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People And Computing Assignment

Introduction - People And Computing

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Computers are one of the greatest innovations in model modern days, which have the capability to work in any field and maintain higher efficiency. However, there are also some concerns related to illegal activities and unethical practices through computer and commercial AI, which leads to addressing through regulations and legal frameworks.

“Computer Misuse Act, 1990”

CMA, 1990 is dealing with unethical and unauthorised modification and access to personal data (Legislation.gov.uk, 2022a). The CMA, 1990 make some certain activities illegal which are as follows:

  • Unauthorised access to computer material, which refers to hacking activities.
  • Unauthorised access to computer material such as destroying or stealing computer data, devices or networks is declared illegal (Bbc.co.uk, 2022a).
  • Unauthorised modification of personal data in a computer through malware and spyware is also declared as illegal through this act.
  • The MCA also makes misuse of computers for supplying, obtaining anything is illegal (Bbc.co.uk, 2022a).

Potential Benefits

Computer ethics is efficient to protect personal information and commercial data as well as other information such as payment information from unauthentic access and provides opportunities to increase the efficiency of digital technologies (Timmers 2019).

In the period of industry 4.0, the application of computer and digital technology has increased with online activities. The growth of the digital world is also several activities such as the protection of individual personal data from predation. Breaches of privacy data, thefts of identity, creative work and uses of pirated software without any licence have increased which reduces acceptability and adaptability of computers and "commercial artificial intelligence".

Application of CMA 1990

According to Timmers (2019), to resolve these issues there is a need to introduce computer ethics so that it can protect individuals and commercial organisations from illegal activities.

“Copyright, Design and Patents Act, 1988”

This act is focused on protecting the creativity of individuals as well as businesses (Legislation.gov.uk, 2022b). Individuals creative work on writing computer programs and others own copyrights. The application of this activity is focused on preventing software privacy and copyrights of other activities.

  • Protection against software piracy, by illegal download or distribution (Bbc.co.uk, 2022b).
  • Prevents usage of software without a licence
  • Protects against intellectual property theft like designs, written text, work and others
  • Restrict usage and downloads of creative content without the consent of the holder of the copyright (Bbc.co.uk, 2022b).
  • Prevents illegal downloading of files

Potential Benefits

Ethics in commercial artificial intelligence provides protection to intellectual property and creative works of individuals which can prevent an authentic modification of theft of creative work from computers. Moreover, it is also effective to prefer the uses of copyright material by others through issuing copyrights on any copied or unauthentic uses of content such as plagiarism which prevents copying written text.

Application “Copyright, Design and Patents Act, 1988”

Artificial intelligence has been applied to cyber security, where it protects technology devices from unauthentic access. This user behaviour and network to indicate and credit security alerts and help to prevent theft of intellectual properties stored in computer. 

“Data Protection Act (DPA), 2018”

DPA 2018 refers to implementation of the "General Data Protection Regulation" (GDPR) in UK legal frameworks, which provides fair and transparent uses of personal data and restricts unauthorised data access or uses. “Data Protection Principles" are the usage of data "fairly”, “lawfully” and “transparently”. This legal framework provides stronger protection to sensitive information and data regarding "biometrics", "trade union membership", "religion beliefs", "sex life or orientation" (Gov.uk, 2018). DPA 2018 also provides some certain rights such as ownership of data, such as providing access through permission, erasing or modification of personal data, portability of data and others. DPA 2018 provides an "automated decision-making process" as a right, which directly promotes artificial intelligence and automatic technologies (Gov.uk, 2018).

Potential Benefits

Implementation of this framework into computers enhances computer ethics which provide certain benefits and protections to individuals and commercial organisations. Computer ethics ensure effective security and accessibility of technologies to people to maximise the efficiency and capability of commercial organisations (Sarker, Furhad, & Nowrozy 2021).

Application of DPA 2018

AI is applied to maintain the confidentiality of personal data and information from cyber-attacks and provides opportunities to increase the efficiency of digital technologies. As per Sarker, Furhad, & Nowrozy (2021), AI-driven cyber security is efficient to protect systems and devices from others as well as sensitive information without any human intervention.


Legal frameworks such as DPA 2018, CMA 1990, and the copyright act 1988 exclusively declare illegal and unethical activities, which is being considered by commercial business organisations to increase ethics in computers as well as technologies.


Bbc.co.uk (2022a). Computer Misuse Act (1990). https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/guides/z8m36yc/revision/5

Bbc.co.uk (2022b). The Copyright, Designs and Patents Act. https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/guides/z2w6tfr/revision/3

Gov.uk (2018). The Data Protection Act.https://www.gov.uk/data-protection#:~:text=The%20Data%20Protection%20Act%202018%20is%20the%20UK's%20implementation%20of,used%20fairly%2C%20lawfully%20and%20transparently

Legislation.gov.uk (2022a). Computer Misuse Act 1990.https://www.legislation.gov.uk/ukpga/1990/18/contents

Legislation.gov.uk (2022b). Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988.https://www.legislation.gov.uk/ukpga/1988/48/contents

Sarker, I. H., Furhad, M. H., & Nowrozy, R. (2021). Ai-driven cybersecurity: an overview, security intelligence modeling and research directions. SN Computer Science, 2(3), 1-18. https://www.preprints.org/manuscript/202101.0457/download/final_file

Timmers, P. (2019). Ethics of AI and cybersecurity when sovereignty is at stake. Minds and Machines, 29(4), 635-645.https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s11023-019-09508-4

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