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The Importance of Budgets in Hospitality and Catering Businesses

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Introduction - Budgeting Strategies for Financial Planning and Operational Control in Hospitality and Catering Businesses

Budgets are required to highlight the financial necessity of the firm. Hospitality and catering business requires budget statients to ascertain their financial belongings and to get reports on their business operations. The main aim of this study is to analyse the requirement of budgets with their merits and dierits. The solutions to budgetary control are also reflected here to show the effectiveness of the decision-making. A cash budget for one year is also made to give clear assumptions to the client of the firm.

1. Cash budget for 12 months with variance analysis

Cash budget for 12 months with variance analysis (in millions)
January February March April May June July August Sept Oct Nov Dec Total
Sales :
Loan 600 500 200 200 220 800 500 900 650 680 300 700 5850
Investment. 800 1200 900 800 1200 900 700 900 1200 890 1100 1978 11768
Total Sales: 800000 880000 968000 1064800 1171280 1288408 1417249 1558974 1714871 1886358 2074994 2282493.365 17107427.01
SET UP COSTS TOTAL 801400 881700 969100 1065800 1172700 1290108 1418449 1560774 1716721 1887928 2076394 2285171.365 17125045.01
Direct Costs:
Materials. 6000 6300 6615 6946 7293 7658 8041 8443 8865 9308 9773 10262 11000
Discount on materials 4800 5040 5292 5556.6 5834.43 6126.1515 6432.46 6754.08 7091.79 7446.38 7818.694 8209.628919 8800
Stock. 600 500 200 700 500 250 450 650 420 860 590 250 5970
Additional Staffing
TOTAL Direct Costs: 6600 6800 6815 7645.8 7793.0 7907.7 8491 9093 9284.73 10168 10363.37 10512.03615 16970
Fixed Costs: 90000 90000 90000 90000 90000 90000 90000 90000 90000 90000 90000 90000 90000
Salaries 500 550 605 665.5 732.05 805.255 885.781 974.359 1071.79 1178.97 1296.871 1426.558353 1569.214188
Rent. 2000 1700 1445 1228.25 1044.01 887.41063 754.299 641.154 544.981 463.234 393.7488 334.6864874 11436.77657
Rates 500 550 600 650 700 750 800 850 900 950 1000 1050 9300
Staff Wages. 8000 9500 11000 12500 14000 15500 17000 18500 20000 21500 23000 24500 195000
Stationary. 5600 5936 6400 6800 7200 7600 8000 8400 8800 9200 9600 10000 93536
payment to suppliers (CR.) 4000 4200 4410 4630.5 4862.03 5105.1263 5360.38 5628.4 5909.82 6205.31 6515.579 0 56827.14865
Accountant 8000 8480 8989 9528 10100 10706 11348 12029 12751 13516 14327 15186 134959.5296
Insurance 7200 7848 8554 9324 10163 11078 12075 13162 14346 15638 17045 18579 145013.1825
Interest on loan. 800 880 968 1065 1171 1288 1417 1559 1715 1886 2075 2282 17107.42701
TOTAL: 126600 129644 132971 136391 139973 143720.1 147641 151744 156039 160537 165253 163359.1968 754749.2785
Sub Total: Fix + Direct Costs. 133200 136444 139786 144037 147766 151627.79 156132 160836 165323 170705 175616.4 173871.2329 771719.2785
Net Profit: Sales – Sub total 666800 743556 828214 920763 1023514 1136780.2 1261117 1398137 1549548 1715653 1899378 2108622.132 16335707.74
variance 76756 84657.9 92549 102752 113266 124337.03 137020 151410 166105 183725 209244.5 14227085.6 15668907.74
Variance (%) 12% 10% 9% 11% 10% 10% 10% 11% 10% 11% 14% 1422708460%

Table 1: cash budget

From the above table, it can be stated that the cash budgets are made on a few assumptions. The above data set is fully on assumptions to show the budget requirients of the firm. As per the view of Zitsov and Tsareva (2020), the cash budget is prepped on 12 monthly bases, where all the revenues and expenses are reflected on a cash and accrual basis. The variance analysis is done to show the impact of the different elients of the business operations. The supplier's one-month trade credit is estimated at 4000 (assumed value) from where the credits are raising their value each year. The costs related to rental property are written down by adjusting a 15% amount each month.

Discounts on the cost of materials are valued up to 20% which shows a huge impact on the value of sales. A 10% increase in the overall expenses is also shown as the given adjustments. From the variance analysis, the slight changes in the variance percentages are availed. From the calculation, the net profits are obtained at an increasing value each month.

2. Role of budgets in making financial statients

Budgets play a key or vital role in making financial statients. It shows support to execute the business operations or investment opportunities for the firm. As per the view of Agyiang et al. (2019), the financial implications are also highlighted in the budget statients. Mainly it shows the comparison between the planned expenses and the spending expenses. Ideally, these budgets are prepared to reflect the revenues and expenses at the end of the year or the end of each month. Budgets are the ongoing cycle that adjusts and plans each business operation. The role of the budget can be stated as reflecting and defining the resources that are useful for the business. As per the author Ahmedi et al. (2022), budgets usually provide a “means of measuring, viewing and controlling the obtained results, in comparison with the plans”. The role of budgeting in making the financial implications and making effective decisions is discussed below.

