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This research is about identifying the factors affecting the job satisfaction of employees in a digital marketing firm. This study will identify the dependent and independent variables which affect the job satisfaction of employees in a digital marketing firm. The reason behind choosing this topic is the importance of employees in an organization. Without employees, the company is nothing. So, understanding their job satisfaction is significant.
The first chapter will be comprised of the background of the study, the problem statement, research objectives, questions, hypotheses, and significance.
Job satisfaction of employees refers to their attitude and feelings towards their job, towards the work they do. These feelings, emotions, and attitudes of an employee towards the job can be positive or negative. An employee with a high level of job satisfaction always has positive feelings about their job. Whereas, an employee with a low level of job satisfaction feels negative about the job.
Job satisfaction depends a lot upon the working environment (Chaudhary et al, 2017). In a digital marketing company, if the management wants the employees to be satisfied with their job, they should encourage different ways of working to create a healthy and unique working environment. Employees need workplace fairness and if they are all treated fairly, their commitment towards the job increase. The c-working relationships mean the kind of relationships employees have with their subordinates and superiors, it also affects how satisfied they are with their jobs, Also, the salary employees get is directly related to their job satisfaction level.
Job satisfaction of employees matters a lot for the functionality and success of an organization. A low level of job satisfaction impacts the organization negatively. Some authors argue that a high rate of employee turnover in the organizations is the biggest negative impact of a low level of employees' job satisfaction. It ultimately impacts the low productivity of the organization (Habib et al, 2014). This is why it is highly important to identify the direct and indirect factors affecting the job satisfaction of employees. It will help to keep the satisfaction level high and the turnover rates low.
This research aims to identify the factors affecting job satisfaction among employees of digital marketing.
H1: There is a positive relationship between the working environment of a digital marketing company and satisfaction among its employees.
H2: There is a positive relationship between fair treatment with employees and their satisfaction level in a digital marketing firm.
H3: There is a positive relationship between the co-working relationships of employees and their satisfaction level in a digital marketing firm.
H4: There is a positive relationship between the salary of employees and their level of job satisfaction in a digital marketing firm.
This research will be conducted to have an understanding of job satisfaction among employees of a digital marketing firm, and factors affecting the same. It is believed that without employees' satisfaction, their morale of continuing with the organization will become low and the overall productivity graph goes down.
This research will be mainly significant for the digital marketing firms to maintain the factors which affect the job satisfaction of employees (Pandey 2018). The research will be helpful for these forms to keep their employees satisfied.
This chapter can be concluded as the base of this research. The purpose/aim of this study is to identify the factors affecting the job satisfaction level of employees in a digital marketing company. The research will study relationships between different factors and employee job satisfaction in a digital marketing firm.
This chapter will mainly focus upon understanding the job satisfaction and factors affecting the same through a deep literature review. Previously done studies relevant to the topic by different authors will be reviewed. The impact of dependent and independent variables will be identified, theoretical framework and hypotheses will be discussed.
As the research objectives discussed in Chapter One, the study is focused upon identifying the impacts of factors like working environment, workplace fairness, co-working relationships, and salary on job satisfaction of employees in a digital marketing firm. The studies of different authors will be reviewed to understand the same.
There is only one dependent variable in this study i.e., job satisfaction. It is because this variable is dependent upon different factors which will be discussed further in the study.
Job satisfaction of employees can be understood as the phenomenon which occurs when the job gets fit under the criteria of demands of employees. The criteria of employees to determine fulfillment from a job when fits together with the work they do, the job becomes satisfied for them and vice versa (Kabak et al, 2014).
Wang et al, (2018), believe that job satisfaction is important to enhance the work performance of employees. This is why it is important to identify all those factors on which employee job satisfaction is dependent. Various factors related to it need to be analyzed to better understand job satisfaction. Zablah et al, (2016), added that job satisfaction has received much importance in past years and it is an important variable to consider for organizations.
The independent variable in this study includes the working environment of the organization, fair treatment with employees, co-working relationships within the organization, and the salary of employees. These all are independent variables because these variables are not dependent on anything, instead, job satisfaction depends on these.
In the views of Raziq and Maulabakhsh, (2015), it is one of the big challenges for a company to satisfy its employees. As the outer environment keeps changing, it is important to evolve the inner working environment of the organization to maintain the level of job satisfaction among employees. To identify the impacts of the working environment on job satisfaction, the authors have developed a questionnaire to collect the data. 210 employees have participated and the findings demonstrated that there is a positive relationship between working environment and job satisfaction. It means the good the environment, the more the employees will be satisfied.
According to Belias and Koustelios, (2014), the working environment can also be called the culture of the organization or the working culture within which employees perform their tasks. The authors agreed that job satisfaction gets affected by many factors including the working environment. In the study, the authors have identified that a healthy organizational culture which means a good working culture/environment leads to high job satisfaction among employees.
In the opinion of Sia and Tan, (2016), fair treatment with employees which means organizational justice with them has direct impacts on the job satisfaction of employees. In the study, the authors aimed to identify the fairness with which managers/heads treat the staff members, and the way it impacts their job satisfaction. The authors have used a Likert scale to identify the impacts. Data has been collected with 13 respondents including people from marketing. The results demonstrated that organizational justice means if the employees are treated fairly by the seniors, their job satisfaction level goes higher. It shows that there is a positive relationship among these.
