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Enterprise Network Design And Management

 Introduction-Enterprise Network Design And Management

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 Enterprise networking is the process of network designing of the software. The network design should be logical, virtual and physical. The unique layout and unique structure of corporate networks are referred to as the architecture of enterprise networks. The main objectives of having an architecture of an enterprise network are the availability of networks, increasing the scalability of the network of the enterprise, the performance of the network, affordability, adaptability and the usability of the network. In the following project, it is required to design the network of an application portal system of the school of computing. The management process of the application of the system of student portals of the school of computing is also required to be discussed in this following project. It is required to recognize all the groups of users of the following online application portal of the school of computing. Then it is required to recognize every user group of the following networking system and also their different kind of works in the following networking system.

Students Application Portal

The student application portal is an online application submission form where the students can be able to upload their application form as well as they can be able to check the status of the application (Yisa et al, 2018). The students can be able to see the current status of their application with the help of the student application portal. First, the students are required to sign in or register in the application portal of an educational institute. The students are required to register themselves by providing their details such as name, phone number etc. Then the students are required to enter a password which is required to enter at the time of entering into the online application portal. When the process of registration is completed then the students can apply for a course according to their desire and academic qualification. The student will upload all their educational documents on the website of the educational institute. This is the front end of the online student application portal. In the back end of the student application portal, the staff members of the educational institute will access it. They will upload all the updates and the notification related to the admission system (Zainol et al, 2018). The student will check their current status of admission from the application portal.

Mission Statement

It is required to describe all of the material and the information that the following network platform will keep, as well as their properties, for example, a certification program must have at least adequate attributes such as the name of the undertaken course, grade obtained, year issued, name of school, nation and state are required to issue as well as the period of study. It is required to create flow diagrams in an understandable form to depict the series of events between the system and the users (Helo et al, 2021). For every group of users, this must be known for at least two functions.

Case Study

The School of computing applications is invited from students from all around the globe. There is currently no way for candidates to receive information about the status of their procedure of application to get admitted in the different courses which are available in the school of computing. It is required to develop a tracking system of the processing of applications that is web-based and that will enable applicants to log in and view their current status of applications. An applicant should be able to register themselves or sign in, choose a course, fill out a form of application, upload documents, and apply directly using the system that was built (Koš?ál et al, 2019). Candidates who have previously submitted forms of application must be capable of accessing the site of the online application and examining their whole history of processing their application from submission to completion. This must specify which University entrance person or group of people has made any decision or reached a choice in connection with the application, all the way to the modern state of the application. The following network system must offer a space for approved staff to input information status for all staff members that process the student's online applications, one to be shown to the applicant if he or she signs in with one that can be accessed by those staff who have the authorization (Oduh et al, 2018). Each qualified staff member must be ready to send an application directly from the interface which is intended, without the need to use a distinct social client. The developed system is required to compile a variety of candidates organized by the status of application, level, course and the year the applicant wishes to begin studies or courses in the school of computing.

System Requirements

The online application portal is a website that is used for student applications. The system requirement for the online application portal is as follows:

  1. The students must be able to register themselves in the following online application portal. 
  2. List of courses which are available on the website of the school of computing.
  3. Required documents such as one reference letter, certificate and transcripts for undergraduate courses.
  4. The degree certificate, two reference letters and the certificate related to the English language for the postgraduate courses (Li et al, 2018).
  5. Application checking officer to check the current status of the application of the students. They also check and verify all the documents of the students. They will also identify the student if any of the documents are missing.
  6. The admission officer will accept or reject the notification of the admission of the students.
  7. The admission tutor will consider the application form of the students.
  8. Display the admission forms to the staff.
  9. Waiting for the status of the application form.
  10. More than one staff member to monitor the process of administration.
  11. Checking of the administration of the system. It is required to employ the staff members to check the portal system of the online application form of the students.

Use Case Description

Use case diagram is the system's dynamics behavior (Putra et al, 2021). The functionality of the online application portal along with the actors in the use diagram and the relationship between each of the actors are evaluated from the use case diagram. The students and the staff members are there in the one end of the use case diaphragm. The students are required to register themselves to apply for different courses in the online application portal. The applicants who have already registered themselves in the online application portal will be able to see the current status of the application. The new applicants should apply for the courses according to their choices. They can apply for the new courses, check the current status of their application form, view different courses, and upload the required documents for the course. In the back end of the software, there is contact to the educational institute, view the status of the application form, accept or reject the application form, view if all the required documents are correct or not (Ammirato et al, 2018). If any of the documents are missing, then the staff members will ask the student to upload the missing document. In the backend of the online application portal, there are staff members, an application checking officer, an administration officer and the admission tutors. The admission tutor will consider all the applications of the student and decide on administration. The admission officer will check the relevance of the subject for which the student applied. According to that, the administration officials made the decision.

Use Case Diagram

Figure 1: Use case diagram

(Source: Self-created in Draw.io)

Web Flow with Storyboard

Figure 2: Workflow with storyboard

 (Source: Self-created in Draw.io)

Conditional Web flow

Figure 3: Conditional web flow

 (Source: Self-created in Draw.io)

Information Flow Diagram

Figure 4: Information flow diagram

(Source: Self-created in Draw.io)

The flow diagram of information is used to detect the source of the received information and the sent information. An information flow diagram is used to analyze and display the received information and the source information. In the online application portal, there are the front end and the back end of the following website. The front end of the website will be used by the students or the applicants and the back end of the website will be accessed by the staff member of the educational institute. There are two segments. One is the registration segment where the user will register themselves in the application portal. The students are required to fill up the registration form to register themselves for different computer courses. Then the registration process will be completed and the record of the students will be stored in the datasets of the application portal. From the record of the student, the general transcripts are designed to store the class record of the students. In the generated transcripts, the class records are also stored. From the transcript request form which is also known as the student application or the request form, the transcripts are generated and the transcripts are stored in the class record.


The following assignment designs the network of the school of computing's application portal system. The proper planning of the application of the school of computing's system of student portals is also covered in this following project. It is necessary to recognize all user groups of the school of computing's following online application site. Then it is necessary to distinguish each user group of the following networking system, as well as their various types of work in the following networking system.

 Reference list


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