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Performance evaluation is critical to increasing organisational performance. This is a form of incentive for the staff. Appraisals will provide employees with extra advantages at work. Employees will be driven to offer their all in order to receive this prize. At the same time, they will instil leadership skills in them. It will alert the organisation about the employees' needs (Thibault-Landry et al., 2018). Performance evaluation is simply a procedure that monitors employees' performance in organisations and awards appraisals based on their performance. It truly increases the overall productivity of the organisation. Employee performance provides a major contribution to the organisation and is also beneficial.
This research will be focusing on the case study of JD sports which is one of the leading retail players in the United Kingdom selling sports equipment and merchandise (JD sports, 2022). Analysing the case study will help the researcher to better find out the real life examples to understand the various impacts of performance appraisal strategies. JD sports is not only a key player in the market, but also it has taken significant sustainable initiatives and this also includes performance appraisal strategies to satisfy employees and retain the most potential ones.
The major aims of this research paper are to understand the need and implementation of performance appraisal strategies within an organisation. In order to better understand the most realistic impacts, the research paper will also aim to critically analyse the case study of JD sports and its performance appraisal techniques.
The main purpose of the research will be to provide the audience a realistic idea of how performance appraisal strategies can impact the overall growth and development of an organisation and create job satisfaction for the employees. In the post Covid situation, most of the business organisations are going to drastic changes and it is also affecting the human resources within the company. For that reason, in order to motivate them to accept the change and help the organisation to achieve its aims and objectives, successful performance appraisal strategies must be implemented. This identifies the significance of the research in terms of understanding the impacts of performance appraisal strategies in the current situation.
The main problem of this research is to understand the various kinds of impacts of performance appraisal strategies implemented in JD sports. This will provide a clear concept of the importance and challenges of the strategies.
In this literature review, performance appraisal strategies and their importance in organisation will be mentioned. This review will focus on improvement of organisational performances due to the changes brought into by performance appraisal strategies. A few challenges of performance appraisal faced in organisation will be given importance as well. In order to mitigate these challenges potential mitigation strategies will be addressed. At the same time, a few theories will be attached with the review which will enlighten the concepts of the performance appraisal system. These theories will help to understand the impacts of performance appraisal strategies in various organisations and their structures.
As per Saha (2021) performance appraisal is nothing but a process to monitor employees’ performances in organisations and based on their performances they receive appraisals. It actually enhances the productivity of the organisation all together. Employees' performance is a great contribution to the organisation which actually is helpful as well. According to Carol and Florah, (2019) performance appraisal will provide a review to the organisation about the ongoing performance level of the employees. It will reflect the willingness of the employees to give maximum productivity to the organisation. According to Efendi, (2021, June) at the same time, enthusiasm about the work will be shown by the performance appraisal system.
Defining objectives of the organisation
In order to achieve enhanced productivity in the organisation, it is important to define the objectives to be met. As Islami et al., (2018) says performance appraisal will work out for the organisation when the employees will be aware of the objectives of the organisation. The organisation’s main priority is to enhance the productivity of the organisation. According to Hayati and Sari, (2019, March) at the same time, increased productivity will help them to increase. In order to obtain increased productivity, the employers need to motivate the employees to do their best. As Haralayya (2022) says that increased productivity will ensure the incoming of more revenues. The organisation can use this revenue again to enhance the overall internal operations of the organisations. Meeting such objectives will require few strategies of performance appraisal.
Using peer review
Peer reviews can be a good strategy to introduce a performance appraisal system. Peer review is nothing but comments from the colleagues. According to Baird et al., (2020) colleagues will deliberately provide reviews about the employees.While working together, it will be more impactful to get reviews from them. They will know their colleagues the best. This way the organisation can monitor the performances of the employees very easily. The peer reviews can be submitted anonymously. As per Elangovan and Rajendran, (2021) the feedback form will be supplied from the office or sent to the mailbox. This peer review system will enhance the productivity of the organisation as employees will try to enhance their profiles in front of their peers.
Discussion for the outcomes
As per Elangovan and Rajendran, (2021) another good strategy to enhance the productivity of the organisation, is to arrange meetings on a weekly basis. It will focus on the employee performance appraisal as well. In these meetings, the rate of increased productivity of the organisation will be discussed. Alongside, the outcomes of the projects will be declared in these meetings as per KOTWANI, (2020). Involvement of the employees with the projects will be given much focus. This discussion will lead to a conclusion about the engagement of the employees. The more engaged employees will be, the more will be the productivity. Eventually, according to Varshene and Dass, (2022) the performance of the employees will boost in a significant manner.
Performance appraisal plays a vital role in improving organisational performances. This is kind of a reward to the employees as per Onyeneke. and Abe, (2021). Appraisals will benefit the employees with more advantage at the workplace. In order to obtain this reward, the employees will be motivated to give their 100 percent. At the same time, according to Thibault-Landry et al., (2018) they will develop leadership qualities amongst them. It will notify the organisation about the requirements of the employees. The employees weaknesses and how to overcome the weakness will be known when performance appraisal will be imposed in the organisation. Around the same time, organisations will be able to plan the future ahead knowing the rate of success of its employees as per Varshene and Dass, (2022) .