Kim, Lin and Leung, (2015), agreed that fair treatment affects the job satisfaction level of employees positively. The authors believe that job satisfaction is their attitude towards the work, and changes in fair treatment with them affect this attitude. The authors have used a longitudinal design to identify the impacts. With the study and analysis, the authors have identified that a positive amount of changes in the fairness treatment with employees affect their job satisfaction level positively and vice versa. It is because when they will be treated with more fairness, they will become more committed to their jobs, and it will lead to a high satisfaction level.
In the views of Abun et al, (2018), determining workplace relationships between employees and employers is important to understand job satisfaction. The authors have identified that there is a correlation between workplace relationships and employee job satisfaction. It has been identified that employee relationships need to be monitored to keep healthy to improve job satisfaction levels.
The authors Tansel and Gazîo?lu, (2014), believe that management relationships of employees i.e., their workplace relationships affect their level of job satisfaction. It has been identified that less effective workplace relationships lead to a lower level of job satisfaction.
According to Bhardwaj, Mishra and Jain, (2021), employee job satisfaction is correlated with their remuneration. With the study, the authors have identified that if the remuneration, the salary of employees gets fit with the salary expectations of employees, it will lead to a high level of job satisfaction and vice versa.
Andrioti et al, (2017), agreed that remuneration is one of the important factors to keep the employees satisfied with their job. The authors have used a questionnaire to identify the relationship. Low level of remuneration can be a reason for dissatisfaction among employees. Remuneration positively affects the job satisfaction of employees.
This theory has been developed by John Stacey Adams in 1965. The theory believes that employee satisfaction and motivation to work is dependent upon employer and employee, they need to establish a 'give and take' relationship. The employer and the employees need to maintain a fair balance between input and outputs in the working environment.
The inputs include hard work, level of skills, sacrifices, enthusiasm, and support of colleagues. The outputs include compensation i.e., salary, jobs security, praise, recognition, etc.
A healthy working environment is one in which all the employees remain motivated and committed to their jobs. The environment in which employees get trained for their jobs, provide rewards for good performance, and have external motivation sources (Shahzadi et al, 2014). In such a working environment, employees become satisfied with their jobs.
Fairly equitably treating the employees is not an option for the management, but a necessity (Kuranchie and Amponsah, 2016). It is because fair treatment leads to job satisfaction among employees. Staff members are a key resource and to keep them satisfied, treating them fairly is a must.
It is identified that there needs to be effective communication among employees and employers in order to maintain effective co-working relationships. It is because these relationships positively affect the satisfaction level of employees.
The remuneration of employees, their level of satisfaction, and their ultimate performance relate positively (Agustiningsih et al, 2016). Higher remuneration of employees leads to better satisfaction among them, and it ultimately leads to better employee performance.
Studies of previous authors have been reviewed to identify the effects of all independent variables on the dependent variable i.e., job satisfaction level among employees of a digital marketing company. A theoretical framework has been developed in which the equity theory of job satisfaction has been discussed.
This chapter will be based on the identification of methodology i.e., the strategies, tools, and techniques of the research which will be used to test the hypotheses. Sampling and data collection will also be discussed within this chapter.
It includes the methods researcher will use to answer the research questions and to test the hypotheses developed. In this research, the researcher will use a quantitative research approach to test the hypotheses (Bloomfield and Fisher, 2019). To better understand the relationship between independent variables and the dependent variable discussed above in the report, the researcher will use a descriptive research design.
In this study, data collection will be done with both primary and secondary data collection methods. For the collection of primary data, the researcher will use the primary method i.e., survey. A survey will be conducted by the researcher with digital marketing firm employees to know the effects of independent variables discussed on their job satisfaction level (Nayak and Narayan, 2019). For conducting the survey, the researcher will use a questionnaire. Secondary data will also be conducted within this research. The main source which will be used for secondary data collection will be articles, reports, and journals.
The researcher will use simple random sampling to choose the sample from the whole population (Pal et al, 2018). The sample size for this research will be 50 employees from a digital marketing company in Hong Kong. Questionnaires will be sent to these 50 employees to collect primary data which will help both to answer research questions and to test the hypotheses.
The instrument which will be used by the researcher to conduct the study is a Questionnaire. The questionnaire will include only close-ended questions which will help the researcher to have to-the-point answers.
