi-Moghadam and Atarbashi-Moghadam, (2018) stated that tooth brushing is an effective tool for oral care followed by it helps to remove plaque and improve mental health of children. On the other hand, the UK government stated that the implementation of toothbrushes helps to reduce child poor dental health. Further, the intervention team has been promoting use of vegetables and vitamin D during pregnancy and regular life to improve dental health. Suárez-Calleja et al. (2017) reported that consumption of vitamin D, proper vegetables, and nutrition help to reduce the burden of poor dental health. Therefore, by focusing on above discussion, it can be stated that
The health intervention team will implement intervention among every parent regardless of his or her caste, gender, religion and socioeconomic status. In the context of stakeholder engagement, this report will maintain diversity. Implementation of diversity in intervention plans helps to reduce the issue of biases and it improves validity of intervention programs. Further, this health team will maintain rules and regulations under "Child Protection Scheme'', which help this health intervention team to maintain ethical aspects (Nspcc.org.uk, 2020).
During the intervention, one where the health team gathers information from parents, they will follow the Data Protection Act (Gov.uk, 2021). Through implementing the act, the health intervention team will maintain confidentiality of data. In the next stage, the health intervention team will promote proper health education among parents. The health team ensures that they do not use any vulnerable languages, which may affect any of their parents. In the context of promoting proper behaviour, this health team will mention that people may reduce particular vegetables if they have any allergic reaction. Further, the health intervention team will not force any individual to participate in the campaigning program. Therefore, by focusing on above discussion, it can be stated that the health intervention team will follow every ethics and regulation while promoting health education among parents and children regarding dental health.
This report can be concluded that implementation of a regulated toothbrush, proper diet and avoiding sugar consumption will improve child dental health followed by education of parents. This report has discussed the background of child dental health and it identified that a huge number of children in the UK face the issue of tooth decay. This report has discussed the rationale behind the topic. In addition, need assessment and intervention design has been covered in this stage. This report has chosen an educational intervention approaches to promote health education among parents regarding child dental health.
Reference list
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