Identification of strengths and weakness of the employees
With the help of a performance appraisal system, organisations can understand strengths and weaknesses of the employees. As per Zigarmi et al., (2018) the appraisal system will assess various skills of the employees, mainly focusing on the strengths of the employees. The organisation will set a few standard assessments which will calculate and analyse these strengths of the employees. At the same time, Astuti and Amalah, (2020) say that the organisation will get to know about the weaknesses of the employees. Using the same method, organisations will identify the possible areas where the employees lack. They will try to focus on the weaknesses as well to improve the overall productivity of the employees as per Belsito and Reutzel, (2019).
Identification of requirements of the employees
Performance appraisal system also helps to identify the requirements of employees to improve their overall productivity as per Wahyuni and Irawan, (2020). Evaluating the results of the assessments, the managers and human resources department will decide on the training procedures of the employees. According to Zigarmi et al., (2018) the weaknesses marked during the assessment will be improved with the help of these training. For example, if one employee scores low in the communication skills, it will impact on his teamwork as well. At the same time, Belsito and Reutzel, (2019) said that the leadership opportunities of that particular employee will be affected as well. The person may have troubles while building rapport with the other employees. So to improve the other segments, the organisation will organise a training to improve communication skills of the employees as per KOTWANI, (2020).
Development of leadership
The organisation will be able to sense the potential leaders’ presence in the team with the help of performance appraisal assessments. Onyeneke and Abe, (2021) say that the assessment generally provides an indication of the employees who have leadership qualities and development needs of leadership. In order to improve the leadership qualities, the human resources can organise some training sessions for the employees to boost their qualities as per Islami et al., (2018). In order to exercise leadership skills, assessment of performance is very much required for the benefit of the organisation. Good leadership approach can change the vision of the organisation. It can lead employees to a new direction as well as per KOTWANI, (2020).
Succession in planning
Performance appraisal can also work in favour of the organisation while some planning has to be made. According to Islami et al., (2018) while identifying the employees with their strengths and weaknesses, the performance appraisal also provides an outlook into the process of planning. Proper leadership approach will help the organisation to plan the future ahead as well. In the meantime, prediction of the future will be possible if right planning is made.
During the implementation process of performance appraisal strategy, a few challenges may become obstacles for the organisation as per Hayati and Sari, (2019, March). These challenges can hinder the success of the organisation. At the same time, it will have a negative impact on the employees' performances. If the strategies are not implemented successfully, the internal structure of the organisation will be in a turbulent position. According to Islami et al., (2018) personal bias, poor assessment, determining the criteria of performance appraisal etc can hinder the success of the performance appraisal system. Personal bias often can lead to unequal assessment of the performances of the employees. Poor assessment has almost the same effect on employees’ performances. The turnover rate will be decreased as the organisation needs to invest in various boundaries created by the external and internal environment as per Hayati and Sari, (2019, March)
Personal bias
As Haralayya (2022) says that personal bias can be a huge barrier for the performance appraisal system. People often hold grudges against other people. Performance appraisal is basically a strategy to improve the weak points of the employee as per Carol and Florah, (2019). The performances are monitored closely to shape them for the future purposes while providing training sessions, counselling etc. Personal bias can create a huge turmoil when the managers decide to focus on others as they have bias against one particular employee. As Elangovan and Rajendran, (2021) say that this will definitely demotivate the employee after doing hard work and receiving nothing in return. Personalities of supervisors and employees are responsible behind this barrier of the performance appraisal. Creativity of the employees can wash off with this barrier as per Baird et al., (2020) .
Poor assessment
Often poor assessment can also hinder the success of the performance appraisal system. In any organisation, when the performances are assessed poorly, it will have negative impacts on the organisations as per Carol and Florah, (2019). The employers will never get to know the true potential of the employees. The strengths and weaknesses will not be given importance due to the poor assessment of the performance appraisal system. For various reasons, the managers have very little or no knowledge about the characteristics of the employees. Thus they will be assessing very poorly for the employees. This will also create a misunderstanding between the employees and employers as per Elangovan and Rajendran, (2021) .
Deciding the criteria of performance appraisal
As Varshene and Dass, (2022) often it is important before conducting performance appraisal, to decide on the criteria. Often the leaders do not understand which attributes should be given importance. There are various attributes which align with the criteria of the performance appraisal system. In order to evaluate the employees, the managers need to choose proper criteria for performance appraisal as per Belsito and Reutzel, (2019). Due to less or no knowledge about the employees, often the managers fail to do so. This creates a huge problem while assessing the performance appraisal as per Baird et al., (2020) . The managers need to find the correct criteria otherwise wrong judgement can disrupt the system of the organisation.
In order to resolve the challenges faced by the performance appraisal strategy, potential and feasible mitigation strategies should be kept ready. At the same time, it is important to focus on the mitigation strategies to have more impactful results. According to Onyeneke. and Abe, (2021) often the organisation comes up with various issues. Finding the right strategies beforehand to fight off the issues, will save time and energy of the organisation. At the same time, these mitigation strategies will try to improve the situation of the organisation as well. Not only resolving the issues, these strategies should focus on betterment of the organisation and its employees.
Transparent evaluation
In order to avoid personal bias while assessing the performance of the employees, transparency should be incorporated. Personal bias can destroy the possibilities of an employee. While trying to mitigate the problem, it is important to make a board of assessors as per Onyeneke. and Abe, (2021). They will help the organisation to assess employees’ performances. At the same time, it will be easier for the organisation to see a person, from other managers’ perspectives. Other managers will be able to provide transparency while conducting performance appraisal assessment. Transparency will enhance the chances of a particular employee. They will not be a victim of personal bias that happened at the workplace before as per Hayati and Sari, (2019, March).
