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Organisational Behaviour

Introduction - Organisational Behaviour 

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Part A: LO1: Assess the effect of politics, power, as well as culture on other people’s behavior in the context of an organization

P1 Assessment of how organizational politics, culture, and power can affect the team and individual performance and behavior

Each organization is known for the behavior of the teams as well as individuals within the organization. The behavior of Human beings is highly complex and the behavior of each individual is different from each other concerning the team and individual behavior it is seen that power, culture as well as politics are important factors that effects employee behavior within the organization.

It is particularly noticed that when good culture within the organization is provided to the employees in an organization then they tend to behave in a positive way (Warrick, 2017). This can be particularly noticed at Marks & Spencer where good organizational culture is provided. The organizational culture at Marks and Spencer is customer-driven and real effort is made by them to satisfy the customers. Further, the company focuses on maintaining proper communication which ultimately helps in providing a positive workforce culture among the employees. Marks and Spencer strive to provide a good organizational culture which in turn leads to positive behavior of the individuals. It is seen that the workforce and the employees behave properly within the company. The behavior of the individuals is nourished continuously by a suitable organizational culture. However, it should also be mentioned that when the organization aims for market competitiveness then internal competitiveness grows in the organization. The teams and individuals behavior within the organization is affected by this.

Other than the culture within the organization, politics is also vital affects the behavior of the whole team and each individual within the team (Hochwarter, et al., 2020). This in turn affects the performance of the overall organization. In Marks and Spencer, it can be seen that employees who are not particularly working hard utilize dirty politics for securing their position. In this context, politics refers to an individual's irrational behavior within the organization for gaining an advantage beyond their actual control. The use of dirty politics leads to a negative ambiance within the workforce. Marks & Spencer maintains a particular structure with several of its employees and it is the line manager’s responsibility to ensure smooth functioning within the organization. However, it cannot be ignored that at each level of the company several employees would like to spoil the image of their co-workers in front of others.

Power can be described as another vital factor that affects the behavior of individuals as well as the whole team that ultimately affects the organization's performance. Considering power, it is seen that the amount of power that a team or individual has is directly related to their influence over the organization (Ocasio, 2017). Marks and Spencer’s senior managers have high power also influence over the organization ultimately enabling them to direct their environment within the organization. Further, when a comparatively powerful leader is leading a team, the behavior of the individuals as well as the whole team changes.

M1 Critical assessment of how culture, power as well as politics of an organization can affect the team and individual performance and behavior

To fulfill this criterion critical assessment of how culture, power as well as politics of an organization effects team and individual performance and behavior have been discussed

LO2 Evaluation of how teams and individuals can be motivated for achieving a goal

P2 Evaluation of how content, as well as process theories of motivation, can help an organization to achieve its goals

Motivation is a vital factor that determines the success rate of an organization. Teams and individuals within the company are motivated to achieve the company's goals. Motivation within an organization can be demonstrated via two specific types of theories namely the content theories as well as process theories. The content theories efficiently explain why humans require change over time. Theory X, as well as Theory Y of McGregor's, effectively provides a greater understanding concerning motivation. Theory X affirms that organizational employees do not perform their roles properly due to disliking their jobs or trying to avoid their jobs. On the contrary, theory Y is a contradiction to theory X. Theory Y affirms that the employees are self-employed as well as creative. If the case of Marks and Spencer is considered then it can be seen that the company's attributes and motivation skills are according to Theory Y (Oluwakayode, et al., 2017). Hence, it can be stated that the employees at the organization can be motivated for performing better. In the company, most of the employees are already motivated and are found to appreciate their individual responsibility. These individuals are always highly motivated and perform according to their topmost capability as they feel to be an vital part of the organization. However, some features of Theory X can also be seen at the company as some employees do not take their job roles seriously even after proper motivation.

Another type of motivation theory is motivation due to the process theory. One popular content motivation theory is Porter Lawler Model (Mohanty, 2018). It is a rather complex theory of motivation that states that proper performance leads to job satisfaction that ultimately leads to job satisfaction via abilities and role perceptions. The three main elements of this theory are performance, effort, and satisfaction. At Marks and Spencer, it can be noticed that employees are provided with rewards according to their performance and so efforts reward probabilities are high. The company's motivation strategy of providing rewards based on performance is quite efficient but is recommended that the company includes regular breaks during which the employees can rejuvenate and refresh

M2 Critical evaluation of how others' behavior can be affected through applying behavioral motivation, models, concepts, and theories

To achieve this some content and process theories have been presented along with motivational techniques used at Marks and Spencer.

D1 Critical assessment of the relations between politics, power, culture, and motivation which enables organizations and teams to succeed

For achieving this particular task recommendations for Marks and Spencer have been provided.

Part 2

Benefits of working in a team

Teamwork is a progressively pivotal element of the place of work. There are various benefits of working in a team which ranges from augmented efficacy to developing the environment of the workplace. In this segment of the study, the advantages of working in a group will be discussed in detail.