  • Monitoring the budgets
  • Usage of planned budgets
  • Evaluation of budgets
  • Measures performance
  • Prediction of next term budgets

The above-mentioned points Cleary states the key roles that the budgets always in an organisation. As opined by Bisogno et al. (2018), not only does it help to increase the budgets but at the same time, it allows effective decisions regarding the business operations or plans. It provides an accurate structure where the budget has to pay all the expenses to make the firm more effective. The trade-credit and the discounts are easily ascertained thigh the budget. The financial assumptions that are required for the maintenance of the budget can be effective for the business as there are many projects that are run on a credit basis (Butler et al. 2019). In cash budgets, the budgets are denominated and prepared by ascertaining the liquidity position of the firm.

3. Benefits and limitations of using budgets

Merits of using budgets in an organisation are as follows:

  • It helps in regulating the money in all departments of the firm
  • Manages the money required for the organisation
  • Meet the organisational objectives
  • Increases motivational factors among the staff
  • Helps in predicting returns

These above-mentioned benefits are easily classified as the beneficiary elients of the budgets that are made for accomplishing a project. As mentioned by Chong and Stephenson (2020), financial stability in a firm is facilitated by budgetary analysis with assumptions. It mainly tracks expenses and “follows a plan, a budget makes it easier to pay bills on time, build an iergency fund”, and saving for major business expenses. These benefits show the accuracy of the budgeting that helps to ascertain all the financial and non-financial requirients. Budgets make out the financial advisers of the firm take regular and long-term decisions that avail more returns to the firm. Budgets are more precisely to be flexible in nature. In a few parts of the organisations the budgets are usually flexible and lean-to change day by day (Ferry et al. 2019). On the other hand in large companies or in non-financial firms, the budgets are fixed.

As the client engages in the hospitality and catering businesses, the assumptions regarding budgets are usually made to analyse the financial performance. As stated by Franco?Santos and Otley (2018), this analysis is done on a monthly, half-yearly or annual basis. Generally, quarterly budgets are made for these kinds of businesses. The effective planning and control of resources in an organisation are managed through the budgets made for the firm. the is advantages make the controlling process of the firm effective manner. The business schies are mostly followed by the organisation where they need to evaluate their current process and meet their obligations at the correct time (Hersleth et al. 2022). It also monitors the performance and increases the firm's capacity to meet its business objectives.

Dierits of using budgets are as follows:

  • Inaccurate results
  • Excessive spending on different operations or projects
  • Financial orientations
  • Manipulation of the overall budget
  • Rigid process

The above-mentioned limitations state the negative aspects of budgeting in a firm. In the context of regular maintenance, the budget implies wrong results as they are prepared by predicting the overall returns from the activity or the investment (Jordana et al. 2018). It ensures inaccurate results that can simply no further additions to the business. This will create bad outcomes for the respective projects. For the medium scale firms the budgets are mainly reported by the managers or financial advisors. The final budgets are manipulated stents where the mismanagient of the cash and credit incomes are manipulated to get an actual budget. As per the view of Liguor and Steccolini (2018), however, manipulation of budgets is required for the making of budgets. These drawbacks ensure the negative repercussions on the financial budget of the firm.

Due to its rigidity and complex process, the amount that is allotted for a respective project changes its value. Instead of lowering the expenses, the budget implies high revenue for a single project. As per the author Ndiewah et al. (2019), financial orientations require more budgets but the amount is always stated from the predicted results. Therefore the time required for making a budget acquire in the long term makes the budget rigid for the firm to use on a general basis.

4. Budgetary control solutions to support organisational decision making

Budgetary control is an important part of the financial operations as it serves the organisation in meeting its goals in a short span of time. As opined by Nuijten et al. (2020), the budgetary control process refers to the long term expenditure of a firm that is maintained by then to ensure the exact value pen often the project. It determines actual figures from the budgeted figures and compares the results to identify how much money is excessively spent. As mentioned by Nuti et al. (2018), that comparison is done to calculate the variance of the expenses of the firm. The firm needs to ascertain accurate budgets for a specific investment; it ensures that the firm can get better outcomes after finishing the work or business operation.

In order to access the current financial position of the firm as well as the project, the budgetary control process is examined by the managers. As stated by Pešalj et al. (2018), the client of the firm can get accurate results where the firm can showcase the effectiveness of the budget in maintaining the results. It outlines the directions that can be effective for the firm to represent the efficiency of the used resources. The most prominent part of the firm is that the budget that is made for the firm enables proper infrastructure. The decision making and ensuring efficient and effective deployment of resources by budgets makes the firm more authentic than others (Rangrez et al. 2022). The solutions to the budgetary controls enable a free flow of services in all kinds of organisations.

Functional budgets are the most appropriate functions of the budgets that limit the expenses of a firm. As per the author Santis et al. (2018), this spending limit shows that the firm needs to certain the actual expenses and to reduce the wastage of money over expenses. It clearly defines the actual performance of the budgets. It also reduces risks and provides artificial intelligence to large companies, by providing various software and other technical supports to the firm. Budgetary controls help in the project coordination and making of the budgets. It also helps in “coordinating the departments and establishing responsibilities”. As per the view of Tanklevsk et al. (2020), this is done by “comparing actual performance with the budgeted and acting upon results to achieve maximum profitability”. These solutions to the budgetary control show the full efficiency of the company impending more money for the further acquisitions.


Based on the brief context it can be concluded that budgets are the essential statients where the company can easily manage their expenses. From the cash budgets, it can be seen that the revenues are increased by the stated percentages. The variance analysis shows the slight changes that are beneficial for the firm. However, the changes are not good for the firm if they want to explore the hospitality industry. The client needed to allocate the budgets as required for the growth and expansion of the business. The budget must be allocated by referring to the limitations and merits of the budget.


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