Training of the managers
In order to mitigate the problem associated with poor assessment of the employees, it is important to train the managers beforehand. It will be easier for the managers to assess the employees as per Hayati and Sari, (2019, March). In the training session, the managers will be made to understand the importance of performance appraisal for the organisation and the employees. At the same time, the efficient ways to assess their performances will be shared with the managers. The managers will be asked to communicate with their team. Communication will grow their rapport building skills and thus they will get to know the true potential of the employees as per Varshene and Dass, (2022).
Choosing suitable appraisal method
Avoiding wrong criteria in the appraisal method will be easier if a proper and suitable appraisal method is selected. Saha (2021) says that managers have to use their skills to choose a productive appraisal method which will be essential for their employees. Inappropriate appraisal methods will serve the employees in a wrong way. The correct ones will have the perfect list of criteria which will assess the employees in the right way. The employees will feel empowered enough when the right appraisal method will be chosen for the organisation. The right one will put focus on the strengths of the employees while trying to reflect on the weaknesses of the employees as well as per Varshene and Dass, (2022).
2.6.1 Social Comparison Theory
Social comparison theory was introduced by Leon Festinger in 1954. This theory actually deals with the belief that every individual can evaluate themselves and assess their own potential. Individuals can easily compare themselves with others and assess their own abilities and can draw conclusions. Later, it was discovered that human beings often compare themselves with others as per Carol and Florah, (2019). Thus they try to evaluate while trying to fulfil their basic desires. Human beings can assess their general behaviours and attributes towards their profession with the help of this social comparison theory.
The same way, it can be applied while trying to assess the performances of the employees at any organisation. Baird et al., (2020) says it will be easier for the employees to compare themselves with their peers. They will get to know about their weaknesses. Carol and Florah, (2019) say in order to get more success in their career, the employees will try to advance their skills so that they also receive the same kind of treatment from the organisation as per Saha (2021). It will actually act as a motivation which will drive the employees to do better at their respective job roles. In the meantime, the employees will receive appraisals when they are assessed in a good way.
2.6.2 Feedback Intervention Theory
Feedback intervention theory was proposed by Kluger and DeNisi in 1996. The message of this theory was that feedback does not serve properly to improve the performance of the employees. Hierarchy decided the goals and objectives of the employees. According to Saha (2021) in various organisations, feedback is an important way to know and assess the potential of the employees. At the same time, according to Haralayya (2022) this theory suggests that instead of helping the employees, feedback can actually disrupt the system while affecting the behaviours of the employees.
As this theory is applied to understand the performance appraisal system, according to Hayati and Sari, (2019, March) it is clearly said that on feedback one can not decide the potential of the employees. Often due to biases, the managers give wrong feedback to employees. While doing peers review, there are chances that a jealous employee may lie about the performances of the employees. The employee will choose his opportunity to grow in the organisation as per Haralayya (2022) .
It is very much important to apply a performance appraisal system to enhance the productivity of the organisation. In this literature review, the importance of performance appraisal systems is mentioned. In order to elaborate the whole scenario, social comparison theory and feedback intervention theory are used as per Belsito and Reutzel, (2019). A few strategies to enhance the performance appraisal system are mentioned here as well. Peer reviews is one of the widely used strategies. Along with it, according to Wahyuni and Irawan, (2020) defining the goals of the organisation can help in performance appraisal analysis. On the other hand, a few benefits of the performance appraisal systems are mentioned. A few challenges that may become obstacles are addressed in this literature review.
This chapter deals with several aspects of the methodology section. It highlights the proceedings and analysis procured utilised by the research for establishing the platform. The concerned chapter of methodology highlights the specific guidelines and regulations that a researcher implements for drawing data and gathering for conducting that particular paper.
As established by Sanders et al. (2009), the research onion demonstrated the alignment of layers of components that needs to be considered and the final draft of the research that is developed (Orth and Maçada, 2021). The research onion deduces that the deductivism approach derives the most precise outcomes in this particular research topic. The acquisition of detailed knowledge helps the researcher develop mixed technologies to serve the precision of the research (de Oliveira Orth and Maçada, 2020).
The research philosophy determines the framework of the research paper. The credibility of the data sources and the specific route of data collection is determined by this methodology (Mir and Greenwood, 2021). The classification of research philosophy can be diversified into axiology, ontology, and epistemology. The philosophical approach revolves around the nature and ground of the knowledge acquired (Hürlimann, 2019).
In this research paper, the researchers have implemented the realism philosophy. The employees' comfort zones and potential that can be drawn can never be selected from mere statistical analysis. It requires physical and personal interaction with each employee to gain precision in communication. These resources are subjectable, so it shows the peculiarities of this research paper (Tesar, 2021). Realism has been able to derive the true essence of this research, and the conduction of this research analysis would be based on an accurate platform (Brister and Frodeman, 2020).
A research approach can be defined as the foundation based on which the nature of the addressed research problem is considered (Bougie and Sekaran, 2019).
The primary reason for selecting the deductive approach was that it gave priority to the demographic and background details of the test subjects and did not worry about the reason or why behind its occurrence. The deductive approach addresses what questions of the concerned research paper (Wagire et al., 2019).