*SA- Strongly Agreed
*A- Agreed
*N- Not agreed
*D- Disagreed
*SD- Strongly disagreed
Questions regarding job satisfaction
Questions |
SA |
A |
N |
D |
SD |
I am satisfied with my current salary/amount of remuneration. |
I am happy with the existing working environment of the firm. |
I am satisfied with the way my seniors treat me. |
I am happy with my co-working relationships with both subordinates and superiors. |
Overall, I am satisfied with my current job with this company. |
Questions regarding working environment
Questions |
SA |
A |
N |
D |
SD |
I feel safe in the firm’s working environment. |
The working environment of the firm is comfortable for me. |
The senior staff is easily accessible for any issues. |
I feel happy with my company’s working environment. |
The company’s culture is supportive. |
Questions regarding fair treatment
Questions |
SA |
A |
N |
D |
SD |
The reward system of the company is fair. |
The remuneration system is equitable. |
The behavior of senior employees is fair. |
The timings for everyone are fair. |
The overtime payment is fair. |
Questions regarding co-working relationships
Questions |
SA |
A |
N |
D |
SD |
Co-workers communicate very well with each other in my company. |
As a team, our relationship is good. |
No one bullies each other in my company. |
I feel like a family with my co-workers. |
My co-workers are motivating and supportive. |
Questions regarding salary/remuneration
Questions |
SA |
A |
N |
D |
SD |
The salary system of the company is unbiased. |
The company pays remuneration on time. |
Salaries are fair as per the positions of people. |
The basic salary of employees is reasonable. |
Extra monetary benefits are satisfied. |
Table: Gantt Chart
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Abun, D., Magallanes, T., Agoot, F. and Benedict, S., 2018. MEASURING WORKPLACE RELATIONSHIP AND JOB SATISFACTION OF DIVINE WORD COLLEGES'EMPLOYEES IN ILOCOS REGION. International Journal of Current Research, 10(11), pp.pp-75279.
Agustiningsih, H.N., Thoyib, A., Djumilah, H. and Noermijati, N., 2016. The effect of remuneration, job satisfaction and OCB on the employee performance. Science Journal of Business and Management, 4(6), pp.212-222.
Andrioti, D., Skitsou, A., Karlsson, L.E., Pandouris, C., Krassias, A. and Charalambous, G., 2017. Job satisfaction of nurses in various clinical practices. International Journal of Caring Sciences, 10(1), pp.76-87.
Belias, D. and Koustelios, A., 2014. Organizational culture and job satisfaction: A review. International review of management and marketing, 4(2), p.132.
Bhardwaj, A., Mishra, S. and Jain, T.K., 2021. An analysis to understanding the job satisfaction of employees in banking industry. Materials Today: Proceedings, 37, pp.170-174.
Bloomfield, J. and Fisher, M.J., 2019. Quantitative research design. Journal of the Australasian Rehabilitation Nurses Association, 22(2), pp.27-30.
Chaudhry, N.I., Jariko, M.A., Mushtaque, T., Mahesar, H.A. and Ghani, Z., 2017. Impact of working environment and training & development on organization performance through mediating role of employee engagement and job satisfaction. European Journal of Training and Development Studies, 4(2), pp.33-48.
Habib, S., Aslam, S., Hussain, A., Yasmeen, S. and Ibrahim, M., 2014. The impact of organizational culture on job satisfaction, employees commitment and turn over intention. Advances in Economics and Business, 2(6), pp.215-222.
Kabak, K.E., ?en, A., Göçer, K., Küçüksöylemez, S. and Tuncer, G., 2014. Strategies for employee job satisfaction: A case of service sector. Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences, 150, pp.1167-1176.
Kim, T.Y., Lin, X.W. and Leung, K., 2015. A dynamic approach to fairness: Effects of temporal changes of fairness perceptions on job attitudes. Journal of Business and Psychology, 30(1), pp.163-175.
Kuranchie-Mensah, E.B. and Amponsah-Tawiah, K., 2016. Employee motivation and work performance: A comparative study of mining companies in Ghana. Journal of Industrial Engineering and Management (JIEM), 9(2), pp.255-309.
Nayak, M.S.D.P. and Narayan, K.A., 2019. Strengths and weaknesses of online surveys. technology, 6, p.7.
Pal, S.K., Singh, H.P., Kumar, S. and Chatterjee, K., 2018. A family of efficient estimators of the finite population mean in simple random sampling. Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation, 88(5), pp.920-934.
Pandey, J., 2018. Factors affecting job performance: an integrative review of literature. Management Research Review.
Raziq, A. and Maulabakhsh, R., 2015. Impact of working environment on job satisfaction. Procedia Economics and Finance, 23, pp.717-725.
Shahzadi, I., Javed, A., Pirzada, S.S., Nasreen, S. and Khanam, F., 2014. Impact of employee motivation on employee performance. European Journal of Business and Management, 6(23), pp.159-166.
Sia, L.A. and Tan, T.A.G., 2016. The influence of organizational justice on job satisfaction in a hotel setting. DLSU Business & Economics Review, 26(1), pp.17-29.
Tansel, A. and Gazîo?lu, ?., 2014. Management-employee relations, firm size and job satisfaction. International journal of manpower.
Wang, F., Pollock, K. E., & Hauseman, C. (2018). School principals’ job satisfaction: The effects of work intensification. Canadian Journal of Educational Administration and Policy, 185, 73.
Zablah, A.R., Carlson, B.D., Donavan, D.T., Maxham III, J.G. and Brown, T.J., 2016. A cross-lagged test of the association between customer satisfaction and employee job satisfaction in a relational context. Journal of Applied Psychology, 101(5), p.743.
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