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Entrepreneurship And Simply Commerce 

Introduction: Entrepreneurship And Simply Commerce

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Entrepreneurship is the process of establishing planning, organizing, and operating an enterprise to make an income while captivating a monetary risk. In a broad sense, it is the procedure of changing the circumstances by addressing the biggest issues that outbreak the culture. Entrepreneurship is the capability and willingness to extend, organize and run a business enterprise, along with any of its reservations to make a profit as cited by Voronkova, Nikishkin, Frolova, Matveeva, Murzagalina and Kalykova, (2019). An entrepreneur has an idea and strives to create products or services that consumers will want to purchase in addition to an organization to help support that initiative. The report covers the position of entrepreneurship is simply commerce by stating a difference between entrepreneurship and simply commerce. At the end of the report, the characteristics of Entrepreneurship and Commerce are determined with the specifications and concepts of entrepreneurship and commerce.

Overview of Entrepreneurship

Economics has never defined in a uniform way "entrepreneur" or "entrepreneurship" the term "entrepreneur" comes from the French word entrepreneur which translates to "to undertake". According to McKelvey and Lassen, (2018) although the notion of an entrepreneur was in existence and was widely recognized for centuries, traditional and neoclassical economists omitted entrepreneurs from the formal model developed. Three thinkers were the key to the participation of entrepreneurs: Joseph Schumpeter, Frank Knight along with Israel Kirzner. Schumpeter believed that entrepreneurs, not just corporations were accountable for the development of innovative products and services to make money. Knight was focused on the entrepreneurs as being the carriers of risk and believed that they were the ones responsible for the risk-adjusted prices in the monetary market. Kirzner believed that entrepreneurship was the process that led to the discovery.

A few Common traits of entrepreneurs are: They can enjoy freedom and flexibility; Entrepreneurs are ambitious and goal-oriented, they become fearless, Problem solvers, Self-initiative, and Learn the fundamentals of finance and lastly entrepreneurs are diverse and flexible as cited by Frederick, O'Connor and Kuratko, (2018).

Overview of simply commerce

According to Cantillon, (2017) commerce is the vast scale exchange of labor and goods. Any transaction that uses the money to pay for labor and goods is considered a part of Commerce. Commerce is the exchange of considerable value-added commodities, services, or other items between organizations or associations. From a broad perspective, legislators want to regulate commerce such that their relatives are happier and better off by creating positions and producing valued labour and goods. People have been exchanging work and goods since the beginning of the exchange. People have tried to exchange labour and goods and create circulation frameworks around this from the beginning of bargaining, generating money, and building shipping lanes.

Organizations frequently exchange labour and products for a wide range of things when they conduct enterprise. The purchase of a single item by a consumer is referred to as an exchange. Commerce is the term used to describe all transactions and purchases made inside an economy. The majority of trade occurs between nations, and most things are traded from one nation to the next.

Realizing the distinction between "entrepreneurship" and "commerce" is important." It has nothing to do with the products or processes an organization can use. There are various aspects of conveyance, including strategic, political, administrative, legal, social, and practical aspects.

Pros and Cons of Entrepreneurship

Aspiring entrepreneurs can earn huge fame and fortune by beginning a business that is successful but entrepreneurship has risks as cited by Parker, (2018). . Here are some advantages and disadvantages.

Pros of Entrepreneurship

  • Flexibility in work - Entrepreneurship can mean self-employment that gives the freedom to create work schedule and work wherever they like.
  • The aptitude to follow obsession - If initiative is connected to interests or hobbies Entrepreneurship allows to create a business from what enjoy them the most.
  • Complete power - Since the owners of business entrepreneurs control the entire operation of ventures as entrepreneurs and can make quick decisions.
  • Creativity - With no bureaucracy typical of large, established company’s entrepreneurs can solve problems with creativity and often with deep research.
  • Inimitable earning prospective - As well known entrepreneurs such as Mark Zuckerberg or Bill Gates illustrate, a new entrepreneur with a winning dealing proposal could earn millions or even millions of dollars.

Cons of Entrepreneurship

  • Monetary risk - Being an entrepreneur requires placing wealth on the line to pursue dream. If idea does not succeed then entrepreneur have to take on managing disappointed investors as well as indebted bank loans (Kay, 2017).
  • The hours are long. Between brainstorming ideas for new products and wooing investors and coordinating the day-to-day operation of the companies many entrepreneurs work hard and long hours to make dreams come true.
  • More responsibility - As the owner of own company, all employees will look for guidance and direction, which could result in a huge amount of personal stress.
  • There is a lot of competition - Even if business concept is unique doesn't mean that are not going to face fierce competitors regardless of whether it's from recognized firm in manufacturing or entrepreneurs who are looking to take down to the end of the road.

Pros and Cons of Simply Commerce

Pros of Simply Commerce

  • Cost Effective: Working with simply commerce is money saving as it works upon the overall goals with cost effectiveness.
  • High commission: The simple commerce can earn high margin on products exchange value.
  • Better Productivity: Simply commerce focuses on work through planning and implementation strategies.

Cons of Simply Commerce

  • Security: Working in simply commerce did not provide future security.
  • Scalability of System: The simply commerce does not give scalable results of the inputs as cited by Almahdi and Archer-Brown, (2021).
  • Integrity on Data and System: Simply commerce works mainly on data-driven factors that are not integrated for future durability.