The deductive approach helps in deciphering the true agenda of this research paper (Galati and Bigliardi, 2019). The researcher can also correlate the data collected from primary sources to that obtained from secondary ones, including surveys, reports, and journals. The blend of these prevailing and acquired resources is why the deductive approach is the most durable (Hayashi et al., 2019). These attributes make the deductive approach suitable for analysing the dominance of rewarding appraisals as performance boosters. It effectively curates a line between the human nature of wanting more and a sense of fulfilment in his working potential (Bairagi and Munot, 2019).
The research strategies are those components that unfold the main perspectives of research (Clark and Causer, 2020). It includes the areas such as concentrated research topic and its intended focus, the perspective static for conducting this research, and the techniques or methods for formulating analysis. The selection processes involved in the choice for each of them are also highlighted (Bell, 2020). The qualitative research strategy deals with mostly non-numerical data. The implementation reasons directing the mixed strategy are highlighted in the following section.
The mixed research strategy is directed towards a deductive approach where the non-numerical and numerical data are analysed accurately (Young, 2018).
Research design is concerned with implementing particular techniques to bring out the collected data to use (Dannels, 2018). The researchers have implemented the descriptive research design as it has shown to be most effective. Descriptive research design is renowned for data collection using surveys to obtain a clear picture of the subjects (Bloomfield and Fisher, 2019). The value of these test results is focused on detecting the potential of varied components that might have put the subjects to altering circumstances. It helps answer how, when, and what-related questions concerning the test subjects (Harris, 2019). The researcher can enjoy the benefits of particular acknowledgment throughout the paper's siting and acquire knowledge about the techniques deriving the best outcomes for checking the credibility of data acquired (McNichols and Stubben, 2018).
The flexibility and ability to include multiple factors of relevance is only the reason why descriptive design gained preference (Armstrong and Kepler, 2018).
The data collection method can be defined as one of the defining steps of data retrieval. It includes the mode of resources involved in data collection. It also takes account of the pathways and proceedings leading to final data collection. The types of data collection focused are mainly primary data collection and secondary data collection methods (Clark and Vealé, 2018).
The particular researchers have acquired the mixed data collection method to bring about the paper's authenticity. The choice of the researchers can be backed up by going back to the selection of descriptive design. It will help them conduct the topic's vastness where individual employee perspectives are to be considered to observe the certain pattern of rewarding systems over human working abilities. The primary collection method would thus provide the required subjective analysis while the secondary collection instils factual backgrounds. The most important form of primary data collection involves hunting for data through specified interviews in which the researchers sit down with the concerned subjects (Newman et al., 2019). It also establishes how the entire methodology structure seemingly aligns with this particular method (Viac and Fraser, 2020).The business documents of the particular organisation JD sports showing its peculiar trends also support this manner. The technical and trade journals are imposing ready-made data which can be instituted without time consumption (Flick, 2018).
Data Analysis is considered the concluding step of the methodology section. It involves the specific filtration procedures that the acquired data undergoes to be deemed usable (Mihas, 2019). Quantitative data analysis is considered scrutiny of the particular number involved in participating (Miles et al., 2018). On the other hand, qualitative data analysis holds the researchers liable for cross-checking the nature of answers given by the test subjects. It derives the sources and traces them back to check for authenticity (Bergin, 2018).
The researchers have performed the mixed data analysis method to complete the analysis. The blending of both the qualitative and quantitative analysis brought some of the major factors into consideration. Only a correlation between the specified number of participants and on-spot scrutiny of the responses can derive precise outcomes (Chambers et al., 2018). The primary subjects are the employee-facing productivity issues, and thus the credibility of their grievances and the number of interested respondents are both crucial. The significance of this particular data analysis gains priority due to its ability to multi-function (Elliott, 2018).
The sample size for a particular research paper refers to the number of specific participants involved in providing answers to the questionnaires (Berndt, 2020). Sampling here refers to using a random online survey through which non-intended employees were extracted to perform further inspections. It considers the particular representation of the whole employee strength in this case. It can be denoted that while conducting the online survey, 40 employees responded to the questionnaires provided. In addition, that became the start.Thus, the significance of maintaining a ratio for acquiring homogeneity is discussed (Gill, 2020).
As 40 employees responded to the particular online survey, interviews for primary data collection and the results obtained by journals and papers were adjusted for the same number. The respondent number being 40 refers to the sampling size for this research paper to be 40. The sampling size is thus small for acquiring concentrated and precise data. The small sampling size helps in data management and minimises data loss (Schreier, 2018).
The availability of concentrated data in the secondary data collection might be the first hindrance in this research paper (Roberts, 2018). The researchers' integral realism, deductive approach, and descriptive design might be deemed wrong due to dilution in the prevailing data obtained from other sources in the secondary collection. The data obtained through this method does not doubt its credibility but is not 100% accurate when applied to this scenario. The consistency of data shown by these different papers and journals is also difficult to obtain a homogeneous pattern or an average (Köhler et al., 2022). Further complications appear while adjusting the sample with the concentrated sample size of here 40 employees.
This shortened the sample size with less scope for exploring varied results from a big group of people. This hindrance limits the scope of data retrieval from almost the entire organisation JD sports (Podsakoff and Podsakoff, 2019).