  • Firstly considering the mix of knowledge it can be said that teamwork helps in fostering innovation within the workplace. Group work operates as a cumulative toolbox since the group associates amalgamate their notions as well as make decisions on their explicit skills. This eludes that they are competent enough to mix the ideas as well as generate additional eye-catching resolutions.
  • Considering the point of aptitudes and experience which is important for the team to attain its roles in a company group work additionally helps in improving the motivation of the team. Proper teamwork might motivate the team to complete the task in the time since they need to help the group and make a payment for their achievements. This might give generation to additional skilful environment work.
  • To make teamwork effective it is also important for the team member to identify their skills that will help in creating a solid team. This usually need a free flow of communication between the teams, proper administration of the time, problem-resolution skills as well as good listening and headship skills (Sanyal, 2018).

Benefits of working in a team as a leader

The headship and group work provides a direct effect on the skills for a company to continue its short-term objectives. It will be important for the team members to guarantee everybody in the group is moving on the right path as well as toiling towards similar objectives. Leaders also play a very pivotal role in having good teamwork as based on their leadership skills the entire team will move in the right direction (Sohmen, 2013). Some of the notable advantages of working in a team being a leader towards the attainment of the explicit goals are leaders usually helps in offering proper direction to the entire team with an intention so that the entire associates of the team are properly fulfilling their functions. A leader within teamwork also facilitates the promotion of important values which creates a better team. Also in the long run these values will help in attaining the group goals and organizational development. Leaders in teamwork also help in resolving the team conflict by offering them correct guidance and helps in developing function at the time of team assignments by assignment the correct work to the correct person in which error will be very less (Fapohunda, 2013).

Two group development theories

The two theories which have been selected to discuss this segment of the study are discussed in detail below.

Tuckman’s Teamwork Theory: Tuckman's hypothesis was initially addressed by clinician Bruce Tuckman in the year 1965. It expressed that groups would have to pass through 4 different progressive phases: Forming, Storming, Norming and Performing. These stages evidently begin when the gathering initially meets and stays until the work closes.

  1. In order to achieve the group goals the first step is forming which provides proper suggestions on initiating a fresh group while another will assist the same to take over an active group.
  2. Storming phase usually shows that team mates starts to look themselves as a segment of the teams. Although in this phase team mate might also face some difficulties with one another and that time tem leaders will have to take the lead to deal with the challenges.
  3. In the norming phase the team mates will begin to meet will also develop process with the help of the team leaders to attain the group goals.
  4. The final phase is related to performing where augmented focal point in provided on both the work as well as in the association with the team. In this stage team work as a pillar to make connection among the all team members (Manager,The Happy , 2022).

Belbin’s Theory: Belbin's thoery proposes that, by comprehending the job inside a specific group, a team might foster their assets and deal with their shortcomings as a group associate, thus further develop how you add to the group. Group pioneers and group improvement experts frequently utilize the Belbin model to assist with making more-adjusted groups (Aritzeta, 2007).

How effective teams relates to at least two concepts or models of OB

In case of Marks and Spenser’s it can be seen the company is always provides additional focus on the development of leadership and team work. Considering this it can be said that the effective team in M&S is usually related to two important models of OB which are Supportive model and collegial model. M&S use supportive model of OB to inspire as well as support the budding leadership within the company. The main intention behind using this model is motivating the workers by means of constructive place of work. However the use of collegial model helps M&S in supporting team work. The general ecology, as well as the organizational culture, should be adjusted to this model as per M&S, where everyone is effectively partaking that just not concerning status and occupation titles - everyone is urged to cooperate to construct a superior association (Guide,Organisational Behaviour Study , 2022).


After completion of this part I have received a very clear idea about the worth as well as significance of effectual teal work. With the various models and theories applied in the study it helped me in understanding in what an effectual team working helps in influencing proper behaviours at the place of work. Also in order to lead a good team leadership guidance also plays a very pivotal role and in addition to that supports the team and the company to achieve the group goals. Last but not least team working also helps in creating bonding among the team which is important for growth of the company.


Aritzeta, A., 2007. Belbin's Team Role Model: Development, Validity and Applications for Team Building. Journal of Management Studies, 44(1), pp.96-118.

Fapohunda, T., 2013. Towards Effective Team Building in the Workplace. Lagos State University.

Guide,Organisational Behaviour Study , 2022. Five Models of Organisational Behaviour. [Online] Available at: https://www.myorganisationalbehaviour.com/five-models-of-organisational-behaviour/ [Accessed 27 March 2022].

Manager,The Happy , 2022. Teamwork Theory. [Online] Available at: https://the-happy-manager.com/article/teamwork-theory/ [Accessed 27 March 2022].

Hochwarter, W.A., Rosen, C.C., Jordan, S.L., Ferris, G.R., Ejaz, A. and Maher, L.P., 2020. Perceptions of organizational politics research: past, present, and future. Journal of Management46(6), pp.879-907.

Sanyal, S., 2018. The Impact of Teamwork on Work Performance of Employees: A Study of Faculty Members in Dhofar University. Journal of Business and Management, 20(3), pp.15-22.

Mohanty, S., 2018. Porter and Lawler’s Model of Motivation: Hypes and Realities.

Ocasio, W., 2017. Organizational power and dependence. The Blackwell companion to organizations, pp.363-385.

Oluwakayode, O., Clinton, E., Stanley, A., and Subi, J., 2017. A review and application of McGregor’s theory X & theory Y in business research. Theme:“Entrepreneurship and the Knowledge Economy245.

Warrick, D.D., 2017. What leaders need to know about organizational culture. Business Horizons60(3), pp.395-404.

Sohmen, V., 2013. Leadership and teamwork: Two sides of the same coin. Drexel University.

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