Difference between Entrepreneurship and Simply Commerce

  • There is a distinction between commerce and entrepreneurship. Commerce refers to the exchange of goods or service, and entrepreneurship is the production and sale of goods or services which is the part of commerce and trade. The larger concept of entrepreneurship is encompasses commerce and trade as well as industry.
  • Commerce and entrepreneurship: Commerce refers to the facilitation or trade between two or more persons. This is the act of buying and selling of goods and services in order make a profit (as cited by Shemi, and Procter, 2018).
  • However, the purpose of entrepreneurship is to create value for society. They need to do this in a sustainable and efficient manner. This will create jobs and aid to the economy.
  • Commerce is the exchange or purchase of goods or services in return for money. It is all about creating value for society such as: Buying and Selling of Goods and Services, Advertising and marketing, Transportation, logistics and Finance and banking
  • Whereas, entrepreneurship must engage in all of these activities to be successful which are as follows: Create new products and services through research and development, Offer goods and services, Deliver goods or services directly to customers, Manage operations, Hire and train employees, Advertising and marketing and Financing.

The major difference between commerce and entrepreneurship is that business involves the production and exchange goods or services. Although commerce is a rapidly expanding industry that attracts many business people, its durability rate is lower than that of other firms. Entrepreneurship makes a variety of crucial decisions that greatly affect how their trading activities turn out. Additionally, entrepreneurship constantly considers it necessary to review the available primary annual records. According to Kirzner, 2015 they develop a model based on the hypothesis that hierarchical nature exists and that (1) the block and-snap system favours endurance, (2) internationalization favors endurance, (3) firm size and financial well-being matter, (4) income the board intervenes the connection between monetary well-being and endurance, and (5) the block and-snap and internationalization methodologies intervene the connection among size and endurance. Huge dominant organizations characterize the commerce environment. However, it also has specialties that entrepreneurs with private ventures can benefit from Commerce. Even though the online company sector is one of the top choices for entrepreneurs, many fail. Independent firm entrepreneurs make several crucial decisions that significantly impact how well their online business endeavors with simple commerce. Financial backers also learn about the value of studying the first available yearly records and the sources of funds that need to be examined with commerce for entrepreneurship (Nurcholis, Suhendi, and Utami, 2022).

The Characteristics of Entrepreneurship and Simply Commerce


The ability to take up a challenge: Any new endeavor comes with a significant chance of disappointment. As a result, a key component of being a corporate visionary is being brave and prepared to evaluate and confront obstacles as cited by Hjorth, Holt, and Steyaert, (2015).

Development:  To develop innovative ideas, launch a business, and earn profit from it, one must be extremely creative. Change may happen more effectively and efficiently when a new product hits the market or if a cycle repeats itself.

Initiative and visionary qualities: To succeed, the entrepreneur needs a clear vision for his new venture. A sizable quantity of human resources and resources are required to make the vision a reality. Since pioneers consult with and steer their personnel toward accomplishment, authority quality is essential in this circumstance.

Liberal:  Every situation in a business may be utilized to the corporation's advantage. For example in order to took advantage of the circumstance and considerably increased its business during this time since it recognized the gravity of the demonetization and the increased necessity for online transactions.

Adaptable:  A successful business person must be flexible and willing to modify as needed. A financial specialist must be willing to accept change in a product or administration as needed in order to be effective.

Responsibility: According to Kuratko, (2016) an organization owner needs to be aware of the item contributions and the most recent trends in fashion. It is crucial to understand if the easily accessible good or service meets the present market's needs or needs to be slightly modified. A crucial aspect of the business is the ability to start out being responsible and then adapt to the circumstances. 


Commerce is an economic activity: Commerce is an economic activity because it entails activities carried out for sufficient monetary consideration. Commerce is an economic activity because it involves production, exchange and distribution, all of which are done to earn profit.

Commerce is profit-driven: Commercial activities are not just done for fun. Rather, they are done with the intent of earning profit. Profit drives the commerce engine by acting as an incentive for commercial activity (as cited by Macinnes, 2022).

Commerce creates utility: One subset of commerce is production, which is the creation of utility. Production converts mere raw materials to form the capacity and capability of satisfying the needs of a consumer.

Commerce is a component of business activity: Commerce is a subset of business relating to distributing and disposing of goods and services. It connects the producers of goods and services with the consumers of those goods and services.

Scope of commerce: The scope of commerce includes the buying and selling of goods and services trade and other activities that facilitate aid to commerce. Simply putting, the scope of commerce includes trade and aid to trade.

Commerce involves regular transactions: A one-time or isolated transaction is not considered commercial activity. This is because simply commerce cannot fulfill all the needs of consumers in a single transaction. Hence, goods and services must be transacted continuously to satisfy consumers' needs as well as for the growth of the business.


The report concludes that an entrepreneur is a person who has a suggestion or proposal and then creates an enterprise, which is called entrepreneurial. The process of creating a business takes an enormous amount of effort and dedication, which is not something everybody is suited to. From the above research it is clear that entrepreneurship is not simply Commerce as Entrepreneurs are extremely aggravated risk takers who have a plan and will go to great lengths to reach that goal. Commerce encompasses tangibles such as goods and intangibles such as services. Bankers and drivers are involved in commercial activity but do not provide goods. Rather, commerce renders services. The research is explaining the key features of entrepreneurship and simply commerce with the help pros and cons of entrepreneurship and commerce. It is important to distinguish commerce from entrepreneurship to understand whether entrepreneurship is simply commerce or not. It is possible to run a business without being involved in commerce. However, commerce is not required for businesses to exist. 


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Parker, S. C. (2018). The economics of entrepreneurship. Cambridge University Press.

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