The concerned paper on the effect of appraisals on influencing the entire productivity prediction had scope for both the organisation and the employees. JD sports can alter the mitigations by enforcing particular kinks on appraisals. It also helps them have a clear insight into the amount that has to be dispersed as a hiked salary so that comparable profit margins can be calculated (Gupta et al., 2019).
The employees also have an equal say in challenging the appraisals. They can hold the upper hand against the company as the output of desired productivity lies within their performance. The issue of appraisals is sensitive and often leads to an outburst of strikes and other rebellion. Thus, the authority of employees could also be a scope for future studies (Weible, 2018).
The ethical considerations while conducting this particular research paper are discussed in the following section. The researcher had to adobe fully to the data protection act. Under no circumstances shall the data collected through primary or secondary methods be subjected to unethical agendas (Chen et al., 2021). It will help avoid legal conflicts where individuals might establish that their privacy was breached by implementing their opinion on other research without consent (de Medeiros et al., 2022).
The issue of voluntary participation is given priority. It was made sure that the subjects are in no way pressurised or threatened to participate in providing data. The consents were informed elaborately to avoid any judicial bindings. The results and communication were to be presented formally upstage with intended subsidiary motives (Mujtaba, and Mahapatra, 2019).
In this section, the entire timeline is jotted down for viewing the research proceedings from a systematic point of view. The following Gantt chart shows how the researcher will perform each and every step of the research from time to time.
Steps |
1st & 2nd Week |
3rd Week |
4th and 5th Week |
6th Week |
7th and 8th Week |
9th Week |
10th Week |
11th & 12th Week |
13th Week |
Finalising topic |
Detecting aims and objectives |
Methodology implementation |
Analysis of techniques |
Data collection designing |
Data collection technique implementation |
Finalising data analysis through secondary data collection |
Research proceedings |
Verification |
Finalising the drafted research |
Gantt Chart
(Created by author)
3.14 Summary
The particular study deciphers the methodology section with special attention to the justification of each selected method. The study also considers the hindrances that delayed the publishing of the research paper. The ethical implications are considered to avoid in future analyses. The other sections associated with the methodology section, including research philosophy, research approval, research design, and others, are supported with particular justification for their necessity.
Assignment help in London refers to the service provided by tutors, experts or online platforms that assist students in completing their academic assignments.
In order to find results of success of the performance appraisal system, it is important to analyse the data available. For this purpose, primary and secondary analysis bothe are chosen. Primary analysis is the actual analysis of research data. Generally this process helps to analyse primary data in order to support or reject a hypothesis while answering all the questions based on the study. Also, secondary analysis is given equal importance here. Secondary analysis refers to the analysis of previously available data to understand the importance of research study. Here both of the methods are used to understand the success rate of the performance appraisal system in JD sports.
Options |
Percentage of response |
No. of Responses |
Total no. of respondents |
22-32 |
37.50% |
15 |
40 |
33- 45 |
12.50% |
5 |
40 |
45-60 |
50.00% |
20 |
40 |
Table 1: Age
(Created by author)
Chart 1: Age
(Created by author)
A questionnaire was set for surveying 40 random employees of JD Sports. They were asked their ages amongst which, the maximum number of employees are either in the age group of 22-32, (37.50%) or is from the 45-60 age group, (50%). From this, it can be stated that JD Sports especially welcomes youngsters for their business as they are young and is capable enough of executing physical work and can contribute wide paced ideas and on the other hand, the business prefers those who have crossed their age of 45 as they are experienced and can ideally deal with challenges without chaos.
Options |
Percentage of Responses |
No. of Responses |
Total no. of Respondents |
Male |
70.00% |
28 |
40 |
Female |
25.00% |
10 |
40 |
Others |
5.00% |
2 |
40 |
Table 2: Gender
(Created by author)
Chart 2: Gender
(Created by author)
From these responses, it is clearly evaluated that JD Sports have a higher amount of male workers compared to the female. Although businesses are suggested to maintain gender equity from this survey it can be seen that the male workers occupy 70.00% of the organization whereas only 25.00% of female workers are there. But noticeably, the business has 5.00% of employees who are referred to like others. Although amongst these 40 random respondents, they have claimed that the business prefers male employees over females as they firmly believe that they are more competent than female workers.
Options |
Percentage of responses |
No. of Responses |
Total no. of Respondents |
6 months |
20.00% |
8 |
40 |
More than 3 years |
12.50% |
5 |
40 |
More than 5 years |
50.00% |
20 |
40 |
More than 10 years |
17.50% |
7 |
40 |
Table 3: Working period
(Created by author)
Chart 3: Working period
(Created by author)
When the employees of JD Sports were enquired about their work years with JD Sports, 50% respondents responded that they are with the business for more than 5 years. Whereas, the percentage of beginners or people working with the business for only 6 months are proving that the business has an active procedure of hiring new employees as the beginner's percentage is 20. Apart from that, the rest 17.50% of employees have been working with the business for more than 10 years and 12.50% for more than 3 years.
Options |
Percentage of responses |
No. of Responses |
Total no. of Respondents |
Yes |
50.00% |
20 |
40 |
No |
37.50% |
15 |
40 |
Not sure |
12.50% |
5 |
40 |
Table 4: Benefits from the company
(Created by author)
Chart 4: Benefits from the company
(Created by author)
JD Sports are providing benefits to their employee base like health benefits which has been agreed by 50% of the 40 respondents whereas 37.50% of the respondents have talked about not receiving any benefits from the business. They have commented that providing health benefits only is not enough. Benefits include not overburdening an employee and deprivation of payout which is often faced by the employees. Although 12.50% of employees were not sure about the concept of benefits but they have concluded that as the business is multinational, the employee base faces extreme work pressure which is tiring and the business does not provide proper leave days.
Options |
Percentage of responses |
No. of Responses |
Total no. of Respondents |
Yes |
37.50% |
15 |
40 |
No |
35.00% |
14 |
40 |
Neutral |
27.50% |
11 |
40 |
Table 5: Job Satisfaction
(Created by author)
Chart 5: Job Satisfaction
(Created by author)
The random group of respondents being 40 in number mostly responded that they are happy with their job role. When 37.50% of respondents said they were satisfied with their job role, 35% said they are not. Although the margin can be identified to be differed by only 2% their dissatisfaction has reasonings. When they were asked their reason, they commented that the business failed to treat its employee base with dignity and self-respect. Apart from that, as per the designation, the payout is inappropriate. Apart from all of this, the business does not opt for two way communication but one way which often creates a communication gap between the manager and the employees. However, 27.50% of the respondents remained neutral.
Options |
Percentage of responses |
No. of Responses |
Total no. of Respondents |
Strongly agree |
20.00% |
8 |
40 |
Agree |
37.50% |
15 |
40 |
Neutral |
7.50% |
3 |
40 |
Disagree |
25.00% |
10 |
40 |
Strongly disagree |
10.00% |
4 |
40 |
Table 6: Appraisal strategies contributing organisational development
(Created by author)
Chart 6: Appraisal strategies contributing organisational development
(Created by author)
Out of 40 respondents, 20% strongly agreed to the fact that appraisal strategies do develop and shape an organizational growth. But the ones who said these could not provide supporting statements whereas 37.50% of respondents who agreed to the statement claimed that this employee analysis is a necessary procedure which helps the business in understanding which employee to keep and whom to terminate. 3% remained neutral as they lack knowledge about the concept whereas 10 - 25% of respondents disagreed and strongly stated that through appraisal strategies, glitches in the analysis might occur which may lead to unnecessary termination of an employee.
Options |
Percentage of responses |
No. of Responses |
Total no. of Respondents |
Yes |
50.00% |
20 |
40 |
No |
32.50% |
13 |
40 |
Not sure |
17.50% |
7 |
40 |
Table 7: Self-improvement through the company’s appraisal strategies
(Created by author)
Chart 7: Self-improvement through the company’s appraisal strategies
(Created by author)
Majority, 50% of respondents have noticed self-improvement due to appraisal strategies whereas 32.50% have not noticed anything. 17.50% were not sure about outlining any behavioural changes within.
Options |
Percentage of responses |
No. of Responses |
Total no. of Respondents |
Yes |
30.00% |
12 |
40 |
No |
37.50% |
15 |
40 |
Not sure |
32.50% |
13 |
40 |
Table 8: Work value
On Each Order!
(Created by author)
Chart 8: Work value
(Created by author)
37.50% of respondents have commented that the managers do not value their work as they expect more from that whereas 30% claimed that their managers value their work.
JD sports is a British retail company who is focused on sports-fashion mainly. In order to improve their productivity the organisation has decided on a few employee appraisal strategies.
Continuous feedback
One of the recent employee appraisal strategies of the organisation is to encourage continuous and more feedback for the employees. The feedback will help the employers know about the engagement of the employees (Ayd?n and Tiryaki, 2018). At the same time, JD sports puts emphasis on conversations between managers and employees. So that managers can easily recognise the poor performers of the organisation. This continuous process will keep the poor performers in check and the managers will be able to help them. In order to help them ,the human resources department can organise some training processes as per the requirements of the employees (Elfakhery, 2020).
Focus on employee development
Another great employee appraisal strategy taken by JD sports is to focus on employee development. The organisation understood that developing the employees will be impactful for the organisation (Belsito and Reutzel, 2019). They do not have to recruit new candidates which often costs a lot of money and kills time as well. While making a strategy for employee appraisal in the organisation, upskilling the employees is an important gesture. The managers should focus on the employees to understand their requirements as it is important to provide them equal opportunities to upskill themselves. It will eventually motivate the employees and employees will focus on their job roles as well (Elfakhery, 2020).
Empowering teamwork
Teamwork is a good way to build rapport with colleagues and to enhance the productivity of the organisation. In order to get success in employee appraisal, JD sports has devised a new strategy to empower teamwork. Successful implementation of teamwork strategies will provide more rewards and benefits to the members of the teams (Rubin and Edwards, 2020). Other than working solo, to motivate employees to join a team, the organisation has decided to give them rewards eventually. As teamwork brings more profit to the organisation, the managers are motivating team members to work in a group. Team performance will actually create a competitive environment and employees will try to enhance their performances.
Employee appraisal strategies in JD sports actually enhanced the performance of the organisation. In order to understand the impacts of these strategies on the operations of the organisation, the growth of the organisation is noted.
Enhanced productivity
These strategies actually helped the organisation to improve productivity rate. Due to the appraisal system, more employees in JD sports are feeling motivated (Maley et al., 2020). At the same time, rewards for group projects are actually giving them enthusiasm to do something better in a group. Teamwork is also enhancing the overall productivity of the organisation. In the meantime, these strategies are giving enough room to the employees to upskill themselves. The organisation is taking responsibilities to train them for their betterment. The employees are learning and then utilising their knowledge (Lin and Kellough, 2019). All of these strategies are actually giving more room for growth and in turn productivity is boosted.
Healthy work environment
Employee appraisal strategies in JD sports are actually helping to create and promote a healthy work environment. As the employees are getting rewards to do projects in a team, it is creating a healthy competition within the team (Pereira et al., 2020, February). Employees are learning from each other and identifying their shortcomings. Managers are also able to come to a conclusion and provide them necessary help. At the same time, the help offered by the organisation is actually making employees learn more. After learning they are able to reflect their knowledge in their work. This is also creating a healthy work environment where innovative ideas are being celebrated.
Development of leadership
Due to proper implementation of employee appraisal strategies in the organisation, leadership skills are being developed amongst the employees (Babagana et al., 2019).. The managers can sense the development of leadership. Leadership skills are quite important in corporate life as it will give enough room for growth. The development strategies taken by JD sports for the employees, actually can identify the strengths and weaknesses of the employees. In the meantime, it is important for the organisation to note down the strengths of the employees and find traces of leadership skills. On the other hand, group projects are also helpful to find leaders amongst the employees. The managers have to look out for the potential in the employees.
Like every other organisation, it is important to identify the potential challenges while implementing an employee appraisal system. In JD sports, while implementing employee appraisal strategies a few barriers tried to hinder its success (Lin. and Kellough, 2019).
Poor assessment
One of the challenges dealt by the managing bodies of JD sports is poor assessment of the employees. Often less knowledge and no knowledge about the employees lead to the poor assessment. Ignorant managers often assess the skills of the employees in a poor way. The results of this poor assessment can be devastating. The employed do not receive acknowledgement for their hard work in the organisation (Babagana et al., 2019). At the same time, often they do not get the opportunities they require to do better in their careers. This also negatively impacts the progress of the organisation. JD sports has witnessed slow growth because of the poor assessment strategies of the employees.
Time and cost
Time and cost both are the most important challenges to come across while implementing employee appraisal strategies. In order to enhance the productivity of the organisation with an employee appraisal system, the organisation needs to focus on requirements of the employees. The human resources department has to go through the profiles of the employees of JD sports. They have to assess every employee based on their performances (Pereira et al., 2020, February). This costs a huge investment of time. In the meantime, to upskill the employees , JD sports needs to arrange some training sessions. It also costs a huge fortune to train the employees who are not good performers.
Lack of competence is another huge challenge faced by JD sports while trying to implement strategies of performance appraisal. Often managers exhibit poor leadership. Often the wrong choice of leadership approach can devastate the system in the organisation. The decision of the managers often lead the organisation so their incompetence can have huge negative impact on the organisation (Rubin and Edwards, 2020). At the same time, the competence of the managers can really shape the process of the appraisal system. Incompetency of the mangers can destroy the opportunities of the employees. On the other hand, the productivity of the employees hinder as well.
4.4 Summary
chapter 4 of data findings and analysis, dealt with primary and secondary data analysis where a questionnaire was provided for a better understanding along with its responses, which were evaluated and analyzed. Moving forward after analysing the survey, the case study of JD Sports was analysed by considering it as secondary data which has revealed that employee leadership abilities are being developed as a result of the correct application of employee assessment techniques in the organisation along with other important factors.
The appraisal system in JD sports is the main topic of the discussion. In order to analyse the data received, primary and secondary analyses are done. Understanding the impact of the appraisal system in an organisation to boost productivity, a survey is done with the employees of JD sports. A few questions are asked to the employees and the findings are quite amazing. At first the age was asked and it was concluded that youngsters are the main employees of JD sports (Lin. and Kellough, 2019). They are chosen mainly because of their open mindedness and capability to do more physical work. At the same time, the gender was asked and it is witnessed that mostly male workers are there. As per the belief of the organisation, males are recruited often as they are more competent than the women employees. The next question focuses on the duration of work with the organisation. Around 50 percent employees are with the organisation for more than 5 years and JD sports is trying its best to retain them as employees. 50 percent of the employees agree that the organisation is willing to offer everything to develop their skills. This question also had an answer where 37.50 percent did not agree with this. The next question focused on the satisfaction level in JD sports. Around 37.50 percent said yes and 35 percent said no to the question. As per their knowledge they did not receive enough help from the organisation. JD sports have not done anything specific to help them in their growth. The next question focused on the appraisal strategies and its impact on the organisation. More than 50 percent actually agreed to the point that proper implementation of employee appraisal strategies can enhance organisational development. They feel that employee analysis is very important to understand the strengths and weaknesses of the organisation (Wahyuni and Irawan, (2020). Self improvement was given priority in the next question. Around 50 percent people agreed that employee appreciation strategies will help the employees to focus on self development. Next they asked about the motivation provided by the managers. 37.50 percent of the employees thought that managers did not give much value to their work while 30 percent said good things about the managers. They felt that managers motivated them enough to perform better in JD sports. All of these questions were asked as a part of primary analysis of the research. Primary analysis generally deals with the real sets of data (Elfakhery, 2020). The entire research will focus on the employee appraisal strategies of JD sports and its impacts on the employees. Continuous feedback along with employee development strategies and teamwork care the most mentionable strategies used by JD sports. At the same time, these strategies actually enhanced the productivity of the organisation while ensuring a healthy work environment for the employees. Leadership skills are developed amongst the employees. A few barriers are noticed as well when the organisation tries to implement employee appraisal strategies. Poor assessment, increased time and cost structure and lack of competence can work as barriers to the organisation (Maley et al., 2020).
Chapter 6: Conclusion and Recommendations
The first objective was attained in the data analysis chapter of this research paper. Performance appraisal is critical to increasing organisational performance. This is a sort of bonus for the staff. Appraisals will provide employees with extra advantages at work. Employees will be driven to offer their all in order to receive this prize. At the same time, they will cultivate leadership traits in them. It will alert the organisation about the employees' needs. When performance assessment is implemented in the organisation, the employees' deficiencies and how to overcome them will be understood. At the same time, organisations will be able to prepare for the future by knowing the success rate of their personnel. Organizations may identify their employees' strengths and shortcomings with the use of a performance assessment system. The assessment method will evaluate numerous talents of employees, with an emphasis on the individuals' strengths. The organisation will establish a few standard evaluations that will compute and analyse the workers' strengths. At the same time, the organisation will learn about the employees' flaws. Organizations will use the same strategy to discover potential areas where employees fall short. They will also aim to focus on the employees' deficiencies in order to increase their overall productivity. A performance assessment system also aids in identifying staff needs in order to increase overall productivity. The management and human resources department will decide on staff training programmes after evaluating the outcomes of the assessments. These training will assist to improve the deficiencies identified throughout the exam. For example, if one employee has poor communication abilities, it will affect his teamwork. At the same time, the employee's possibilities for leadership will be impacted. The individual may have difficulty establishing relationships with the other employees. To strengthen the other parts, the organisation will provide a workshop to boost employees' communication abilities.
Objective 2: To understand the impact of performance appraisal in improving organisational performance
The second objective was discussed thoroughly in the literature review chapter of this research paper as well. Performance appraisal is simply a procedure that monitors employees' performance in organisations and awards appraisals based on their performance. It truly increases the overall productivity of the organisation. Employee performance makes a significant contribution to the organisation and is also beneficial. The performance evaluation will give the organisation a review of the workers' ongoing performance levels. It will indicate the employees' commitment to maximising production for the organisation. At the same time, the performance rating system will demonstrate a passion for the task. It is critical to specify the objectives to be accomplished in order to attain increased productivity in the organisation. When employees are aware of the organization's objectives, performance assessment will benefit the organisation. The primary goal of the organisation is to increase its production. At the same time, higher production will assist them in growing. Employers must inspire employees to achieve their best in order to enhance production. Increased productivity will result in increased income. This income can then be used to improve the organization's overall internal operations. Meeting such goals will need only a few performance evaluation techniques. Peer reviews may be an effective technique for implementing a performance evaluation system. Peer review is nothing more than remarks from colleagues. Colleagues will provide evaluations regarding the personnel on purpose. Receiving feedback from them while working together will have a greater impact. They will be the most familiar with their coworkers. This allows the organisation to simply track the performance of its staff. Anonymous peer evaluations can be submitted.
Objective 3: To identify the challenges during the performance appraisal strategy implementation
This third objective was highlighted in the data analysis chapter as well. A few issues may arise throughout the implementation phase of the performance evaluation plan for the organisation. These difficulties might jeopardise the organization's success. At the same time, it will have a detrimental influence on the performance of the personnel. If the plans are not properly executed, the organization's internal structure will be in disarray. Personal bias, inadequate evaluation, setting performance appraisal criteria, and other factors can all stymie the performance appraisal system's efficacy. Personal prejudice can frequently contribute to uneven evaluations of job performance. Poor evaluation has almost the same effect on employee performance. As the organisation invests in various limits imposed by the external and internal environments, the turnover rate will drop.
Objective 4: To outline the mitigation strategies for the challenges faced during performance appraisal strategy implementation
The fourth objective was outlined in the literature review chapter. Potential and realistic mitigation methods should be maintained on hand in order to address the issues confronting the performance appraisal plan. At the same time, it is critical to concentrate on mitigation methods in order to achieve more significant results. Various difficulties arise often inside the organisation. Finding the correct ways to combat difficulties ahead of time will save the organisation time and energy. At the same time, these mitigation methods will attempt to improve the organization's status. These strategies should not only focus on fixing challenges, but also on improving the organisation and its workers.
This research paper which has been based on analysing the influence of performance appraisal strategies on organizational development based on the case study of JD Sports, would help other researchers who would be aspiring of continuing their research on this same topic. On the other hand, this research paper would help businesses to understand the importance of performance appraisal strategies which might encourage them to replace their traditional ways of conducting employee assessments.
The research subject, performance appraisal strategies, although has a lot of information regarding the ways it can be conducted but lack of information can be identified when the outcomes of the implementation are searched for. Similarly, clear data were not available on the benefits gained the JD Sports after they have implied the strategy onto their business.
6.4 Recommendation
It is recommended that instead of using social comparison theory, the downward comparison theory would be much more precise for application. The downward comparison theory inspires an individual to compare their own selves fate with the ones who are less fortunate which brings in gratitude and the courage of working more for balancing their own’s fortunate. As self-development and growth directly contribute to organizational development, this model is recommended.
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